This work, in which seven researchers participate, has been selected by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), of the Ministry of Economy and Business, to request support under the formula of the micromeceneazgo through the 'precipita' platform.

A new research project of the Murcian Institute of Biosanitary Research (IMIB) -Arixaca promotes healing therapies of the diabetic foot to avoid amputations.

The project, which has the support of the Federation of Diabetics of the Region of Murcia (FREMUD) and has been very well received by the Spanish Diabetes Federation (FEDE), has been announced this week on the website of 'Precipitates', and will remain visible for 90 days so that people interested in supporting this initiative can make their contributions.

It exposes the objectives of this work, which consist of identifying the molecular factors that are stimulated by the presence of the amniotic membrane to explain the speed in the healing of these ulcers and their subsequent consolidation.

The Virgen de la Arrixaca Hospital has a complex wound unit and diabetic foot that manages patient care, and the regeneration research group, molecular oncology and TGF* (IMIB-ARRIXACA) that monitor the patients and theEvaluation of treatments.In this unit about 700 patients were treated last year, with 5,656 priests in total.Since its creation, in 2014, it has made more than 22,000 priests.

In the Region of Murcia, according to data from the Murcian Health Service (SMS), there are about 107,000 people diagnosed with diabetes.Type 2 represents about 90 percent of cases, while the other 10 percent mainly encompasses diabetes mellitus type 1 and gestational diabetes.

Obesity is usually the primary cause of type 2 diabetes between people with genetic predisposition to the disease.In Spain it is estimated that more than 5 million people suffer from it.

The researcher at the Murcia Institute of Biosanitary Research (Imib-Arrixaca) Francisco José Nicolás-Villaescusa, promoter of this project, will present on Wednesday, together with the nurse and podologist Monica Rodríguez, the results of his study on 'cell therapy for the ulcer of the ulcer ofDiabetic foot: Application of the amniotic membrane 'within the innovation and technology days that are held in the Moneo de Murcia building, organized by the Murcia Association for Diabetes Care (ADIRMU).


Financing through patronage of individuals from the 'precipita' platform has already been experienced with other investigations from the same hospital, where a project on endometriosis has been promoted through these contributions sponsored by the Ministry of Economy.

This is the study 'Endometriosis: seeking less aggressive diagnostic methods and more effective treatments', which seeks to advance in the knowledge of the immune mechanisms involved in endometriosis to favor the design of more effective diagnostic methods and new therapies.

The study has been carried out by the Gynecology Service of the Virgen de la Arrixaca University Hospital, in collaboration with the Organic Electrochemistry Research Group of the University of Murcia.

Another study that has also joined this platform from the region is that relating to new effective drugs in the treatment of digestive tumors and in reducing metastasis.