There is no doubt that it would be a more complex pregnancy for the mother and the baby, but perfectly possible to take it to a happy term, through strict pre-management control.

It is that all women of fertile age who want to have a pregnancy have to carry out an adequate handling of their risk factors, whether diabetic or not, because when they decide to have a child they must have corrected the factors that could lead to gestational diabetes.

With this explanation, Dr. Jeddú Cruz Hernández, clinician, a specialist in endocrinology at the Diabetic Center of the National Institute of Endocrinology, and who insists on the importance of improving the health of women before pregnancy, in particular when particular whenIt is about preventing or living in a healthy way with diabetes.

«In pregnancy there are two large groups of diabetes: the pre -estational, in those women who already suffer from the disease before becoming pregnant, and gestational diabetes, which is a disease of pregnancy, that is, a diabetes that appears during pregnancy»The specialist said during the IX Cuban Congress of Endocrinology and III Congress on Reproductive Health in Diabetic Women, Saredia 2017.

In the case of the former, he said, the ideal is that they receive care before becoming pregnant, to improve their gestational results;And in the case of gestational diabetes, we can act on the risk factors of this disease to avoid its appearance.

With strict control it can be achieved that gestation takes place at the same time for them that in women who do not present the disease, and even reduce the risks of associated morbidity in the child and in the mothers themselves.

In that sense, the interviewee stressed that an essential issue is own attention during pregnancy.For this, Cuba has preconception risk monitoring programs and specialized services in women with diabetes, distributed throughout the country, which present excellent results.

Likewise, Dr. Cruz Hernández explained, “it is necessary to understand that women who have had gestational diabetes consequently have a higher risk of diabetes.Therefore, this problem does not end after the baby's birth, but extends to postpartum, and it is recommended that these women adhere to a healthy lifestyle to avoid the appearance of type II diabetes ».

Similarly, the expert said, you have to work with the mother's son with diabetes, which has an increased risk of diabetes for having trained in a hyperglycemic breast.It is recommended that since childhood they are fed healthy, and that they practice physical exercises.One of the first measures to avoid childhood obesity and lead a healthy lifestyle is that they receive breastfeeding, which also prevents the appearance of type I diabetes, he said.

«Complicated pregnancy with diabetes is known that it is associated with important obstetric risks and bad perinatal results, especially if women do not receive adequate treatment during pregnancy and are treated by specialists in the field.Hence the importance of the self -control of the disease ».

Among these complications, the expert mentioned fetal macrosomia, that is, children born very large for their gestational age, which leads to women suffering from obstetric complications, as a higher caesarean section, with the risks that this surgical practiceimplies;greater postpartum bleeding, metabolic decompensation for both her and the baby, among other causes that endanger the life of the mother and child.

When analyzing diabetes in pregnancySpecialist mentioned that there is a progressive increase in gestational diabetes, because in the female population of fertile age there is an increase in the risk factors of this disease, such as gestation in advanced ages, and the fact that thewomen get pregnant with excess weight.Working on modifiable risks before a pregnancy is decided, doing it with the right weight, and an optimal metabolic control of the disease, would solve much of the problem of gestational diabetes.Prevention, he said, remains the fundamental action.

In recent days we rejoiced the news that, among the indicators that had contributed to exhibiting today the lowest infant mortality rate in history, was the fact that the perinatal death had decreased to less than 1 % and for congenital malformations inThe son of a diabetic mother.In addition, maternal death by diabetes in our population had been eliminated.

Numbers that speak of an intense work of health professionals, but who must go every day accompanied by each person's self -care.In the control of chronic noncommunicable diseases, in particular of diabetes mellitus - which constitutes in accordance with the 2016 Statistical Health Yearbook the eighth cause of death in Cuba, and is one of the pathologies that pays for the main causes of death, fundamentally brain and cardiovascular diseases - the lives of many people are decided.