Worldwide, the trend indicates that more than 70% of people with diabetes do not achieve the objectives proposed with the professional.In Argentina, diabetes affects one in 10 people over 18 years old

The World Diabetes Day is celebrated every November 14 and a global awareness campaign is carried out in response to the alarming increase in diabetes cases in the world.Its main purpose is to disseminate the causes, symptoms, treatment and complications associated with the disease, betting on education and information such as a pillar in prevention.

The global trend indicates that most patients with diabetes fail to meet the objectives proposed by the professional.This happens, according to specialists, by two factors: one doctor and another sociocultural.

With respect to the medical factor, according to the specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition Adrián Proietti (MN 102.548), the procedures are usually only focused on the diagnosis and pharmacological treatment of the disease, with little suitable instruments.To this is added a distant follow -up by the patient.

This year's motto on World Disease Day is "Women and Diabetes: our right to a healthy future"
In turn, he said that there is a sociocultural factor, because the resistance to the change of habits of people with diabetes is very strong towards a healthier, less sedentary life and with a balanced diet."There is constantly an invasion of food and customs that encourage sedentary lifestyle and consumption of sugary," he emphasized.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are currently 422 million people with diabetes and in Argentina, the disease affects one in 10 people over 18.

Nutrition medical Virginia Busnelli (MN 110351) remarked that "until recent times type 1 diabetes was almost the only form of presentation of this disease in children, but current studies report a marked increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes inChildren and adolescents, presenting themselves more frequently between 10 and 14 with predominance in the female sex. "

For the Medical Director of CRENYF and member of the Argentine Society of Nutrition (SAN), "85% of children and adolescents with type 2 diabetes suffer overweight or obesity, the increase in weight being the greatest risk to suffer from this disease in thisage group.

Everything indicates that the best way to prevent type 2 diabetes is to avoid obesity from an early childhood and even before in women of fertile age
And in accordance with the motto presented this year the World Disease Day ("Women and Diabetes: Our right to a healthy future"), Busnelli considered that "everything currently indicates that the best way to prevent type diabetes type2 is to avoid the appearance of obesity from an early childhood and even before in women of childbearing age and in the general population, for which it is essential"

Busnelli emphasized that "during the last years an environment that poses in four fundamental pillars was generated in children."And listed:

1- The family (genetic predisposition, excess weight in parents, malnutrition and lack of time to cook, inexperienced caregivers).

2- Decrease in physical activity (lack of sports activities, less game areas, scarce outdoor game through insecure streets for our children, high availability of electronic games, computers and screen hours).

3-Food: Children base their diet in industrialized foods and favored by the great advertising of hypercaloric foods that constantly stimulate them audiovisually generating a high consumption of industrial bakery that usually have a high content of fats, sugars, salt, etc.They also abuse sugary drinks, can quickly have snacks on vending machines and consume excessively the famous fast food.

4- The sociabilization around food was completely lost, the schedules are no longer respected, losing the food routine, skipping meals, there are different menus for each diner who sits at the table.

In accordance with the medical team, it is important that the person with diabetes adopt healthy eating habits
Thus, it is estimated that between 70% and 80% of people with diabetes in treatment fail to achieve the objectives set by the professional."In the last world congresses, there is already talk of implementing an integral method for diabetes patients that include a nutritional, psychological, sociological and sports look - said the medical director of the IDTA specialized center." The integration of the various medical branches provides andDetects how the patient develops daily, performs tasks, how he behaves with his body to reduce the negative impact of the environment on the disease. "

In accordance with the medical team, it is important that the person adopt healthy eating habits, perform daily physical activity and lead a more active life.This should also be adopted in people in prediabetes, when blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not so high as to consider diabetes.In general, a patient who has overweight, who has risk factors and has relatives diagnosed with diabetes, is prone to suffering from it.
To do this, Proietti, who is also former Diabetes International Coordinator of the Italian Hospital, recommended five key foods for people with diabetes:

1. Tomato: Fresco, in sauce, in juice, liquefied or as concentrated seasoning (dressing).It has little amount of carbohydrates and is low in calories.

2. Legumes: beans, chickpeas, lentils and peas.They are low glycemic carbohydrates source.They provide proteins and iron.In addition, they are an excellent source of fiber, potassium and magnesium in habitual food.

3. Dark green leafy vegetables: chard, spinach, watercress, arugula.They practically do not have carbohydrates, they are fiber source and vitamin A.

4. Fish rich in omega 3: salmon, sardines, mackerel, jurel, herring, tuna.The type of fat they contain is basically anti -inflammatory, which is beneficial for its effects on diabetes, hypertension, triglycerides and arthritis.

5. Nuts: nuts, almonds, chestnuts, peanuts.They provide very few carbohydrates, high fat content of good quality and proteins.They are source of minerals (calcium, potassium and magnesium) as well as vitamins of group B. When there is overweight, the portion must be controlled since they are hypercaloric foods.

And finally, Proietti gave a series of recommendations for risk -free exercise.

- Perform 30 minutes daily of physical activity.

- Make a collation before starting the activity.

- Always start slowly even if you feel fit.

- Always carry rapid action hydrates (glucose, candies or drinks with sugar) and be alert to the signs linked to possible hypoglycemia during exercise or several hours after the activity.

- Permanent hydration.

- Use appropriate means of natural fibers (cotton) and good shoes, that is comfortable, comfortable, hold your foot well andAllow good ventilation.

- Consider the schedule and place of application of insulin.