David Yera debuted in Jaén after months adapting his body to a pathology detected in preseason.

It is from Tauste and one of the greatest promises of futsal not only Aragonese, but national.A young value for polishing such as Tabuenca, Forga, Diego Sancho or Adrián Pereira.

This summer he returned to his land wanting to eat the world and become a hole in the First Division after his passage through Elpozo Murcia, a team with which he debuted in the elite in Ferrol.

But the diabetes crossed his way, at age 19, and slowed his adaptation.Today he smiles, but he did it in Jaén last Saturday when, finally, he premiered with Emotion Zaragoza football.

«On the first day of preseason we were in the park running and I found myself wrong.I was dizzy and the night I had vomited before.I told Hector (Gadea, physical trainer) and told me to stop ».

He went to the doctor, but he was diagnosed gastroenteritis.The treatment was based on Aquarius and Coca Cola.Quite the opposite of what I really needed.They made an analytical and the sugar came out in 416, more than triple the maximum that he should have in blood.During his admission to the hospital he lost eight kilos.Suddenly, Yera had type 1 diabetes.

It then began a complicated path, both physical and mental.Anyone is affected by diabetes, but in an athlete it is necessary to take special care for the intensity of physical exercise, since it promotes excess energy consumption and body reserves.

To this we must add the problem of assimilating glucose to generate such energy and store it.The solution is the well -known insulin inject treatment, a new routine that has to follow five times a day (breakfast, food, snack, dinner and before sleeping).

In addition, the medical body of Emotion can control the player's sugar level by Bluetooth thanks to a patch that is wearing.As if that were not enough, so that I can play, the club had to ask for a special permission since insulin is cataloged as a prohibited and doping substance.

The main risk in a high -level athlete such as David is "the risk of a hypoglycemic crisis", which is solved "providing glucose quickly or, in more extreme cases, applying a glucagon injection," explains Gorka Giraldo, doctor of the doctor, doctor of the doctorclub.

In addition, he adds, «Diabetes also acts on the metabolism of proteins, hindering the recovery of amino acids and its construction, as well as having to use existing ones as a source of energy.This affects the structure and conformation of the different cells and tissues, weakening them ».Thus, it continues, there is the possibility of suffering "more intense bruises or having more fragility in order to suffer muscle injuries."

Nacho Fernández or Frazier

And that was precisely what happened to him.Guillermo Ibáñez, physiotherapist of the team, told him that he was going to injure and not only once, as well as his body "went from functioning like a gasoline to being a diesel", so an adaptation process is required that already alreadyI knew I was going to last for a few months.First he had a breakage in the quadriceps.Then it was an ankle sprain in a lance in a training and, finally, suffered another small break in the hamstrings.

«It has cost me quite psychologically because I did not expect it.It has been difficult for me and it has cost me to assimilate it, but it is still chronic with what you can do normal.You just have to be careful with the sugar, food and rest enough hours, ”says the wing.

In addition, it also does not hide concern, because diabetes is a known reality, but it is not the same to suffer in your own meats: «It is something that happens in real life and happens to people, but you don't give importance.When it happens toYou is when you worry.I was whipped, with friends I had some cup ... now nothing.Not like any sugar or take any alcohol, but it is very good for sport and more now that I am in the First Division, ”says the Aragonese player.

It was not easy to get ahead.Yera is before his first opportunity in the elite and found a diabetes that he did not want and limited him until he adapted.The light at the end of the tunnel saw her in Jaén last Saturday, when she debuted and, in addition, giving Esteban assistance in the third and final goal: «I am fine and enjoying what I like the most.The debut was a moment of exciteYou exciting ».

Of course, he warns, "Now that I have debuted I am very happy, but I can not relax."David Yera knows that diabetes is not the end of the world.A boxing legend like Joe Frazier is diabetic, just like Nacho Fernández, Real Madrid player.Its premiere is only the first stone of a long and brilliant way to go in room football and in the elite living with its already inseparable diabetes.