Innovative drugs have reduced diabetes mortality by more than 30% in the last two decades and, in addition, they have managed to increase the life expectancy of these patients in more than a year, as Farmaindustria reported by alluding to various studies.

Precisely, the investigation of the new treatments for the control of the disease will be one of the main issues that will be addressed since this Sunday at the X World Congress on Diabetes Prevention and its complications, which will be held in Edinburgh (KingdomUnited).

"The growing volume of innovative treatment options already offers patients with diabetes a better glycemic control, less quantity of pills, simpler administration mechanisms, less frequent injections or simpler daily routines. They are notable advances for coexistence with the diseaseAnd that improve the quality of life of the patient and favor the reduction of mortality associated with this pathology, "recalled the pharmaceutical employer.

In addition, medicines currently under development for diabetes and related conditions (more than 170 in different research phases in 2016) point to an "even more promising" future, since it is believed that new cellular therapies and immunotherapies could provide a possible possiblecure of the disease in the coming decades.

Cell therapy implies the insertion of pancreatic cells that synthesize and secrete insulin to regulate blood and replicate the function of patient's pancreas.These new options provide more acute treatment and reduce the risk of long -term complications.