The race is organized by the Diabetes Zero Foundation, with the collaboration of the City of Padul and the Diputación de Granada with the aim of raising funds for the investigation of type I diabetes.

The deputy of Sports and Electronic Administration, Purification López, said Tuesday during the presentation of this sporting event that "will be a special day" to practice sports "in family and in a solidarity way."

For his part, the mayor of Padul, Manuel Alarcón, has highlighted the importance of "instilling sport at an early age in an increasingly sedentary society and helping between all to eradicate a disease such as type I diabetes, which mainly affectsto children and young people, and their families, and who have a high risk to health. "

The II Solidarity March against Diabetes raises four tours to adapt to the physical condition of all the people who want to participate.

The Mammoth route (8 kilometers of low difficulty), the route of the saber tooth tiger (yellow route of 10.5 kilometers of low -medium difficulty), the route of the crosses (12 kilometers blue route ofMedium - high difficulty) and the route to the saddle (13 kilometers of high difficulty).

The participation has a cost of 7 euros and the registrations can be made until September 11 or until the 1,500 registrations are completed, through the Global-Tempo page, in the Sports Office of the City of Padul, Sports Delphior with the members of the Delegation in Granada de Diabetes Zero.

The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. and at 9:00 p.m. will take place in the Padul Municipal Tent, as well as the dinner carried out by the volunteers and "friendship chefs" to later complete alate-night full of concerts and performances.