{'en': 'Glucose corrective settings', 'es': 'Ajustes correctores glucosa'} Image

Glucose corrective settings

02/19/2023 11:32 a.m.


I would appreciate your comments on the corrective adjustments in a type 2 diabetic

An example: dawns with 300 before breakfast.We corrected with Novorapid 6 units and basal lantus as previous days.
It takes to go down, after approximately 90 minutes it is still high or even rises more, we adjust again because it is already close to the food.

The food arrives and we are 195 we proceed to another adjustment of 4 Novirapid to avoid uploading after intake and eats at 15 minutes at 7:20 p.m. present 90 glucose and make snack.

Doubts if these adjustments are adequate, what do you think?


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02/19/2023 1:59 p.m.

They are quite bad.
Ask for an appointment with the endocrine and diabetological education.
It must be between 80-140 at most hours and below 180 to 2 hours of having eaten.
You must put a novorapid based on the rations of hydrates that you are going to eat.And yes, novorapid takes about 90min to take effect, it is his action curve.

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.

02/19/2023 2:40 p.m.

Today without living.
It dawns with 233 we adjust with 4 novorapid to be able to have breakfast and at 14:30 is still high with 217 ....
We set up with 6 and eat in half an hour.I guess this corticoid X alteration a few days ago, but it is overwhelming
Thank you

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02/19/2023 4:47 p.m.

Sunrise with 300, you would have to adjust the lantus before correcting quickly

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02/19/2023 5:14 p.m.

Indeed the first problem is slow.It should not be dawn above 120, the values ​​you say are a barbarity, and the value of the time to get the slow marks.I don't know how much Lantus gets but obviously is little.You have to go up little by little until you wake up in values ​​below 120 and when that is achieved, already with the rapid control the meals.

DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.

02/19/2023 5:53 p.m.

Thank you, we have increased Lantus for 3 days.

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02/19/2023 7:41 p.m.

Corticosteroids rise glycemia, but why do you run with 4th novorapid at 230?What breakfast?
I think you don't know your insulin sensitivity or calculate for portions.

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.

02/19/2023 7:55 p.m.

It is based on a doctor's script according to values ​​X and then only milk breakfast with coffee and about 4 cookies María.
I do not know the sensitivity, although I suspect that there is the subject or its reserve ... it also has 93 years.
Thanks for your comments are very helpful

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02/20/2023 4:23 p.m.

The sensitivity is obtained by writing down the departure glycemia, the rations of hydrates, the insulin used and the blood glucose 2 hours later.
Every 10g of HC is 1 ration of hydrates.There are food tables for that.(SED Foundation)
If it is in 135 before eating, eat a plate of vegetables (1R), some protein and a medium fruit (1.5r), it gets 25g of HC, if you put a novorapid 3UD and at 2 hours it is in 120,It means that his sensitivity is 1: 0.8, that is, each insulin unit metabolizes 8g of HC approx

4 cookies are 20g of hydrates and milk if they are a cup (200cc) are approximately 10g, that is, breakfast about 30mg that are 3 servings.Then you have put 4ud for 230mg/dl but it would need another 3uds more or less to metabolize breakfast, so it is high.

For basal blood glucose, you need to climb 2 in 2 Lantus units, until when you wake up in normal values ​​(80-140), but eye !!!That Lantus takes abrupt effect at 4 hours and does not last 24h, so it can have nightlife hypoglycemia if you put it at night and that in the afternoon is high because it no longer takes effect.For that, the thing is to change the hour in the morning, which can be react with a zumito or 15g sugar in water.

As I said, ask for an appointment in diabetological education and with an endocrine that the doctors of the head of this do not know.

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.

02/20/2023 5:07 p.m.

Thank you.Today it seems that it is with more optimal levels.

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02/20/2023 5:11 p.m.

How well explained Ruthbia.Very grateful.

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