Hello everyone.How are they?Well I want to tell you that I don't have diabetes, but my grandmother recently died for this cause, and my mother and father contain this disease in phase 2 and 1 respectively.Unfortunately both are already the elderly, she has 66 and my father 64 and it has been very difficult for us to take medicine for both at home since not only diabetes attacked my family, but blood pressure is a factor in my mother.Well, in the end, I walk double shift, and I don't know what else I can do.I know it is ridiculous and silly to ask for financial help, and many can tell me that this is not right, but I don't know what else to do to help my parents have a dignified life, without losing the house and having a healthworthyLife in Guatemala has become a very expensive life, and unfortunately companies and government have taken advantage of events with the volcan of fire with the eruption of last Sunday.
I do not want to ask them to send me large quantities, with US $ 1.00 or only fifty cents that can give me, gradually help me to help my parents, and I do not say that I will stop working, on the contrary, I continue working my double shift to helpMy parents who gave me life, and in the little or a lot that I can do every day to get ahead and give them what I at the beginning, give them a dignified life.If someone wants to help me, Link That is the PayPal account I use.Thank you very much for your help, advice, donation, or simply for having given me the opportunity to write here and vent a little.