In the absence of 48 hours for the celebration of the 5th edition of Diabetes Experience Day the organization of the event wants to emphasize the contents that will take place throughout the morning in the area dedicate Expo, so that the attendees do not lose detailSome of what happens there.

In the Ded Expo area, this year a whole series of talks have been prepared that range from the importance of the property of medical data, to ocular health tips or way of feeding, not forgetting the review of the latest apps to manage thediabetes or state -of -the -art devices.

At 9:00 in the morning the official inauguration will take place, with the confirmed presence of the regional secretary of the Department of Sanitat, Mr. David Elvira, Mrs. Gemma TarafPresident of the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED), Ms. Anna Novials, the head of young people of the Spanish Diabetes Federation (Fede), Ms. Laura Pérez, and the president of the Diabètics Association of Catalonia (ADC),Mr. Francesc Hernández.

From that moment on and in a time order, the following content will take place;

At 9:30 under the title “The importance of time in range for the best glycemia control.Know Guardian Connect, nurse Julia Castanys will explain in 15 minutes the advantages of keeping glycemia most of the day.

At 9:45, the nurse/educator Carmen Yoldi will tell us about all the options that an application such as Contour Diabetes App offers people with diabetes.Diabetes control on mobile is increasingly imposed with more force.

Fifteen minutes later, at 10:00 the athlete with type 1 diabetes, Beatriz García Berché, will tell us about the importance of the monitoring continues of glucose in their sports challenges, which as many know are usually extreme.

The first block of talks in the Ded Expo area will conclude with the presentation of Fabiola Juarez, of the Alicia Foundation who will tell us what tools we have at our disposal to eat is easier, focusing their speech on one of them, diabetes to the letter.

Then the attention will focus on the auditorium, from 11:00 to 13:00.During those two hours there will be no talks or activities in the Expo area.These will be resumed at 13:05 with the talk of Dr. Elisabeth Coronado, ophthalmologist, who will remember the importance of keeping the health of our eyes controlled when we talk about diabetes.

At 13:20, the news of one of the most important apps in the world in diabetes that has just arrived in Spain.Paloma Fuentes, Product Manager Digital Solutions in Roche Diabetes Care Spain will tell us about My Sub.

After that talk, the creator of Social Diabetes, Victor Bautista, person with type 1 diabetes who will explain what happens with the medical data that the apps and the new control devices will happen.Under the title the democratization of medical data, Bautista will explain how we should act now and tomorrow.

The talks in the exhibition area will conclude with a Cooking show organized by the Astrazenca Foundation to open the appetite before eating.A pair of healthy recipes cooked live and with the participation of the people who come to the event.

Activities dedicate Expo

In addition to the talks and informative stands, a series of diabetes -related activities are planned throughout the day.

Photos with Diguan: Throughout the day you can take a picture with your family in the photocall that Diguan has prepared at the entrance of the event.

#Saltaporladiabetes.Salta in the mat that the Astrazeneca Foundation has prepared, take a photo and open it to the networks.You can participate in the draw for a master class in kitchenFramed in the Campaign in Diabetes #Sipierdesganas.

Ophthalmological tests: Throughout the day you can check the status of your eyes.If you have not asked for previous time, you are still on time at this link Link

Participate in surveys: The Diabetes Foundation has prepared a survey to know your habits after meals, participate and help improve the quality of life of people with diabetes.

Draw the Diabalance products.Throughout the day a Diabalance product cart will be at your disposal to try products designed for the person with diabetes.

In the stand of the Association of Diabetes de Catalunya you can do glycemia controls and know their work in Catalonia.
Check the status of your feet.The PHI Med Europe company will make available to visitors an innovative system to analyze the health of your feet the risk of diabetic foot.

In summary;A series of activities, talks and experiences to spend an unforgettable day and contribute to give voice to diabetes.