The Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of the Hospital Complex of Navarra has led the creation of the Navarra Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (Senna), based at the College of Medical of Navarra.

The aims of this society are to promote health in this area;enhance the prevention of endocrinological diseases (including diabetes and obesity, as well as nutritional alterations);Promote and organize all kinds of scientific, care, social, preventive and teachers;contribute to the continuing formation of its members;and advise health authorities in the field of endocrinology, diabetes, nutrition and obesity.

The new scientific society was born with a provisional board of directors, chaired by Luis Forga Plenas, head of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service in the Hospital Complex of Navarra, and which is also formed by Amelia Marí Sanchís (Vice President), Sonsoles Botella Martínez (Secretary), Ana Irigaray Echarri (Treasurer), María Dolores Ollero García Agulló (Vocal of Endocrinology) and Estrella Petrina Jáuregui (Vocal of Nutrition).

This Provisional Board will remain until the Assembly of Partners takes place, which will be held within the framefrom Navarra.

SENNA is open to doctors of any specialty that have an interest in the implementation of the purposes of society and develop, or have developed, their professional practice in any facet of endocrinology, diabetes, nutrition or obesity.

As explained by Luis Forga, "it is about gathering doctors who share common professional concerns in an association that promotes the continuous improvement of quality in endocrinology and nutrition and acts as an interlocutor (and advise when necessary) with the general population andWith the Ministry of Health. "

One of the issues that concern Senna is the information that is transmitted to issues of the specialty in social networks and the media."We must ensure that information is truthful," they say.