Alberto Sánchez Martín, is Salamantino of a lifetime and at 30 years fight because being diabetic is compatible with being an official and working as such.

This young political scientist and Diploma in Management and Administration suffer from type 1 diabetes, they were diagnosed when he was during the selection process to prison official, something for which he stayed out of one of the 600 places convened by the Interior Ministry.

"I had already overcome the first exam. I had note 438 of 12,000 people. I was among those selected to continue in the process. I was perfectly prepared to continue, with such bad luck that I just debuted with diabetes and that was when I realized the problemthat there was.

If you have diabetes you are out and then I decided to retire.If I had managed to reach the last phase, when doing the medical examination they would have excluded me for being diabetic and that would have shattered psychologically, "he says in statements to, Alberto Sánchez.

"If you have diabetes you are out and then I decided to retire"

He never understood the reason for that discrimination.He had decided to start preparing the oppositions, like any young man, to flee from the situation of instability and job precariousness that plagues in the market.

"I started studying without knowing that I was going to meet this problem. I knew there was a picture of exclusions but I didn't know that diabetes was cause of exclusion.

Suddenly one day, I began to find myself badly and decided to do some analysis to know what happened to me.I thought it was the stress of the study routine and the exams, but finally I was detected prediabetes and then I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, "explains this young man.

However, Alberto did not give up.And decided to mobilize next to the Spanish Federation of Diabetes (FEDE) and other entities of the health world to visible a problem that as affected by the affected "is a reality that many other people have lived."

Abandonment to people with diabetes

"There is a regulation that is not updated," says Alberto Sánchez and that is, the origin of this situation comes from afar. Fede has been denouncing the injustice that people with diabetes face in Spain face, who wish to accessto certain public employment positions.

The exclusion tables have not been modified since 1988, in which they were approved;And yet, there have been great advances in the new technologies and treatments for the control of diabetes, which allow people who suffer from this pathology to perform any type of work, as long as they have approval by the approval byYour reference medical team.This fact has been found by numerous scientific entities, such as the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (Semergen), the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED) and the Redgdps Foundation, which have issued reports and positions that indicate, as necessary, its update.

"They are forcing companies to reject us"
“I did not understand why I could not continue in the selection process.Because I work in the private company with greater physical load.I work and I do my controls without any problem.I don't understand why I can't work in the public sector.I can't even do it in prison offices, "laments the young man who also claims not to understand" discrimination "and" double standard "in public administration.

Double measure of measuring

"As it is possible that if I am it works and diagnose diabetes I can continue working but if they diagnose it before or during the selection process I stay out," wonders this salamantino.This former opponent criticizes that public administration thus discriminates people with diabetes"While nothing happens in the private sector."Thus, he states that "they are forcing companies to reject us."

In spite of everything, Alejandro acknowledges that it is a matter of time that the regulations of the 88 are updated since the Senate Health Commission approved in March a motion against labor discrimination in diabetes in which the government was urged at that time to take letters inThe matter.But everything remains the same.

The Ombudsman proved him right and the Senate already approved in March a motion against labor discrimination in diabetes.
The Ombudsman also positioned himself in respect of this case and the Ministry of State for Public Function at that time sent a report in which he shares the concern expressed by this institution regarding the limitations suffered by this group in access to employmentpublic.

This report establishes the commitment to proceed with the review and update of the exclusions tables in access to public employment, in the line suggested by the Ombudsman, in the light of scientific advances and the improvement of working conditionscurrent.

Before what Alberto considers "the passivity of the political class", the Fede and other organizations have begun to mobilize with a collection of signatures that allow the Debate Congress on this issue to be taken to the Congress of Deputies through this issue through the popular legislative initiative.With this, they pretend that the diagnosis of diabetes is debated and eliminated as a general reason for exclusion in access to public employment places.