Protecting the heart of cardiovascular diseases depends, to a large extent, on maintaining healthy lifestyle habits that include balanced food and exercise.

Several studies indicate that a person's emotional state can positively influence their cardiovascular health, contributing to extend their life expectancy.In this way, affective links with the couple, friends and family are essential for those who live with some chronic disease such as diabetes, because feeling dear can help them better adhere to their treatment and carry this condition with a positive attitude.

Therefore, on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of Love and Friendship, this February 14, medical experts remind patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) the importance of taking care of their heart, since if they do not have 2 they have 24 times more likely to suffer a myocardial infarction, peripheral arterial insufficiency or a stroke (embolism) with a little encouraging recovery prognosis, these being the main motifs of emergency, hospitalization and disability.

Dr. Araceli Díaz, a specialist in Endocrinology, indicated that those who live with DM2 should lead a healthy lifestyle to avoid or prevent in the long term the development of complications such as blindness, kidney disease and amputation of their limbs.However, many of them are unaware that the main challenge of treatment is not only in the control of their glucose (sugar) levels in the blood, but also that of other factors such as overweight, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, forIn this way to achieve a reduction in cardiovascular mortality generated by diabetes.

Despite the close relationship between DM2 and cardiovascular diseases, he said that unfortunately one in two adults is not diagnosed and, of which, between 50 and 70% they do not reach their glycemic objectives.This has caused the attention of worldwide diabetic complications annually ascending 727 billion dollars, while in Mexico costs higher than 7 billion dollars have been reported.

Also, almost everyone does not know that their heart can be at risk and only 3 out of 10 relate infarctions to DM2.“Half of diabetes deaths are due to heart -related diseases, in addition to the life expectancy of patients with high cardiovascular risk is reduced between 6 and 12 years.Therefore, as soon as possible, a treatment with adequate medications begins, these and other harmful and expensive complications can be prevented, ”said the specialist.

He indicated that protecting the heart from diseases that generate damage, depends large, reduce stress.Also, never abandon the treatment prescribed by the doctor, which may include the taking of state -of -the -art oral antidiabetics that in addition to controlling glucose levels provide additional benefits in the reduction of cardiovascular death in patients with diabetes.

He argue that this drug, developed by the Boehringer Ingelheim-Eli Lilly alliance, belongs to the generation of inhibitors of the sodium-glucose-type transporter type 2 (ISGLT2) which, unlike traditional antidiabetics, facilitates the elimination of glucose throughUrine together with the loss of calories and salt.“The benefit of heart protection with oral antidiabetics had not been described before this ISGLT2, which opens new perspectives in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the searchto improve the quality and expectation of life for the nearly 13 million Mexicans living with this condition. ”

Finally, the endocrinologist recalled that the heart is a wonderful bomb that provides the necessary force so that, through the circulatory system, blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all corners of the body.“It is very important that people with DM2 protect this vital organ.One way to do it is to know him and have a good relationship with him, since if he does not work well, he will not be available to offer love to his loved ones. ”Therefore, on this Valentine's Day, control diabetes, take care of your heart and go to your doctor.