The World Diabetes Day is celebrated on November 14.Today there are more than 425 million people in the world who present this disease, which means that one of each eleven suffers, and that the current growth of diabetes indicates that in 2030 it will already be 522 million of the world population whoThey suffer.

Although there are several types of diabetes that we know and diagnose today, we basically classify them in two: type 1 diabetes with which patients are already born and in which symptoms usually appear in childhood;and type 2 diabetes that is the most frequent and that appears throughout our lives for different circumstances (obesity, age ...) of the previous figures, almost 90% are cases of type 2 diabetes, curiously the type that in a large wayWe can and must prevent.

In their prevention, the family plays a fundamental role, which is the closest nucleus from which the risk factors that can be modified to avoid or delay their appearance can be addressed.It is very important that all people with diabetes and their families can have access to diabetes education and receive continuous support for the patient to reach the self -control of the disease, which will result in a lower emotional impact due to the presence ofThe disease, and in a better quality of life of the patient and his family.

The indicated figures indicate that all families, or are already affected by the disease, or will be most likely in the short medium term.That makes the work of health professionals especially important for their diagnosis, since one in two people currently presents diabetes is not diagnosed.Diagnosis and early treatment are key to preventing complications and getting better results with treatment.To make this early diagnosis possible, the knowledge of the signs, symptoms of the disease is important, and what are the risk factors that predispose for their appearance.Their symptoms can be mild and not even be noticeable, so it can go unnoticed.The most frequent are excessive thirst, frequent urination, the feeling of tiredness or lack of energy, a feeling of blurred vision, the slow cure of the wounds, or the numbness of feet and hands.

Health professionals are screening with the population that can present the disease, for which we try to identify as soon as possible, the so -called risk factors.The existence of overweight or obesity in an individual, must already put us on alert, and seek if there is one or more of the following factors: first -degree relatives with diabetes;Personal history of cardiovascular disease;hypertension in treatment or without it;C-HDL figures (the so-called good cholesterol lower than 35 mg/dl and/or triglycerides greater than 250 mg/dl; patients with diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome; sedentary lifestyle; women with a history of diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes);

Diabetes is very expensive for the individual, his family, and the whole health system.We cannot ignore that, in many countries, the cost of insulin injection and the daily control of blood glucose (amount of blood glucose) can mean half of the average income of a family, and that regular access to essential medicinesFor diabetes it is out of reach in many cases.But not only is his approach to the individual and family only economically, but he has an immense cost of the quality of lifeof the patient.On access to medicines and diabetes care, it is also necessaryEarly the disease, which basically consists of an adequate diet and the performing of daily exercise.

Their complications are well known, although sometimes we do not relate their origin to this disease.Diabetes is the main cause of heart disease, stroke, blindness, renal failure and lower limb amputation.The treatment of all these complications consumes the vast majority of the health resources of a country.This makes the claim that prevention is better than healing.If we can prevent the appearance of diabetes through regular physical activity, with a healthy and balanced diet, and by promoting healthy life environments, we will be saving resources to our health system.

Achieve it, and at the same time, make families play that key role, requires having resources for diabetological education today;of a healthy environment and lifestyle;and of a sanitary system, conveniently gifted, and with professionals trained in this area.All these aspects complement each other.It means having to invest today to avoid a greater expense tomorrow.It seems that World Diabetes Day begins to make visible the importance of the problem that stops its growth represents.It has been promoted by the Spanish Diabetes Society, the celebration on November 14 in the Congress of Deputies, of an informative and informative act for Spanish parliamentarians.Hopefully it will serve to make all political groups aware of their importance, and that act is not limited to a simple opportunity to take a commemorative photo and then turn page.

But let's not hope that public representatives do everything.Let's do our part in a task that must be joint.Let's take advantage of this World Diabetes Day to: Increase social awareness about the impact that diabetes has on the family;to know that the patients need the support network;Promote so that from primary and specialized care offices, it deepens the early diagnosis and the correct therapeutic approach;the importance of pharmacy offices in the Council in Diabetes, Nutrition and Exercise;and for the administration to facilitate the necessary resources to stop the exponential growth that this disease has today.

Preventing is always better than healing.And it is also cheaper.