{'en': 'New T: Sports and continued research', 'es': 'Nueva bomba t: sports y continuan investigaciones lazo cerrado ya avanzadas en t:slim X2'} Image

New T: Sports and continued research

jconegar's profile photo   11/11/2018 1:04 a.m.

I copy and hit the text in English and translation of Google later, very interesting these novelties.

As I always say the market is wide and it is the good thing that each one can choose what they want, the market improves and does not cost a Ford party than a volvo, the important thing is that the products are good and it is what we have to ask for.You can see the new pump images in the written HTTP.

The studies and approvals with the closed loop are clear that they cost money and many checks, if something happens there are real non -imaginary responsible, that is, no one can be claimed.

What’s Next from tandem?Pump and closeed-loop updates from Fall 2018

By Jeemin Kwon, Emma Ryan, and Adam Brown

Control-IQ Hybrid Closed Loop Coming In Summer 2019;Paired app coming soon to the us;Plans for the T: Sport “Patch” Pump;and t: Slim x2 pump launched outside the us

Last Spring, We Rounded Up The Most Notable Pipeline Timing Updates from Tandem, Basal-IQ, Control-IQ, and News About the T: Slim X2 Pump.Read Below to see new announcements at tandem’s Recent Meeting.

Control-Iq Hybrid Closed Loop is Still Set for Summer 2019 Launch
Based on Readings from The Dexcom G6 Continuous Glycose Monitor (CGM), Control-IQ is an algorithm built into the t: Slim x2 pump that automatically adjusts basal insulin;The System Is Also Built To Automatically Deliver Correction Boluses to Bring Down Vry High Blood Sugars.This Sort of Automated Insulin Delivery Decias Lows, Improvs Time-Inge, and Reduces Sub of The Hassle of Manually Managing Diabetes-Specially Overnight.The Pivotal Trial (Study That Tandem Will submit to the Fda for Apprval) Started This Summer and has completed Enrollment.If all Goes Well, Tandem Expects Control-Iq to be aimable in Summer 2019. Notable, as long as current t: Slim x2 pump users have the G6, The Update Will Only require installing the new software at home-No New Pump Needed.

T: Slim x2 as interoperable/integrated "Ipump"
BEFORE CONTROL-IQ COMES OUT, Tandem plans to submit the t: Slim x2 as interoperable/integrated pump (“ipump”) to the us Fda.This Means Working with The Fda To Create A New Regulatory Path for Pumps, which has to Major Focus on Interoperability - I.E., Allowing The Pump to Seamlessly Talk to Other Diabetes Devices with Bluetooth.The Planned Ipump Indication Should Enable Tandem to Make Changes and Improvements to The Pump Without Needing a Lengthy Fda Process, and It Should Also Enable Quick Integration of New/Improved CGMS.Ultimately, This Should Allow Updates and Innovation to Reach Users Faster, As Dexcom And Tandem Provd Earlier This Year with the Integrated/Interoperable G6 “ICGM”-Because of the Icgm Pathway, G6 was Integrated into Tandem's Basal-iq System SystemThan under the previous Framework.

T: Slim X2 Mobile App - T: Connect
UPDATE: Beta Launch Expecta by end of 2018;Expanded Launch Early 2019

This Mobile Display Smartphone App.The App Will Also Enable Remote Monitoring by Caregivers and Wireless, Automatic Upload of Pump Data To T: Connect, Tandem’s Web-Based Data Application.Based on The Pictures, It Sems Like An Apple iPhone version Will Be Launcher First.

The app won't allow users to control the pump from their phone initially, but This is a Strong Possibility in Future Updates - Tandem Certainly Wants to Move In This Direction and the Fda Sems Willing To Make It Happen, Provide The Right Safety Safetyin place.Other potential future features include integration with diet, Sleep, and Exercise Information, insulin dosing advice, and smartwatch integration.

