Whole grains reduce the risk of diabetes 2, obesity, cardiovascular disease and probably colorectal cancer, according to the International Consortium of Carbohydrate Quality (ICQC).

The ICQC, reports the University Rovira I Virgili (URV), is a global committee formed by outstanding nutrition scientists, including researchers Jordi Salas and Mònica Bulló, of the URV.

Integral cereals, such as those found in bread, pasta and rice, are important sources of dietary fiber, nutrients and phytochemicals.

Scientists highlight the importance of consuming two daily rations (16 grams of dry weight per ration) of whole grains, since this amount has been associated with health benefits.

The consensus declaration also adds that the consumption of whole grains should be promoted with a low glycemic index.

This panel of experts also highlights the need to inform all professional health sectors about the healthy properties offered by whole grains.

In addition, they highlight the importance of informing about the content of whole food cereals, promoting and encouraging their consumption among the population and raising awareness of the food industry to use them.