Diabetes in Argentina has a prevalence rate of 9.8 percent in over 18 years, among which is Rodolfo Barrera, a 56 -year -old man who had to learn to live with the disease.

In Argentina there are about 300,000 type 1 diabetics, a disease considered world epidemic, since it affects 382 million people and it is estimated that by 2035 that figure will increase 20 percent.

Rodolfo, employed in the deposit of an industrial hardware store in Buenos Aires, told Xinhua what his life is after having been diagnosed diabetic four years ago.

"A few years ago I began to feel few strength on my legs, I had cramps and decided to go to the doctor with my lady," the Argentine said days after World Diabetes Day, on November 14.

"Before going, without knowing and having a lot of thirst, I consumed a lot of orange juice and bananas, for potassium, to fight cramp. But each orange is equivalent to 10 tablespoons of sugar," he explained.

"When I arrived at the doctor, he gave me on the 380 sugar dial and the pressure was high. The immediate diagnosis was that it was diabetic. The background had it for my dad," he recalled.

Since then, Rodolfo began making a diet with a nutritionist and taking medicine to graduate the insulin intensity that may be in the body.

"I had to alter all my diet, change the portions. And once a week, at times after those of a meal, I take glucose levels. It is a slight puncture in one of my fingers. The information is electronic and givesThe level on the screen, "he explained.

"Since diabetes came to me, I did not extend it to the family," he said.

"If there is a birthday tomorrow, and there is a cake, a dessert, I have no problem, on the contrary. Just as at the time I did with the cigarette, which I left it a few years ago, I can handle it," he said.

"If there is a good dessert, I can suppress it, I can have a yogurt from a certain brand or coffee," Rodolfo said.

The same, he said, happens with meals in general: "I am more selective and try to regulate the portions."

Man is also a pastry fan, who cooks with knowledge: "They can be pastry products, a chocolate mousse, which are now for the family."

In the case of Rodolfo, he explained, the key aspect "is in excess weight. It should lower between 20 and 25 kilograms."

"There are thin diabetics, and there the genetic load is more important. In my case, if you regulate food, lower sugar, blood pressure and stop taking medication," he said.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that is characterized by high blood sugar levels (glycemia) and can damage arteries and some organs.

If not properly, these levels reach excessively high values, giving rise to complications such as damaging eyes, kidneys, nerves, skin, heart and blood vessels.

"Glucose is a sugar that comes from the food we eat, circulates through the blood and is used by the body to obtain the necessary energy to develop any type of work," the Ministry of Health explains.

"The cause of diabetes is an alteration in the production or functioning of insulin by the pancreas," he adds.

Type 1 diabetes generally begins before the age of 30.Its treatment requires following an adequate food plan and the application of insulin injections.

Type 2 diabetes is its most common form.It usually occurs after 40 years, consequence of overweight, obesity, poor diet and lack of physical activity.

The World Diabetes Day Theme 2017 is "Woman and Diabetes: our right to a healthy future."