{'en': 'Do you know someone or listened to cases of people who cured type 2 diabetes?', 'es': '¿Saben de alguien o escucharon casos de personas que se curaron de la Diabetes Tipo 2?'} Image

Do you know someone or listened to cases of people who cured type 2 diabetes?

02/11/2025 12:15 a.m.

diabestico said:
@diabestico said:
Joan111 said:
It can be reversed with diet and exercise.I reached a 10 glycosylated and the last analytics had it at 6'5.I never took a pill.

Well, 6.5 glycosilada is not to throw rockets

My my doctor no
diabestico said:
@diabestico said:
Joan111 said:
It can be reversed with diet and exercise.I reached a 10 glycosylated and the last analytics had it at 6'5.I never took a pill.

Well, 6.5 glycosilada is not to throw rockets

My doctor does not think the same
isabelbota said:
@isabelbota said:
Joan111 said:
diabestico said:
diabestico said:
Joan111 said:
Joan111 said:
Joan111 said:
Joan111 said:
It can be reversed with diet and exercise.I reached a 10 glycosylated and the last analytics had it at 6'5.I never took a pill.

Well, 6.5 glycosilada is not to throw rockets

Well, my doctor does not say the same.I don't think the title will be given.I am talking about a glycosylated process that was 10. And without taking a single pill.It has been going down.With 6'5 being diabetic and without medication I am very satisfied.

It is true that it has a lot of merit to have dropped to 6.5 without medication.But today glycos more close to 6 are sought, that is, a little lower, that's why they tell you.Before it was said between 6 and 7, and it is being demonstrated that in that interval there can be long -term problems.
I know there are many who try to avoid medication.I personally prefer to be in 5.8-5.9 medicating, but with a low risk level.It is my option.

A diabetic close to 7 is a good level.My doctor says not me

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02/16/2025 4:38 p.m.

I have read all comments, Type 2 diabetes is not cured.If it is controlled very well.In my 10 years with D2, my glycos were always 5.5 on average.This quarter with vacation (zero exercise and eating not very well: 6.5) that is, it happens to you from the line and go up, nor a little higher quarter (it is not to be alarmed).The ten minutes of eating do some force exercise with dumbbells and it is spectacular).To live with desire, my two diabetic uncles with 83 and the other with 91 years, they told me, we did not have today's advances!

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