Alberto Sánchez's life changed when, a year ago, the doctor told him that he suffered from type 1 diabetes and that his dream of belonging to prison official could not come true.

There began his particular struggle to claim the right of people with diabetes to be able to opt for public employment."There were 600 places for prison assistant and 12,000 instances, I was 438, I should have gone to a second exam and a medical examination, but within the exclusion boxes, they do not let you in diabetes," he laments.

In Spain, there are more than five million people suffering from diabetes, all of them have obstacles to access some public jobs as it appears in the Official State Gazette (BOE).In the case of Alberto, his desire to be an assistant in prisons but it is not possible as indicated in the text, the same would even happen to the local police, national, civil guard, mails, firefighters, or agents of the service of the service ofCustoms Surveillance.

"I have been preparing the opposition to prisons for two years, I overcome the test knowledge tests, but I decided not to present myself anymore because once I debuted with diabetes I knew that in recognition they were going to suspend me, they had already warned me."

Alberto Sánchez is diagnosed with 29 years and, according to the order of January 11, 1988, could not appear again to this job."If it had been diagnosed only a few months later and as an official, there would have been rights, but when diabetes appears during the process, and although most of the tests are exceeded, no one can help you," explains the affected party.

At present, it has well -controlled diabetes and that is trained to perform any activity or profession according to medical professionals."My last resort is to start this visibility campaign so that state institutions end this labor discrimination," he adds.

While all this process lasts, the Salamanca wants to make visible that two others affected José Manuel, who is doing the Camino de Santiago so that politicians realize that there is no physical limitation, and Pablo Errambusbea that has started in parallel a petitionof signatures at so that the Government of Pedro Sánchez reviews this criterion, after presenting to police oppositions and not being able to overcome them due to this impediment.

According to the ABC digital edition, within this request for signatures, everything that is requested is originally from a proposition of the law, presented by the Socialist Parliamentary Group on March 1, 2017 to the Congress table, when the PSOE stillI was in the opposition.

In the same, the Congress of Deputies asks the Government to, in the shortest possible time of time as possible the necessary legal measures to make it impossible that the diagnosis of diabetes is cause of exclusion in access to public employment.