pot said:
I don't write much but I read you and learn with interest.My case is as follows: I am 68 years old and I have been with diabetes and insulin for more than 40 years, and fortunately I have no sequelae ...... Wood.
I will also take many years with the driving license, (only of cars). Always I renew it I never said anything about diabetes and I never had problems.
The fact is that when I renew it next time I will reach 70 years, (I hope) and I have read there that if it is not declared they can put high fines.
This morning being in a trusted mechanical workshop, I told the boss and told me that I would not have problems, in any case play a role of the doctor, I suppose to say that I can drive.
Has anyone been in this situation?
What do you think?
Thanks and greetings.

Good afternoon:
Like you do not usually write much but read, to be up to date and see experiences of other people with diabetes;And incidentally learn.
I have been with progress with diabetes for less time since I am 38 years old and since the 18 with a driver's driver ".From the first moment I have admitted that I am diabetic.I know that many people do not, among other things because if you say it and you will have the car insurance in your name, it is very expensive (I put it in capital letters because the amount can be double quietly).In addition, the maximum for what they renew it is 3 years, before they did it every year (when I had 18), it is if at that time they made you pay to renew it 1/10 of it worth it.Now they make it renew every 3 years but they charge you the same as that he renews every 10 years.They usually ask you to take report from your doctor in which I say how these, which in my case is usually good.Not carrying more problems.
If you wonder why I declare it (once declare it they can no longer remove it), having those previous problems that I said, it is because regardless of the fine (which I do not know if they can put it on you, but logical it is, since they would be hiding information to therecognition doctor what is prohibited).Above all, the reason is because in case of having an accident in which the insurance must respond, as long as it realizes that you are diabetic and did not declare it;Automatically throws out, he will not take care of anything, apart from stopping to sign the person as he has hired insurance with irregularities.For now, I have not had any problems, but imagine you have an accident as a cause or as a receiver (because they gave you you) you can be totally unprotected.And to those who I know will say that this is not;I have it more than corroborated with people who have happened to them and with medical personnel who work for insurers who are relatives.In fact it was his advice to do it.Of course, the insurance also warns that what people do is that they have it in the name of another person but they put themselves as usual drivers.
So my advice, always declare it.If you wear controlled sugar you waste time renewing every 3 years, but little else.And if you look at the amount, imagine an accident in which you have to fix without wanting a defense and a car hood (things of the most common; and not being cheap) either yours and that of another person and that you must answerWith your savings or salary (because it will end in trial) instead of doing it insurance.Being that you have been paying the insurance religiously but at the time of having to respond and fulfill its mission, it is exempted for that cause.