T: Sport Insulin “Patch” pump with hybrid wearUpdate: Launch Second Half of 2020

Tandem has had the t: sport “patch” pump in development for severe years, taking its current pump technology, miniaturizing it, and changing the approach to wear.The Pump Will Have No Screen, Wireless Control From A Phone/Handheld, and A Variety of Infusion Set Options.Users Will Be Uble to Wear The T: Sport Pump Like A Patch Directly On The Body Under Clothes (Vary Short Infusion Set) Or in a A Pocket Like A Traditional Tubed Pump (Longer Infusion Set).T: Sport Will Be About Half The Size of The Current T: Slim X2, Is Experience To Hold 200 Units of Insulin, and Will Include An On-Pump Bolus Button-E.G., A Bolus Can Be Taken Even If The Handheld Is Out OfRangeT: Sport Will Integrate The Control-IQ Hybrid Closed Loop Algorithm Disculed ABOVE and Relevate Data From Dexcom CGM, Allowing for A Truly On-Body Closed-Loop System-I.E., Users Will Remain In Automated Insulin Delivery Even When The Phone/Handheld isOut of Range.Tandem Hopes to launch the pump in 2020.

The T: Sport Next to the Current T: Slim X2:

The Basal-Iq Plgs System Uses Glucose Trend Information from The G6 CGM to Predict (and Hopefully Prevent) Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia).When a potential low is detected, The Plgs Algorithm Stops Basal Insulin Delivery Until Blood Sugar Levels Start To Come Back Up;Then, basal-iq summaries basal insulin delivery.All of This Happens Without Any Alarms, and It Only Adds One Addicional Screen Onto The Pump.See This article for more details on how the algorithm works, The Time-in-Rage Benefits, and How To Start Using Basal-IQ.

T: Slim x2 pump launched outside the us
UPDATE: Launched in Canada, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain, The UK, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa

The Next Targets for T: Slim X2 Launch Are France, Germany, and The Netherlands, Though No Specific Timing Has Been Given.For Now, The T: Slim X2 Only Integrates with the Dexcom G5 CGM, Meaning Data From The G5 Transmitter is feeling the pump Screen.OUTSIDE THE US, LAUNCH OF THE BASAL-IQ PLGS SYSTEM WITH DEXCOM’S G6 IS EXPECTED TO START IN EARLY 2019.

Source: Link

Link ;nv=1& ;rurl=translate.google.com&TANDEM-PUMP-AND-CHLOSED-LOOP-UPDATES-FALL-2018 & AMP; XID = 17259,15700022.15700124.15700126.15700149.15700186.15700191,15700201

jconegar's profile photo
11/11/2018 1:04 a.m.

Miembro del equipo moderador del foro.

Ultima prueba realizada:
Maratón San Petesrburgo (Rusia)

Prueba deportiva Ruta de las Fortalezas.

Facebook: Jorge Moto
Usuario Dexcom G6 y microinfusora Tandem T: Slim X2 Basal IQ


What's still tandem?Pump updates and closed autumn circuits of 2018
11/2/18 - New now
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By Jeemin Kwon, Emma Ryan and Adam Brown

The closed control circuit control-iq will arrive in the summer of 2019;Application matched soon in the United States;Plans for the "patch" t: sport pump;and T: Slim X2 bomb launched outside the United States.

The past spring, we gather the most notable tandem pipe synchronization updates, with basal-iq, control-iq and news about the T: Slim X2 pump.Read below to see the new ads at the recent Investor Meeting of Tandem.

Control-Iq Hybrid Closed Loop is still ready for a summer launch 2019
Based on continuous glucose monitor readings (CGM) DEXCOM G6, Control-IQ is an algorithm integrated in the T: Slim X2 pump that automatically adjusts basal insulin;The system is also designed to automatically deliver correction bowling to reduce the very high levels of blood sugar.This type of automated insulin administration decreases low levels, improves the time interval and reduces some of the problems of manual diabetes administration, especially during the night.The fundamental essay (study that Tandem will present to the FDA for approval) began this summer and has completed the registration.If everything goes well, Tandem expects control-iq to be available in the summer of 2019. In particular, while current users of the T: Slim X2 pump have the G6, the update will only require the installation of the new software at home, notA new bomb is needed.

