Diabetes, the disease with the highest prevalence in Mexico and that is a risk factor in the main causes of death such as cardiovascular disease and kidney disease, also as the first cause of amputations and the second worldwide of blindness.

This and more was lived in the XXX National Congress of the Mexican Diabetes Federation, whose program was divided for the scientific public, for educators, caregivers and patients in the WTC of Mexico City.

Insulinic treatment does not interfere at vascular risk

It was demonstrated that insulin treatment does not have any relationship with vascular damage, on the contrary, it helps keep the patient away from hypoglycemia, no matter the type of insulin that is being used, since the latest creations such as devotee andOrigin maintain stable levels.

However, Dr. Juan Antonio Peralta Calcanea mentioned that it is necessary to develop an intelligent insulin that can work hand in hand with the body, and the doctor must customize the treatment according to the goals and care of each patient, becauseIt is necessary to observe the comorbidities and therapies of other specialists.

It is essential to prevent eye damage

Diabetic macular edema and cataracts are the main causes of definitive blindness in Mexico, both are related to diabetes, only 60 percent of cases are more than half patients have not said not to be oriented with respect to healthocular once diagnosed with diabetes.

Dr. Francisco Martínez Castro Regional Director IAPB Latin America commented that 80 percent of diabetics and 50 percent of patients with hypertension do not have adequate information for the care of their eyes.He confirmed that disability can be called when the patient cannot make a normal and independent life, to avoid these complications, the patient and the family should be responsible for self -care.

timely diagnosis in gestational diabetes

In our country, 199 million women live with diabetes mellitus, this until 2017 and it is estimated that the figure will increase to 313 million in 2040.

Dr. Esperanza Yañez Maldonado, gynecologist and obstetrician of the National Medical Center S.XXI, mentioned that Mexico occupies the seventh place worldwide in diabetes.During pregnancy, cases detected with high glucose levels, 90 percent are caused by gestational diabetes and the rest by a pre -existing diabetes not detected.

Gestational diabetes is usually observed if the pregnant woman has an BMI of more than 25 and influences the ethnic group, also having had a previous pregnancy with a product of more than 4 kilograms at birth.As for the product, it could present congenital anomalies in addition to being prone to obesity and diabetes itself.

The corresponding sieve to do diagnostic tests should only be carried out between week 24 to 28 since only in this way can the necessary proteins be identified to do the test, also do so before or later could result in a false negative, also onceThe sieve is taken and the test is positive, confirmation studies such as CTOG should be done, said Dr. Mauricio Gutiérrez Castañeda.

Diabetic foot care

Among other things, skin care and wound prevention of limbs considered as diabetic foot must be primary issues since they can prevent amputations.It is the patient's duty and the caregivers take the pulse of the limbs and know when it is necessary to refer to the patient with the Angiologist or neurologist.

Any wound that takes to heal is an alert for the patient and should be treatedFor the specialist as soon as possible, it is observed that no surgery or surgical procedure should be performed if the patient lacks control in his glucose or if the level is greater than or equal to 180 blood glucose points.