They develop a new diabetes therapy based on a simple puncture

A new gene treatment to fight diabetes, developed by German professor Hans Sollinger, will be tested in humans in about three years, according to the researcher himself during a recent visit to our country.

The majority of experts in the field defend that genetic therapy is the future in this area, and precisely the research of German professor Hans Sollinger focuses on it, which has become one of the most reputed specialists for yearsthat work in this disease, being currently the referent in regard to pancreas transplantation.

The investigation, which has already been successfully tested in rodents and is now being treated in dogs, is expected to be tested in humans in "two or three years" and its main advantage is that, with only an injection,Type 1 diabetic patients could be cured of the disease.

So important is this advance, that some experts in the field claim that this research could contribute to Professor Sollinger the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

This professor at the University of Wisconsin offered a clinical session at the University Hospital of the Canary Islands (HUC), making known the progress of his project, giving the circumstance that some of the doctors of this center have worked in a coordinated manner with the expertGerman.

The investigation focuses on injecting a gene into the cells so that they are installed in the liver, producing insulin and functioning as well as a pancreas."We had to manufacture a gene in the way that the blood sugar rate was normal," said the expert, who explained that only with this injection the disease could be cured, making the patient without insulin for life.

The professor explained that his interest in this disease goes back to his youth, since a stepbrother died with 30 years because of the complications derived from a pancreas transplant motivated by diabetes, and stressed that this type of therapies to cure diabetesThey must be "accessible, with an affordable cost and without surgeries."