In the search for an improvement in care for people with diabetes and, therefore, the control of their pathology, the Spanish Diabetes Federation (Fede) and the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (Semergen) have agreed to elaborate aMap of good practices in diabetes currently carried out in Spain.

The objective is to identify those initiatives, in primary care, which stand out for their quality in the monitoring of people with diabetes.

In this sense, Andoni Lorenzo, president of Fede, stressed that "to ensure that our National Health System (SNS) evolves towards better chronicity management, we must go hand in hand with health professionals who attend people with people withDiabetes on a day -to -day basis.

"Good practices are synonymous with early diagnosis, narrow monitoring, effective approach and long -term reduction"
For his part, José Luis Llisterri, president of Semergen, has indicated that "it is importantEffective approach and reduction of long -term complications, and we have the duty to recognize those family medical professionals who facilitate attention, improve control and reduce complications. "

This initiative is part of the annual renewal of the framework agreement that both entities have maintained for years and that, on this occasion, it seeks to value the role of primary care doctors as key agents in improving the quality of life ofPeople with diabetes.

This process will begin at the beginning of 2018 and it is expected to end in May.During these months, both organizations will apply an evaluation protocol to identify good practices.As regards Semergen, this work will be carried out by its territorial delegates and, as regards Fede, this work will be coordinated by Dr. José Antonio Saz, a member of the Fede Assembly and president of theFederation of Diabetics Associations of Aragon (Adaaragón).Finally, between the months of September and October, both Fede and Semergen will announce the map of good practices in diabetes in their respective national congresses.