It will do it within the framework of the “6 National Diabetes Days” that, promoted by the Diabetes Working Group, will bring together 350 primary care doctors and will have the presence of important experts in this disease.

Share the advances that occur in the treatment of people with diabetes with primary care doctors, weave a network of health professionals linked to diabetes, in addition to serving as a platform to disseminate research work related to this pathology and improve thequality of life of people.

These are the main objectives of the 6 National Diabetes Days of the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (Semergen), which are held on March 16 and 17 in Sitges.One of the most important meetings of Semergen, promoted by the Diabetes Working Group, and which has the participation of 23 members.

The days meet this year their sixth edition, whose evolution since 2013 in Salamanca has been continuous growth in number of participants, quality of the scientific contents, as well as increasing work presented to them.In this call, a total of 350 family medicine professionals from all over Spain will meet, 30% of them are resident doctors, and 70 scientific communications have been presented.

Likewise, there will be two important international personalities in Diabetes, such as Dr. Xavier Cos, president of Primary Care Diabetes Europe, and Dr. Janaka Karalliedde, head professor at the King´s College in London and Consultant in Diabetes, Endocrinologyand Internal Medina in the Guy´s and St Thomas´ London Hospital.These doctors will make a specific talk about update of the cardiorenal relationship in people with diabetes.

A scientific program based on the management of the elderly with diabetes, obesity and DM2, and how to make easy the difficult people with DM2, valuing the different situations that family doctors are found in primary care consultations.Knowledge about therapeutic treatment in DM2 and cardiovascular risk in people with DM2 will also be updated, since cardiovascular effects are one of the most frequent complications of people with this type of diabetes.

On Saturday morning several workshops will be taught whose objective is to increase, more practically, some knowledge of diabetes in the relationship to insulinization, the management of the diabetic foot, and a workshop with a trivial in diabetes where several aspects will be reviewedof the pathology in an interactive and fun way.

"One of the novelties to highlight in this sixth edition is the specific training for residents that takes place on Friday morning. In the previous days we have had the privilege of having a high number of them, so this year, to theHaving a large percentage of young doctors again, we have decided to take another step and perform a specific diabetes classroom for them, "says Dr. Celia Cols, president of the Scientific Committee of the Conference.A classroom based on the realization of three workshops ("how to insulinize without fear", "how we follow people with DM2" and "management of acute diabetes complications"), which have been chosen and prepared by the group's residentsDiabetes work, who will be responsible for providing training.

In addition, on Saturday afternoon there will also be an activity with the community in the same city of Sitges, where members of the committees will walk with the population and a kitchen workshop will be taught, in order to underline the importance of theseTwo activities in the treatment of people with DM2."It is very important that the toilets realizeCommunity activities and do not forget, neither patients or ourselves, that food and exercise are the basis of treatment despite having today a great therapeutic arsenal that helps us improve the control of the disease "Indicates Dr. Sònia Miravet, president of the Organizing Committee.

90% of people with diabetes are attended to primary care consultations, so professionals must be formed continuously to be more competent and make an increasingly complete approach to the pathology.In addition, in recent years different families of drugs have appeared that facilitate that the treatment of people with diabetes be done in an individualized way for each person, a "letter treatment" depending on the conditions of each person."Patients are never equal, so as primary care doctors we must assess in an individualized way what strategy is the best for the approach to diabetes in each case," says Dr. Flora López, coordinator of the Diabetes Mellitus work group ofSemergen.

"Probably from primary care would still be more involved in the prescription of healthy lifestyles not only for people with diabetes, but for the entire general population. Prevention in this pathology is fundamental and reverses positively in the lives of patients andIn the National Health System, "says Dr. Flora López.In addition, he adds that "we should also improve diabetological education to achieve the empowerment of affected people and have greater adhesion and awareness of their own disease."