The Diabetes Conference, more than sugar will be in charge of putting the brooch, next Wednesday, to the first edition of the Healthy Talk cycle that started last September in As Pontes.The person in charge of providing the last session will be the Pontese Laura Cotovad, a specialist in Endocrinology at the University Hospital of Ferrol (Chuf).

-The title that has chosen leads us to think that we reduce diabetes to sugar.Is that so?

-When someone asks if he has diabetes many times tells you no, he only has a little sugar.It is essential to give importance to what this pathology and its complications imply.It is more than having a little sugar in the blood.The long -term consequences are many if we do not address it and treat it properly.

-What is that lack of concern about its effects?

-In my opinion, there are still many people who do not know exactly what it is, nor the consequences it has because it does not give symptoms.Having high sugar is not perceived, but in the long run it causes complications such as ischemic heart disease, renal failure or retinopathy.It is there when people aware that they have diabetes, but the problem must be addressed before.We have to emphasize the treatment and the need to take care of because half of the people who have diabetes do not know they suffer from it.

-What other complications can it derive?

-Basically, it affects all the vessels of the organism therefore generates vascular complications, in large vessels such as the heart, brain circulation and legs, also causing amputations.Also in vessels that are smaller such as kidney, eyes or nerves.These are the complications we know as microangiopathic.They are the most important, but it is also related to the incidence of some types of cancer, with dementia or fatty liver.Every time it is evident that diabetes has more consequences that are not just those of vascular damage.

-How do we revert it?

-Newing the disease is fundamental.As long as there are diabetes and we will not be aware of it, we will not be able to put a brake.From there, prevention based on diet and exercise is key.Trying to reduce obesity is the first since it is the fundamental cause of diabetes.Once we have those routines, we must undergo periodic glycemia controls with the header.

-Where will you emphasize on Wednesday's session?

-In the effects.I want the public to know what it means to have diabetes and what complications you can develop if you do not take care of yourself.The truth is that you have to make an effort to have healthy eating and introduce regular exercise in the day to day, but you have to do it because otherwise the consequences will come.We will talk fundamentally about prevention.

-Because not doing so ...

-Two thirds of diabetes patients suffer from a sick cardiovascular and that appears 14.6 years before.What we want is to prolong your life with the highest possible quality and for this you have to prevention.So if diabetes appears it will be controlled since its inception.

-What incidence is among the youngest?

- With the predominance of obesity and sedentary lifestyle, the age of the diagnosis is going down and we are seeing it in increasingly young people.The age of onset is much earlier.