Next year eight diabetes day hospitals will be created in the Valencian Community.The economic funds are consigned through a armored item in the budgets of the Generalitat Valenciana by 2023, and the provision of own personnel has also been provided to provide this new health service.Initially part with an endocrine, a podiatrist and a nursing professional although it is also intended to incorporate the diabetic foot unit and vascular surgery.

The first of these specific centers for people suffering from diabetes will begin operating next February and the rest will be done progressively.All of them in enabled spaces for this purpose within the reference hospitals or specialties centers.But concrete locations are still to be determined.The technicians are valuing all the circumstances and conditions based on the premise that the service must be provided in the closest environment of the population to which it must attend.In this case, the logical thing would be for each province to be - Valencia and Castellón - had at least two diabetes day hospitals.

amputation risk

More than 12,000 diabetes patients in the province underBlood to the limbs.

That is why it is not the first time that the Federation of Diabetics of the Valencian Community (Fedicova) and endocrine doctors raise this project to the health authorities seeking, above all, to face the pathology with a multidisciplinary treatment.But the lack of political will had prevented to date that the petition was treated.A sensitivity that, however, has demonstrated the new Department of Health at six months of assuming the position.For Miguel Mínguez "the new diabetes day hospitals and the diabetic standing units are a great advance in the treatment of this disease and in the improvement of the lives of citizens who suffer from. Thanks to these new resources -the highCONSELLER- We can act in a preventive way to avoid ulcers and other consequences of diabetes in people. "

lack of health personnel

In these new centers an integrated diabetic assistance will be provided that will remain all day and, even, with a telematic tracking.In the Autonomous Communities of Andalusia and Catalonia they have already been implemented but the rest of Spain suffers from a benefit that will begin to be offered in the Valencian territory next year.

The Consell's decision has been received by Fedicova as "a great achievement to which others must follow to guarantee full care of the diabetic patient."This has been indicated by the president of the Federation of Diabetics of the Valencian Community, the Eldense Fernando de la Torre, for whom this new resource will allow to address the pathology from prevention and periodic and direct review of the cases."The exploration of the feet is fundamental and in a regulated way has never been done in the diabetics of type 2, and sporadically in those of type 1, although the protocol establishes that it must be carried out," explains the head ofThe Federation blaming this dysfunction to the lack of health personnel and the high volume of work that they must assume daily.

Precisely the lack of reviews during the Covid-19 pandemic has increased amputations, loss of vision and weight gain among patients, which is a risk factor because it increases its glucose levels.A significant data of scopeAutonomic: After the pandemic, the number of people suffering from diabetes has increased by 100,000.90% of type 2 and 10% of type 1.

since 2016

The Diabetics Federation has been requesting the implementation of diabetes day hospitals since 2016. Until now these types of patients are treated in primary care, in the Endocrinology section of the General University Hospital of Elda and, in case of hypoglycemic crisis, in the emergency room.But with the start -up of the new service they can go directly to the day hospital or be derived by their family doctors.They are some of the aspects that the president of the Fedicova, Fernando de la Torre, and Secretary Alfonso Sánchez have addressed in the recent meeting they have held with Cristina Ruiz, deputy director of patient care of the Department of Health.

"As a starting point, it seems very commendable that next year eight diabetes hospitals are opened, but we hope that the figure will increase in the following years because many more are needed to attend to the large number of people suffering from this disease", he wanted to point out of the tower.

Also for Dr. José Manuel Ruiz, the new service is a great improvement in the care.«On the one hand it will allow the current limitations and, on the other, it will offer the patient complete and multidisciplinary attention that, at the moment, is carried out in a biased way, which involves discomforts for diabetics.It refers in concrete to the review of the feet in each visit to the doctor, the control of the kidney and the fatty liver, the electrogram session as well as the examination of the background.

José Manuel Ruiz assumed in 2014 the Headquarters of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Section of the Elda Hospital and was also the director of the Diabetes Plan of the Valencian Community.He works at the Eldense hospital since 2011 but previously exercised in the hospitals of Sant Joan D’Alacant and San Vicente del Raspeig.For the specialist the measure is "very positive" because it will avoid cases of renal failure and blindness, as well as the traumatic amputations suffered by diabetics when they carry a bad control of the disease.

confuse hypoglycemia and drunkenness

The Federation of Diabetics is concerned about the lack of information about the disease that the agents of the Local Police, National Police and Civil Guard usually have.This situation has led them to confuse young diabetics of type 1 who suffer a crisis of hypoglycemia with a drunkenness.In fact, the symptoms are very similar since, when there is a strong decrease in sugar, the person suffers disorientation, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, confusion, headache and even aggressive or strange behavior.In these cases it is necessary to urgently supply glucose to the patient since it can enter into a coma.Hence Fedicova offers to give courses to the agents so that they can distinguish between a drunk and a diabetic and act accordingly.

sport in the medical recipe

Every five seconds a person dies in the world as a result of diabetes.The increase in this disease in Spain, almost 15% per year and at the head of Europe, generates a special concern in health authorities.In fact, it is the pathology that involves the greatest cost for public health and that causes more deaths although, in many occasions, the true origin is masked.Health expenditure in Spain amounts to 8,500 million euros per year and from that amount of 2,500 million are exclusively allocated to the treatment of diabetes.

It is the first cause of hemodialysis or renal transplant, loss of vision, amputations and it is aVery frequent cause of absenteeism, depression and other consequences on the personal and social spheres of affected people and their caregivers.

"These are data that should be very present and remember periodically to take this serious problem and act, with decision and with the necessary resources, to combat a disease that will double the number of cases in 2030," says Fernando de la Torre.In this sense, the president of the Federation of Diabetics of the Valencian Community affects prevention as the main ally.An early diagnosis is essential because initiating the treatment as soon as possible prevents it from aggravating, especially in type 2.

"Food and exercise are equally fundamental and it is curious to verify that, despite the benefits of our Mediterranean diet, there are more and more people who acquire bad food habits."With a sedentary life and greater consumption of fat and sweet, obesity increases, which makes the body more insulin, hormone that secretes the pancreas and regulates the amount of glucose existing in the blood.Hence, in the last decade the cases diagnosed with type 2 diabetes have been triggered, which is initially treated only with pills although, without adequate control, it can end up becoming type 1 diabetes, the most dangerous and the one that makes it necessary to inject insulindaily.

From the Autonomous Federation of Diabetics, the Public Health System is also claimed that doctors may include in their recipes the practice of sport to control the disease."Just as pills are prescribed, it would be convenient to prescribe physical exercise to patients because it has been shown to be as important as the medication so that they can maintain glucose balance," Fernando de la Torre finally points out.