Walking is within the activities with less physical demand, it is economical since it does not require equipment and is also suitable for all ages, keep reading and find out that it has more benefits than you could imagine.

Reasons why you should include walking in your daily activities

It decreases the risk of hypertension, reducing blood pressure values.Strengthen your heart, remember that silent death attacks when you least imagine it.
Prevents cardiovascular attacks, since it is an activity that stimulates circulation.Walking on average about 30min reduces 27% the probability of having a vascular brain episode.
If that were not enough, it is proven that hematopoiesis increases that is to say the synthesis of novo of the red blood cells.
Increase vitamin D levels, vitamin D plays a very important factor in the development of bones and our immune system.

It is very important that before exposing us to the sun's rays, it is necessary to use protection against UV rays, such as caps and sunscreen.

It is an activity that increases bone density decreases the risk of diseases such as osteoporosis.

It is not necessary to devote excessive time and intensity, since this instead of favoring us, can make ourselves decompensated or injured.
Improve your sex life, since being doing a physical activity, you will be improving your resistance.Both physical and respiratory.
Avoid obesity as long as walking is combined with good eating habits and a much less sedentary lifestyle.
It helps prevent breast cancer, studies around the world have proven that women walking 30 - 45 minutes are 45% less likely to develop breast cancer.