In case you didn't know.

The 5 white poisons.

In our diet there are foods that should be called "poison", because they have little nutritional value and can even be harmful to our health.Known as "white poisons", they are the cause of different diseases that are considered serious, as they are degenerative, such as diabetes, arterial hypertension and even cancer.

1.- Refined table salt.

The industry decided to convert natural crystalline salt into simple sodium chloride, with iodine and fluor, because the scientists of the time affirmed that the other elements it contained (essential minerals and other trace elements) were unnecessary.Of a food that was “pure gold” because it provided the human being all the necessary elements for its subsistence in the exact proportion that the body needs to consume a product that is “pure poison”, as researchers and doctors know.
The natural crystalline salt, both the one that comes from the sea (sea salt), and from the mountains, contains the 84 elements that make up the human body in its exact proportion.Few people know that the composition of human blood is practically identical to the saline water of the "primary sea", that is, a solution with the same concentration of elements that the sea had millions of years ago.

2.- Refined sugar.

White sugar cannot be considered as a food, since it is a pure chemical, extracted from plant sources such as sugar cane or beet, lime is added and that is where that alkaline reaction kills almost all vitamins, thenCarbon dioxide is added to accelerate lime, this sugary liquid passes through tubes that separate it from impurities.Then comes another treatment with calcium sulfate, sulfuric acid to discolor and leave it almost white.

3) Refined flour.

The white flour produced is almost pure starch, and now contains a small fraction of the original grain nutrients.In addition, the chemical treatments in the grain result in the formation of a byproduct called Aloxano - a poison used in the medical research industry to produce diabetes in healthy mice.
When fine and white is the flour, less fiber, vitamins and minerals contains.White bread, bran bread, pastries, do not contain vitamins or minerals, while favoring caries, cancer, cholesterol and diabetes.

4) Refined rice.

Refined white rice causes sudden increases in blood glucose levels, which is a risk of diabetes ..
To produce white rice the integral grain is subjected to a refining process with which the outer layer and germ are removed.And basically what remains is the endosperm, which consists mainly of starch.
From the point of view of public health, the replacement of refined grains such as white rice with whole grains should be recommended, including comprehensive rice to facilitate the prevention of type 2 diabetes

5) Pasteurized cow's milk.

The pasteurization of milk destroys beneficial bacteria, along with the bad and destroys the essential enzymes for nutrient absorption.All its phosphatase is destroyed, which is essential for calcium absorption and calcium works with vitamin D, it is not only available through the sun, but it is an essential nutrient in raw cream.Heating any raw food destroys active enzymes, so lipase (a unique enzyme of milk and is needed to complete the digestion of fats) is thrown together with many other essential nutrients that pasteurization destroys.It is considered to be the main cause of allergies in children.And is that milk is also rich in saturated fats and cholesterol.They even relate itWith diabetes and even with osteoporosis, because due to being low in magnesium, it does not let the bones absorb calcium.