Dr. Juan José Gómez-Doblas, head of the Cardiology Section of the Virgen de la Victoria University Clinical Hospital of Malaga, has indicated that to treat patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, therapeutic strategies should be based on a comprehensive approach, trying not only toReduce sugar levels or glyd hemoglobin, but also treating weight, tension, diet, exercise or smoking.

"The strategies that have demonstrated greater survival and quality of life of the diabetic patient are related to an integral approach," said Dr. Gómez-Doblas during 'Diabetter 2018', a scientific day organized by Astrazeneca in Seville with the intention of delvingIn this comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach.

Along these lines, Esteban Jódar, head of the Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition of Quirónsalud and Professor of Endocrinology of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the European University, has stated that the control of weight and multidisciplinary management of this type of patients results"Of vital importance."

"To help people with diabetes, multidisciplinary meetings with specialists such as internists, endocrine, nephrologists, cardiologists and family doctors are fundamental, which allow usAnd knowledge for an updated and efficient treatment of the patient with diabetes, "he remarked.

In this sense, it considers that the adoption of a new comprehensive and coordinated approach in the approach to type 2 diabetes has "much to do" with its relationship with other organs such as the heart and the kidney since, over time, "theHyperglycemia maintained derives in chronic renal and cardiovascular complications. "

He also recalled that cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in patients with diabetes or chronic kidney disease, especially when they coexist."In the last decade, advances in the treatment of type 2 diabetes have allowed to address, in addition to glycemic control, also cardiovascular or renal protection, which has resulted in an individualized and integral approach to the risk facing a person withDiabetes, "says the expert, detailing that new scientific evidence confirms that there is an overlap in the causes and determinants between cardiovascular, renal and metabolic diseases, as well as among their associated complications.

Finally, Jódar has stated that, as advanced in the knowledge of type 2 diabetes, it has also changed the way in which its handling is addressed."We are in a historical stage in which we have new treatments for people with type 2 diabetes, which offer additional benefits to glucose control such as weight and blood pressure reduction that have shown us that they can protect both theKidney as the heart, "he concluded.