Mábel Vargas discovered 15 years ago suffering from the disease.How did you discover it, what are your symptoms, how is it, what could you do so as not to suffer it?

“I never thought it would be diabetic.When losing 10 kilos of weight and noticing that I was deteriorating my vision, I began to suspect that I suffered from the disease, ”Mábel Vargas replied with resigned voice, to the question I asked about the discovery of his illness, about World Dayof diabetes.

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which blood sugar levels rise above normal, a condition that can bring serious complications, disability and death.Also read: one in 11 adults suffers diabetes in the world.

This 50 -year -old Barranquilla discovered that he suffered from the disease, ago 15, when motivated by his suspicions he decided to go to the doctor.

The fasting blood test was taken.While in the results sheet he said that a number between 70 and 100 mg/dl (milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood) would indicate normality, on one side was 250 mg/dl that confirmed that he had diabetes.

On his symptoms, Mábel says he had water constantly, but thirst was not removed."In addition, I lost weight due to the elimination of liquids."

And, in effect, diabetes "can produce polydipsia (abnormal thirst increase), polyuria (excessive urinary expense), polyphia (uncontrollable feeling of hunger) and weight loss", as explained by Eudaldo Villa, internist doctor of the Metropolitan Universityfrom Barranquilla.

In addition, he indicated that when blood sugar levels are very high, this can generate dizziness, excess of sweating, headache, discouragement, nausea and vomiting.Also read: one in 11 adults suffers diabetes in the world.

Why did you give diabetes?

Despite having a family history, Mábel did not prevent the disease."We ate what everyone ate at home, we didn't think about taking care of us," he said.

50 years ago her mother, Yolanda Gómez de Vargas, discovered that she was diabetic, like several of her family.30 ago, so did his sister, Mayamil Vargas and, only seven ago discovered Mara Vargas, another of her sisters.The four live with the disease and every day they learn more about the care they must have.They know that as long as the indications of their doctor follow, they can lead a normal life and they do so.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas can no longer produce insulin (hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels) or when the body cannot make good use of what produces.

“It can occur by genetic predisposition, obesity, physical inactivity, infectious processes or the consumption of certain medications.Those who suffer from hypertension also have the risk of their blood glucose level rising, ”said Villa, who for nine years has exercised as internist, attending people with diabetes, among other pathologies at the Santander Herrera Hospital in Pivijay,In Magdalena.

For diabetes there is no age

In a statement released by the Origami Communications Agency, with the slogan "Together with Diabetes", they explain the three ways in which the disease occurs.

There is youth diabetes or type 1, the one that occurs in both children and young people and is characterized by total insulin absence.This due to an autoimmune reaction that attacks the pancreas cells, which are responsible for their production.Although, it can also influence genetic predisposition. You can read: they teach children to cope with diabetes.

The one suffered by Mábel Vargas is the adult type 2 diabetes.Here insulin is present, but the body cannot use it correctly, which is often a consequence of excess weight or inactivityphysics.Usually it occurs after 45 years, but it can occur in youth and even in childhood.

And as if that were not enough, the disease can also occur in pregnant women, with the name of gestational diabetes.This corresponds to high blood sugar levels that are detected in pregnancy.

According to Álvaro Márquez, an endocrinologist of the National University of Colombia, “obesity influences the risk of diabetes in pregnancy and if it is not properly treated, it increases the risk of complications for the mother and the baby, such as childbirthPremature, excessive weight of the baby at birth, problems in labor, excessive presence of amniotic fluid and arterial hypertension in the mother. ”Read also: Luis González, the 10 -month -old boy who weighs 28 kilos.

What if it gives me, what do I do?

"I attend my controls, in which my insulin, a diet and medications to regulate the pressure, because diabetes causes me hypertension, according to the doctor who serves me," said Mábel Vargas, who also must walk adaily hour.

According to Villa, the treatment depends on the type of diabetes suffered by the patient and his blood glucose levels.

“If they are low, in type 2 diabetes, initially a diet is indicated for three months.If it is not controlled, hypoglycemic drugs (which reduce the glucose level) will have to be placed.For youth diabetes, insulin supply is required, ”he explained.

The most important thing is to be applied with the treatment indicated by specialists, because this disease has no cure, it is only controlled.Also read: the cost of poorly managed diabetes.

Diabetes is not alone

Mábel Vargas before could see perfectly.However, since he suffers from diabetes he sees his silhouette in the mirror, but not his factions.After living years without needing glasses, you must now use them permanently.

He did not suffer from hypertension and, now he must bear the strong headaches they give him when the tensiometer (tools to measure blood pressure) marks 110/150 mmhg, that is, when he has the high pressure, according to his doctor, associated with thediabetes.

And, to complete, a diabetic neuropathy in my legs was recently diagnosed: "I fall asleep. I have circulation problems. For this they sent me therapies." Fortunately, it is already better.

It is that blood with high sugar levels is progressively damaging blood vessels from different parts of the body and if this is not stopped in time, and properly, it can bring serious consequences.

From causing renal damage, which can lead to dialysis, ocular damage and even total loss of vision, increased risk of suffering a heart attack, to amputations of the lower limbs.

The disease is delicate, but does not surrender.Remember that this happens when diabetes is not treated in time or properly.

So what do I do to prevent it?

"Maintaining a healthy diet, performing the fasting glycemia exam at least once a year and doing physical activity," are the recommendations of the internist Villa.

Take care because when you suffer from diabetes there is no turning back and do not forget that Mábel Vargas didn't think the disease would suffer. You can read: lentils, a shield against diabetes.

She, her mother and her sisters are part of 7% of the Colombian population that lives with diabetes.That is, there are four of the two million one hundred thousand people who suffer from it, according to the “epidemiological analysis of diabetes in Colombia”, made in 2015 by the Annals of Global Health.

However, you should know that according to this study it is estimated that one in two people with diabetes does not know that the disease has.

As for diabetics in the world, the International Diabetes Federation determined that,In 2017, there are about 400 million patients with diabetes.It is estimated that by 2040 there will be more than 600 million.