The Valladolid Center will become this Sunday, November 11, in the epicenter of the Solidarity Walk-Carrera for Diabetes, in order to increase global awareness and publicize the causes, symptoms, treatment and complications associated withThe disease.

The Councilor for Sports, Alberto Bustos;The president of the Diabetes Valladold ​​(Adiva) association, Javier García Iglesias, and the world champion of Spartan, Jorge San Román, presented this morning the appointment at the City Hall receptions.

As every year, on November 14 the World Diabetes Day is celebrated and for that reason Adiva considers that it is a perfect opportunity to increase awareness about everything related to this disease.

Blue buildings

Throughout the week different activities and talks will be developed, informative tables will be installed in different parts of the city and, in addition, several emblematic buildings of the town will light blue.

In order to promote the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and practicing sports in a regular basis to prevent the appearance of diabetes and, as a fundamental pillar of the treatment of this and other diseases, this solidarity career has been organized for the fourth consecutive yearNext Sunday, from 10.30 to 12.30.

The day will be full of activities for both the elderly and for the little ones.It is open to the participation of all ages and physical forms.

Those who wish can walk and those who are more stimulated or play sports in a regular basis can take the running route.

The circuit is through the city center, leaving on the Central Paseo del Campo Grande passing through C/ Santiago, Plaza Mayor, Ferrari, Duke of Victory to reach Miguel Iscar and again to the Central Paseo.

It is a very comfortable and safe journey in which the Municipal Police will provide its support.

The benefits that are achieved with this career walk will be destined to the investigation of diabetes and the formation of patients and their environment.The more you know about it, the better health people have with this disease.

Adiva has thanked all the sponsors and collaborators the support they have lent us to be possible, especially to the Valladolid City Council, which one more year has turned to the Valladolid Diabetes Association.