{'en': '6mm needle puncture technique', 'es': 'Técnica punción aguja 6mm'} Image

6mm needle puncture technique

11/12/2022 11:42 p.m.

@Madmax I put the alarm to 75, and if I always sound to me in capillary, it is usually always by crushing the sensor.I do not usually have nocturnal drops since I put the basal at 8'00 in the morning ... that every 15 days you have to rotate the sensor's arm, that is what Abbott recommends, and I suppose that some reason will be for it, although I do not know ...
I also usually sleep on the same side but you end up getting used to everything (a trick is to put the sensor a little more "out of the arm I like to sleep in case I turn unconsciously that I do not chafe so much)

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11/12/2022 11:57 p.m.

I have the alarms in 75 and in 130 and it also happens to me that it sounds like it because the sensor is being crushed and when changing posture returns to normal.
@Madmax your partner and you are both diabetics?What a coincidence

DM1 desde 1990 - Fiasp y Toujeo - HG: 6,1

11/13/2022 8:20 a.m.

nigiri said:
I have the alarms in 75 and in 130 and it also happens to me that it sounds like it because the sensor is being crushed and when changing posture returns to normal.
@Madmax your partner and you are both diabetics?What a coincidence

I have thought about it too.I have a very close case.My brother and my sister -in -law are the two type 1. The truth is that they are a support for each other, they carry the same rhythm of life, they understand when they have hiccups or hyper ...
No one will better understand you than someone in your situation.

DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.

11/13/2022 11:19 a.m.

Good morning:

I believe that the rotating arm is to avoid putting it several times in the same area, as well as the insertion of insulin in the same area can also produce lipodystrophies, in addition to avoiding allergic reactions, when I consult the endocrineproblems because I used the same arm while rotating the area, I have calculated that I can rotate about eight times in the same arm before putting it in the same area, that is about two months;I also commented on the option to put it in the buttock, gut and did not make objections.

In my partner's work there is a boy who also puts it alone on an arm and has not had problems, I the second sensor changes my arm and to prevent me from crushing when I sleep it I locked it in the back of the arm, where the "lorza" hangs ... I fail from the first moment and I had to change it, so I do not think that the area has already wanted to put it there and I put it back on my leftLittle more in the lateral area.

I filled the online sensor replacement questionnaire, they called me about Abott, they asked me a lot of questions and consult the record of events (I did not know him until the person who attended me told me) and I get the impression that as was theFirst they did not put many pits for their return, because it seems that they were going to spend the phone with a nurse, but finally they informed me that they sent me home with an envelope and label to put in a mailbox the sensor that failed.

Of course, the next time I have to collect sensors I will go before the last unit, it is not going to be that they fail and make me wait to give me the new ones because they still do not touch me and until they would not send me the substitution sensor I stillThey left 5-7 days without a sensor and now that I have become accustomed I can not be without the o :)

My partner debuted with diabetes 5 years ago, it started with metformin but within a few months it was already dependent insulin, I have been a scarce month, it is certainly a slightly unfortunate coincidence, but well there are worse things in life and how you comment a load distributedBetween two it is always less heavy.

As I am starting, although I had stabilized with 8 Lantus units at night I had been a couple of nights with some night hypo, yesterday I click one unity less and I spent the night without problems.
Now I have to reduce insulin but I have assumed that in a time the curve will be inverse, life is to adapt to new circumstances and overcome them, so in those we are.

Greetings to everyone and thanks again for your comments and experiences

Woody Allen: “Sé que no merezco el Príncipe de Asturias, pero tampoco la diabetes que padezco”.

11/13/2022 10:37 p.m.

The crushing effect has never happened to me and that I carry the sensor in the buttock.
The alarms according to each one, I have it between 65-125, another thing is to pay attention.

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.

11/14/2022 7:52 a.m.

@Ruthbia to me in the buttock has never happened to me (it is where I have always taken it until a couple of months ago) but in the arm yes.

DM1 desde 1990 - Fiasp y Toujeo - HG: 6,1

11/22/2022 6:36 p.m.

Isabelbota said:
Madmax said:
had read a long time ago about the pic that were very bad, when my partner debuted, he told him that he was lucky that theSS would give him the 5mm BD, so when I received my pic, it didn't make me very funny, but well they are the ones that give me in the equally, I understand that being private they throw the cheapest to reduce costs, for the moment they go well,Maybe they have improved over time, at least I want to think.

I believe that this sensor that I have now, measures something above the capillaries, usually when they give me hypoglycemia at night I usually wait a few minutes, there are times that in 5 minutes I will be ok again miraculous.

Today I have risen with a bad body and all day dizzy, I understand that it will have been for a long time at the low night, I would calibrate it with the capillaries, but if in hypoglycemia I also have to make three capillaries for an hour, I do not know ifI'm going to fade: P

I have to download the basal again (7 units), I don't know if it will be metabolism or sensor ... I also happen to you that when I am about to get out of bed I can be 70 and peak and as soon as II get up at 5 minutes, I'm almost 20 above.

Today I made a capillary and the difference was not much 10-15 but of course I blame about being ground today that perhaps instead of being at night in 70 and peak I have been around 60.

The endocrine told me to change the alarm that upload it to 75, well I change it, but if I leave it in those values ​​I would be whistling all night, so I changed it again, you at night how much you have putThe low glucose alarm.

So far I have not had the need to calibrate the sensor with capillaries, because it was quite even with the glucometer but I still try to see.

Greetings for all

Regarding the night hypos I do not know if you have read (we have commented a lot here) that many are not real.They occur when the sensor sleeping, the liquid and hypo brand does not get well.As soon as you change posture and release it, raise the value.
And yes, it is getting out of bed and the values ​​upload.It is seen that the body will be prepared for the activity of the day and the liver secretes glucose.
I have the alarm in 70. Nothing happens to me to be 60, I'm fine.In fact it caught my attention that my sister-in-law was pregnant, they put a range of 60-130.But for example my brother puts it to 80. It depends on each one.

It is that the normality range is 70 to 100 so if we aspire.Approaching that, I don't understand why you have to upload it.
I have the Free alarm in 60 but I have it turned off because I put the diabox, but I have it in vibration mode.

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