Pregnant women from nine municipalities in the area will be able to carry out this test, called "O 'Sullivan", in their health centers.

Pregnant women from nine municipalities in the health area of ​​Vigo can already test the "glucose curve" in the health centers - at the same time to approach the Meixoeiro hospital - as they had to do so far to pass that control that alerts that alertin some cases of the possibility of suffering gestational diabetes.

It is a new care program, which has just been incorporated into the Portfolio of Primary Care Services with the objective of offering this provision in the health centers that are regional headwaters and also avoid unnecessary displacements to hospitals, according toFrom the Vigo eoxi: "It is another step in the humanization of the gestation process."

The first experience of this program was held at the Tui Health Center, and since yesterday, June 1, there is also operational and in the centers of A Guarda, Ponteareas, A Cañiza, Cangas, Moaña, Porriño, ValleyMiñor and Redondela.It is a first phase, since throughout the year it will be extended to the rest of primary care centers in the health area.

In each health center the program is carried out a certain day of the week, although it is designed with the possibility of adapting to the needs, so it is necessary to increase the days of carrying out the test, they can establish more daysTo meet the lawsuit, they assure from Sergas.

This test, also known as "O 'Sullivan test" has to be requested by the specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecoloxy and is performed during the second trimester of pregnancy to all pregnant women to rule out gestational diabetes.It consists of glucose intake to analyze the reaction to the overload of this substance.The procedure, carried out by the nursing staff of the centers, is as follows: when the pregnant woman arrives, a blood extraction is performed, then a dose of glucose has to drink, and after an hour at rest a second analytical is carried out.Depending on the result, and according to the established protocols, the indication of a second defining test is valued.

The deputy director of nursing processes of the EOXI de Vigo, Ana Estévez, explains that "the implementation of this program is difficult from the organizational point of view, since it forces the introduction of changes in the dynamics of nursing work as wellAs in the transport circuits of the samples and the laboratory itself where they are analyzed;of centers in the area ".

In similar terms, the head of the Obstetrics and Xinecoloxía del Chuvi service, Carlos López Ramón y Cajal: "It is a measure of humanization of the control of pregnancy that is one more step in the progress towards healthcare; and in thatRoad, which goes through contemplating pregnancy as a natural process, and not as a disease, collaboration with primary care is fundamental. "