Good morning.I have diabetes II.I get a basal insulin 8 units and in principle with that insulin I usually do well, but I have been three consecutive days that at noon before lunch they have given me picos of 170, 185, 175 and I have not changed the diet.What can be due.Should I use 10 of slow?.
Thank you
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What time do you put it on?How are you getting up with glucose?How slow is it?
DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.