{'en': 'Herbalife products', 'es': 'Productos Herbalife'} Image

Herbalife products

05/24/2022 5:27 p.m.

Hello.I just gave me this herbalife protein protein "product" product "
It does not indicate any carbos, or sugar, what do you think?

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05/24/2022 5:30 p.m.

I would say that if it does not indicate, your sale is illegal.What I don't know is if they can give it away.

It should be calculated if those 134 kcal completely come from the 11g of proteins.

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05/24/2022 7:20 p.m.

Totally agree.I have looked in Google and apart from discovering that you are wealthy € 18 per bag, not a single reference to the hydrates it carries.That is not legal ...
And in the end all the chips are loaded with hydrates ...

DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.

05/24/2022 7:30 p.m.

I found it ... many hydrates ...

DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.

05/24/2022 7:49 p.m.

Groso mode:
- Proteins = 4 kcal/g
- Hydrates = 4 kcal/g
- Fats = 9 kcal/g

If each 30g bag has 11g of proteins (which are 44 kcal) and 134 kcal in total, it means that there are still about 90 calories (2/3 of the total) that come from hydrates plus fats.The figures of @isabelbota corroborates it.

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05/24/2022 8:14 p.m.

If you eat only about 3 chips .... but surely they hook and are a non -stop.

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.

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