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Hello good ,
Well, according to Google from 400 to 420mg a day in adult men.
I do not believe that the objective is to ingest magnesium, but the lack of this same cause resistance in the cell wall.
Regularly eat foods containing magnesium and ready hehe
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For many years in NaturalSlim we have observed how every month we get hundreds of
obese people with diabetes who, in addition to the fact that they already have diabetic neuropathy, suffer from
A very bad sleep quality.They are diabetic that fail to sleep deep and their system
nervous seems to be so agitated or overexcited that they can wake up with the smallest
noise of their environment, or many times suffer from insomnia.Many nights of having insomnia
or an interrupted dream, which is not a repairman, makes them dawn in the morning feeling without
energy and exhausted, instead of rested.We have also observed how these diabetics
They begin to sleep with a deep and repairing sleep, once they use the 3x1 diet
to reduce their consumption of refined carbohydrates and hydrate the body.When also
they supplement their diet with magnesium (an essential mineral that is reassuring and relaxes to
nervous system) these people, many times for the first time in years, begin to enjoy
of a quality dream, which allows them to maintain glucose levels within the ranges
normal (70 mg/dl at 130 mg/dl).In NaturalSlim we have observed that people who do not
They manage to have a good sleep quality, or lose weight, nor manage to control their diabetes, because
They remain with a slow metabolism.This taught us to observe very closely the
behavior of the autonomic nervous system and its direct relationship with the efficiency of the
Metabolism of each person's body.
Diabetes book extract without problems by Frank Suarez
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Avocados, cinnamon, apple vinegar, stab of almonds.There I put my contribution.And to quench, lethuitgy !!!
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