Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that appears for the first time in pregnancy, in women who had never suffered this disease before.It is characterized by high blood sugar levels, and it is estimated that it affects approximately 5-10% of pregnant women.

We explain why gestational diabetes occurs, why it is important to control it to avoid complications in the development of pregnancy and how we could prevent its appearance.

Why does gestational diabetes occur?

It is a class of diabetes that only occurs in pregnancy.It occurs when the pancreas does not produce all the insulin it needs, and without it the glucose cannot leave the blood and become energy inside the cells.That is, the blood sugar level rises and hyperglycemia occurs.

The main reason for the appearance of gestational diabetes are the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, and that cause insulin resistance.This favors the appearance of diabetes in those women who cannot compensate for that resistance.

To describe it in a simple way, every time we eat, we break down food until they become glucose, which is basically the fuel of the cells.But for them to use it they need insulin (a hormone that secretes the pancreas).If sufficient insulin is not produced, glucose is in the blood.

This disease is usually more common than is thought, since according to statistics, one in ten pregnant women presents it.It is important to detect it early to avoid the development of associated complications.

What consequences does gestational diabetes have if not controlled?
Baby problems

  • Macrosomia, or baby with a birth weight above normal.This fact usually leads to negative consequences for the mother (discomfort in the final stretch of pregnancy, complicated childbirth, greater risk of caesarean sections or tears) and for the baby (myocardiopathy, congenital malformations and greater risk of shoulder dystocia at the time of birth).
  • Heart problems in the child at an early age, obesity or malformations.
  • Neonatal hypoglycemia (low levels of sugar in the newborn) and neonatal jaundice.

Mother problems during pregnancy

  • Threat of premature delivery
  • Preeclampsia or rise in blood pressure
  • Polyhydramnios or increased amniotic fluid
  • Urinary and vaginal infections

Since gestational diabetes does not produce symptoms, but the consequences can become very serious if it is not controlled, it is essential to detect it in time to treatment and regulate blood sugar levels.

How is gestational diabetes diagnosed?

Gestational diabetes is detected through the O'Sullivan test, which is a routine test that is usually performed between week 24 and 28 gestation.For this test, the pregnant woman must drink a 50 g of 25% glucose in 200 cc, and at the time a blood extraction will be performed to analyze what her level of blood glucose is.

If the results of the O'Sullivan test are less than 140 md/dl of blood glucose (7.8 mmol/l), the presence of gestational diabetes would be ruled out.But if the results are equal to or higher than 140 millionness/dl of blood glucose, another test called oral glucose tolerance test (TTOG) (or long glucose curve), which finally discard or confirm the appearance of the appearance of the appearance ofgestational diabetes.

If the woman presents any gestational diabetes risk factor, the doctor couldIndicate the realization of the O'Sullivan test during the first quarter, or even repeat this test in the third quarter.

A year ago we learned the news that NIH/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (United States) had identified that the test that analyzes glucosylated or HBA1C hemoglobin, commonly used to diagnose type 2 diabetes, alsoI could identify gestational diabetes signs in the first weeks of pregnancy.Undoubtedly, hopeful news, since detecting the possibility of developing this disease from the beginning of pregnancy could help take measures to prevent it, as far as possible.

factors that increase the risk of gestational diabetes

  • Background of type 2 diabetes in first -degree relatives
  • Background of gestational diabetes in previous pregnancies
  • Present situations that are associated with insulin resistance (hypertension, hyperlipemia, obesity, polymicrochistic ovaries, acanthosis nigricans)
  • Pregnancy over 35 years
  • Background of repeat abortions
  • Background in previous mortality or fetal malformation, or macrosomic deliveries (weight greater than 4 kg).

Other recent studies have also determined that lack of rest in pregnancy, fattening more kilos of the recommended ones, unhealthy food or presenting vitamin D deficit could also increase the risks of developing gestational diabetes.

Can gestational diabetes be prevented?

Although we have just seen, the factors that predispose to gestational diabetes are varied and difficult to control on many occasions, it has been shown that leading a healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy, maintaining a varied and balanced diet, controlling the weightAnd practicing physical exercise in a regular basis could help reduce the possibilities of suffering from this disease.

I have gestational diabetes, and now what?

If you have detected gestational diabetes, the doctor or nutritionist will recommend you follow a diet in which sugar consumption is almost completely avoided, and carbohydrates are slow absorption (legumes, bread, pasta, potatoes ...)And they are well distributed throughout the day (a light breakfast and a snack with hydrates in mid -morning, it is usually the most recommended).

It is important not to skip any food, control rations and eat for several times a day (three main meals and three supplementary shots).It is also highly recommended to exercise (previously consulting with the gynecologist the type of activity that suits us), since in this way we help the body improve the blood sugar level.Gynecologist controls should also be carried out more frequently,

In 85% of the occasions, gestational diabetes is properly controlled with the diet.But for cases where this measure is not enough, the doctor will determine pharmacological treatment with insulin
At the time of childbirth, doctors in charge of attending the baby will especially keep in mind the condition of pregnant women, to act quickly at any contingency that could occur (especially, neonatal hypoglycemination).But if diabetes has been well controlled, complications do not have to arise.

women with gestational diabetes are more risk of diabetes after childbirth?

In 95% of cases gestational diabetes disappears after childbirth.However, there are some women with a greater risk of type 2 diabetes after giving birth.ByThat is advisable to definitely adopt the healthy habits that have been acquired during pregnancy, such as low sugar consumption and exercise practice.

Doctors will control that diabetes has disappeared before registering, and during the postpartum will also be followed.In addition, it is recommended that although the situation has been normalized, life control analytics are carried out every three years.