The Spanish Diabetes Society, its Foundation and the Spanish Diabetes Federation have advocated that the administration increases public financing for diabetes, both to the research of the disease and resources to face it, and have demanded family education programs onThe condition.

This has been stated on Wednesday during the press conference of presentation of the activities that will be carried out on the occasion of World Diabetes Day, which is held on November 14 at the request of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF, for its acronymin English) since 1991.

Educating in diabetes is "cheap", just like new technologies, such as insulin infuses, has valued the president of the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED), Dr. Anna Novials, if compared to the sanitary expenditure generated by diabetesIn the long term.However, "politicians do not calculate in the long term," said Novials."The administration sees it as an expense and we as an investment," said the vice president of the Spanish Diabetes Federation (Fede), Aureliano Ruiz Salmon.

Thirst and its foundation has decided to focus the scientific acts of this edition of World Diabetes Day in Valladolid, a city that will host activities such as conferences on medical and recreational aspects of diabetes.Talks about aspects necessary to travel with diabetes or overdown hygiene in the disease stand out.