Spain is the second country in the world, behind the United States, with more amputations of lower limbs because of type 2 diabetes, which prevents the normal healing of wounds.

This is a fact that, as explained by the Coordinator of the Diabetes and Obesity Group of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI), Javier Ena Muñoz, during the XII Meeting of Diabetes and Obesity of the organization, implies that diabetes isThe most frequent cause of non -traumatic amputation of the lower limb in Spain, since seven out of ten cases are due to this pathology.

There are many diseases associated with this pathology, among others, the so -called diabetic foot, one of the most frequent complications suffered by patients with type 2 diabetes and that causes the appearance of infections that can progress to gangrene and amputation.

Between 24 % and 40 % suffer as diabetes associated with diabetes, which represents the progressive loss of kidney filtration capacity, "which has an impact on patients with diabetes and kidney disease have a higher risk of sufferingcardiovascular complications, such as the stroke or the death of cardiovascular cause, while conditioning the selection of drugs that can be administered to treat diabetes, "the doctor argued.

During the meeting diabetes has been addressed in advanced ages patients, since they are usually "more fragile" when controlling the disease and the rest of pathologies that can accompany it such as, for example, heart failure, myocardial infarction,renal or dementia failure.

According to this expert, in some cases hypoglycemia can accelerate the severity of dementia or cause the presence of arrhythmias even reaching death.Therefore, he stressed the importance of carrying adequate control of diabetes, since otherwise elderly patients who are especially tired may also present visual alterations and falls.

Similarly, the meeting has been addressed at the issue of obesity, the most prevalent metabolic disease in the world and which is currently one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality.In fact, the increase in fat consumption in the diet and a more sedentary type of life has led to, in the last 20 years, the child and youth population with overweight and obesity is increasing.