Diabetes affects both men and women, although both live it in a different way.The centers for the control and prevention of diseases in the United States (CDC) indicate that women with diabetes have to be aware of more things.

In both sexes it is common to have to review the blood sugar level often, eat healthy foods and perform physical activity, to have the best state of health and feel in the best way, but other factors are added to women.

“Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease.This increase is four times higher for women, but only twice for men, and women have worse consequences after a heart attack.They also have a greater risk of having other complications related to this disease such as blindness, damage to the kidney and depression, ”says the aforementioned institution.

Normally, women experience many of a man's symptoms.However, there are conditions that only present.These are some of the most relevant, according to experts.

Vaginal and oral infections: CDCs explain that it is normal for women to contract vaginal infections at some point, but diabetics have a higher risk, especially if their blood sugar levels are high.Also if they have poor circulation, because this reduces the body's ability to combat infections.In addition, in some women the bladder does not empty completely due to diabetes, which creates a perfect means to multiply bacteria.

When there is infection in the vaginal area, the symptoms include: itching, pain, vaginal flow and pain during sexual intercourse, the Healthline portal requires.

It is also possible that oral fungal infections occur that often generate a white layer in the tongue and inside the mouth.High levels of blood glucose trigger fungal growth.

Urinary infections: The risk of this condition is greater in women with diabetes.This condition develops when bacteria enter the urinary tract.These infections can cause: pain when urinating, ardor and urine sensation with blood or murky.According to Healthline, there is a risk of renal infection if these symptoms are not treated.

"Urinary infections are common in women with diabetes, mainly because the immune system is committed due to hyperglycemia," he says.

Changes in the menstrual cycle: hormonal changes just before and during the menstrual period can make blood sugar levels predict.It is also possible for a woman to have longer or more intense periods, and cravings of certain foods can hinder the management of diabetes, according to CDC.

Effect in sexual relations: diabetes tends to reduce interest in sexual relations and the ability to enjoy them.In some women, vaginal dryness can be uncomfortable or even generate pain.Among the possible causes are: nerve damage, reduction in blood flow, medications and hormonal changes, including changes during pregnancy or menopause.

Pregnancy: If a woman with this disease wants to have a baby should plan it very well, because a high level of blood sugar increases the risk of preeclampsia (high blood pressure), having a caesarean section or presenting a spontaneous abortion orFetal death

The specialists say that the organs of a baby are formed during the first two months of pregnancy, and a high level of blood sugar during this time can cause birth defects and also the probability that it is born before, weigh too much, have too much, havebreathing problems or a low level of blood sugar just after birth.