Authorities of the National Institute of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Nutrition (INDEN) Dr. Jorge Abraham Hazoury Bahlés School and Dominican Diabetes Society (Sododia) made an alert call to the Dominican population about the increase in diabetes, making a special calledTo women, within the framework of the August celebration: Diabetes Month, which is celebrated with this year's motto "Women and Diabetes: We have the right to a healthy future."

In a meeting with the press headed by doctors Ammar Ibrahim, general director of INDEN, Aurea Mota, medical director of Inden, and José Rodríguez, president of Sodody, stressed that diabetes is a silent disease, which is affecting thousands familiesDominican, or import geographical location or social class.They also pointed out that worldwide more than 415 million people suffered diabetes, of them about 200 million are women, and it is estimated that by 2040 the number of people with diabetes will exceed 642 million, fromThey are more than 313 million women.

The doctors highlighted the importance of the authorities of health, education and other entities committed to the care of women, take the role of raising awareness about the risks that of every woman especially with family history of diabetes, which begins pregnancy in overweight or obesityIt is at risk of gestational diabetes.They urged that "every pregnant woman with some of these characteristics should be carried out a glucose oral tolerance curve when her pregnancy turns 20 weeks."

The authorities of the Inden and Sododia also make an awareness call "about food, sedentary lifestyle which causes obesity as children, youth and adults, often triggering diabetes."

According to hospital statistics, the increase in obesity in minors has been amazing in recent years, and an important percentage of these obese children and young people are debuting with type2 diabetes, since obesity is an important cause of theType2 diabetes.

“Worldwide, in 2015 diabetes deaths were more than 5 million surpassing deaths from HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.Currently one in two adults with diabetes does not know that he suffers it, ”said the Inden authorities during the meeting.

Similarly, the Inden called on people with diabetes to maintain their treatment continuously to avoid complications of the condition.According to INDEN statistics, ketoacidosis (which is one of the acute complications of diabetes) is in frank increase in recent years, which can be for one of two reasons: people have diabetes and do not know, or know thatThey have diabetes but do not take the right media to avoid complications.

The call made it on the subject of “August: Diabetes Month”, an opportunity in which the hospital reinforces its commitment to train doctors and nurses free of charge teaching various courses with expert facilitators in the area, including “XIV annual basic courseof updating in Diabetes Mellitus for nurses of hospitals and primary care centers ”that will be carried out from August 2 to 4 and in the“ Annual Basic Course of Diabetes Mellitus update for doctors ”, which will be taught from 7 to 11 ofAugust.

In order to strengthen the education of their patients and to grant them support on complications, the Inden summons their children and young debutants to the camp for children and young people on August 18 and 19, where information about nutrition in diabetes will be offered, talk about ophthalmology, emotions management, care, diabetic nephropathy, among other issues.

Also, adults are invitedto the annual coexistence of people with diabetes on August 26, where they will have talks, dynamics, healthy food and where they will share experiences with the other guests.

The INDEN has the permanent mission to alert society in general about the importance of time detection of high levels of glycemia and that is why it will be present with a team of specialists doing investigations, in various shopping centers.

In addition, the doctors Juana Reynoso, Diabetologist and Diabetes and Rosa Fernández Residence Coordinator, Coordinator of the Ophthalmology Residence were also present at the meeting.