Guardian sensor

08/05/2019 5 p.m.

Hello everyone!!
I have a question...
I have the Guardian sensor ... before putting it on, I put it to load ...
But it is precisely today to flash the red light more than two hours and not stop !!!
Is it normal?
I had put it to load the night of before, in the morning I removed it from the base ... but then I have not been able to put it up to half a day ... and then I have thought ... I will load it again for it has beenlost some battery ... And here I continue, two hours later with the red light ...
thank you

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08/05/2019 9:17 p.m.

Something is failing.Call Medtronic.

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08/05/2019 10:31 p.m.

@Barrosa, did you change the loader?.It is a smaller battery than a pump battery.

Debut 46 â- 2012. DM1. Celiaquía e intolerancia lactosa. Anemia perniciosa.
MiniMed 640g + SmartGuard.

08/11/2019 11:17 a.m.

As @solaria says, it is the charger battery, it is notifying you to change it.I would change it and let it load again until the green light of the transmitter is turned off.To be sure, come on, if a good load had already made, the green light will take little to go out

Diabético tipo I desde 1990 y tengo 53 tacos. En Abril de 2017 con Minimed 640g y su MCG. Hoy estoy con Minimed 780G. Financiado MCG por la SS desde Junio-2018. Hipertensión arterial y ocular. Colesterol. Operado de 2 hernias discales cervicales (C5-C6 y C6-C7) pero con diagnóstico de "Operación fallida". La diabetes todo me lo perjudica....y nos arruina, la Seguridad Social debería financiar A TODOS!!!!! no cuando estás medio muerto como a mí!!!
Última HBA1C: 6,5% (después de muchos años en 9%)

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