T: Slim x2 as an interoperable / integrated "Ipump"
Before Control-IQ, Tandem plans to send the T: Slim X2 as an interoperable / integrated bomb ("Ipump") to the FDA of the USA. UU. This means working with the FDA to create a new regulatory route for thePumps, which focuses mainly on interoperability, that is, allows the pump to communicate without problems with other Bluetooth diabetes devices.The planned IPump indication should allow Tandem to make changes and improvements in the pump without the need for a long FDA process, and should also allow a rapid integration of new / improved CGMs.Ultimately, this should allow updates and innovation to reach users faster, as Dexcom and Tandem demonstrated earlier this year with the integrated / interoperable "ICGM" G6: due to the ICGM route, the G6 isHe integrated in the basal-i system of Tandem approximately one year faster than in the previous frame.

Mobile application T: Slim x2 - T: Connect
Update: The launch of the beta version is expected by the end of 2018;Extended launch in early 2019

This smart phone application with mobile screen will connect to the T: Slim X2 pump through Bluetooth, which will allow users to see the state and alerts of the pump on your own phone without having to remove the pump.The application will also allow remote monitoring by caregivers and wireless pump data load on T: Connect, Tandem web -based data application.According to the images, it seems that an Apple iPhone version will be released first.

The application will not allow users to control the pump initially, but this is a great possibility in future updates.Tandem certainly wants to advance in this direction and the FDA seems to be willing to do so, provided that adequate security precautions are taken.instead.Other possible future characteristics include integration with diet, sleep and information on exercises, tips forInsulin dosage and smartwatch integration.

T: "patch" sports insulin pump with hybrid wear
Update: second half of 2020

Tandem has been developing the "patch" T: Sport pump for several years, taking its current pump technology, miniaturizing it and changing the wear focus.The pump will not have a screen, wireless control from a hand phone / computer and a variety of infusion set options.Users can use the T pump: sport as a patch directly in the body under the clothing (very short infusion equipment) or in a pocket like a traditional tube pump (longest infusion equipment).T: The sport will have approximately half the size of the T: Slim X2, it is expected to contain 200 insulin units, and will include a bolus button in the pump;For example, you can take a bolus even if the hand computer is not distance.T: Sport will integrate the closed circuit closed control-iq circuit algorithm discussed above and receive data from Dexcom CGM, allowing a circuit system truly closed in the body, that is, users will remain in the automatic insulin administration even when thePortable telephone / device is out of range.Tandem hopes to launch the bomb in 2020.

The T: Sport with the current T: Slim X2:

Available now: Basal-IQ System Predictive Low Glucose Suspend (PLGS) with Dexcom G6
The Basal-IQ PLGS system uses information on the glucose trend of the G6 CGM to predict (and luckily prevent) the low blood sugar level (hypoglycemia).When a low potential is detected, the PLGS algorithm stops the administration of basal insulin until blood sugar levels begin to rise again;Then, Basal-IQ resumes the administration of basal insulin.All this happens without any alarm, and only adds an additional screen to the pump.See this article to obtain more details on how the algorithm works, the benefits of time in the range and how to start using basal-iq.

T: Slim X2 Pump launched outside the United States
Update: It was launched in Canada, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa

The next objectives for the launch of T: Slim X2 are France, Germany and the Netherlands, although there has been no specific time.For now, the T: Slim X2 only integrates with the CGM Dexcom G5, which means that transmitter G5 data is sent to the pump screen.Outside the US, the launch of the Basal-IQ PLGS system with the Dexcom G6 will begin in early 2019.

jconegar's profile photo
11/11/2018 1:04 a.m.

Miembro del equipo moderador del foro.

Ultima prueba realizada:
Maratón San Petesrburgo (Rusia)

Prueba deportiva Ruta de las Fortalezas.

Facebook: Jorge Moto
Usuario Dexcom G6 y microinfusora Tandem T: Slim X2 Basal IQ


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