Urine color is not an issue on which one speaks during a dinner, but it is important to know what it means since it can have implications on health.

Although its original color is yellow, urine can also be red, green and even purple.
BBC Mundo spoke with Jorge Rioja, a specialist at the Urology Service of the Miguel Servet University Hospital in Zaragoza, about what each color tells us.

Normally, urine color is pale yellow.

Ideally, if urine is in a transparent container we would have to be able to read a newspaper or an electronic tablet through it.

“What shows us the yellow color is the different degree of hydration of the body.The clearer, the better we are, ”said Rioja.

"To patients with the kidneys in the kidneys we recommend that they drink a lot of water so that the urine will be more transparent and clean and do not form so many stones," he said.

But the fact that it is too transparent may indicate that the person suffers from tasteless diabetes.

“Diabetes insipida is linked to the antidiuretic hormone, which controls urine concentration.It is accompanied, not only of a very clear urine, but also of urine hyperproduction.The patient urine more than five liters, ”according to the specialist.

If urine shows a more intense yellow, it can be due to vitamin supplements.Dark yellow or orange urine suggests that the body is dehydrated.

The brown color can be a consequence of the effects of SENNA, which is used in most laxatives.Eating too many beans can also give a darker tone to urine.

But, "when urine has a brown tone with fecal remains that denotes that there is communication between the intestine and the bladder due to a vesicintestinal fistula," Rioja said.

This is where we should worry, said the urologist.

"When we see red -dyed urine means blood presence which would indicate a bladder tumor or a prostate problem or kidneys."

Fruits and vegetables such as beets, ruibarbo and blueberries can also be caused by the reddish or rosaceous tone of urine.

It is extremely rare that urine acquires a purple tone but, according to the Spanish urologist, it can do it when the person suffers a genetic disease called Porfiria.

Porfiria is a group of genetic disorders caused by an excess in the production of a substance called Hemo, which has a purple pigmentation, and helps the transport of oxygen in the body.

The excess hem is excreted in the urine causing it to become abode.

The patient who suffered most famous Porfiria was King Jorge III of the United Kingdom, whose life was recreated in the movie "The madness of King Jorge."

Some medications can make urine look bluish or green.

Rioja explained that the family of chemicals known as phenol and that they are used in medicines to treat Parkinson's disease and some anti -depressive disease can give urine a greenish or bluish tone.

"If the urine is more concentrated, it will be greener, however, if it is more diluted it will come out more blue," I explained.

The propofol anesthetic agent also contains phenol.

White or cloudy
If urine is cloudy or has whitish particles that means the presence of a bacterial infection.

The urine of man can also have a whitish color after sex, especially older men.

“What occurs in these patients is a retrograde ejaculation.That is, when they ejaculate, the semen instead of leaving out I leave the urethra, ”Rioja explained.

Source: BBC Mundo

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