{'en': 'Driving card and diabetes', 'es': 'Carné de conducir y diabetes'} Image

Driving card and diabetes

09/05/2023 10:59 p.m.

I do not enter itself, it is deception since insurance does not ask about diabetes with what we are not "cheated".But that if the insurance considers that there has been deceit for something and grabs that to not pay, the whole risk passes it through the lining.As I have told you their own damages they are the first to pay (the others are not to blame for you to have cheated, you and your damage you eat them).And this is so.

DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.

09/06/2023 8:21 a.m.

I do not care for insurance, the reality is that it depends on the center you go.In the first renovation 20 years ago, they didn't look at anything, in the second either and now only the tension and view.They did not ask me about diseases and they did not make me audiometry either.
If the BOE is checked, 80% of the tests required.So in case the mutual does not want to cover its own damage to complain with the companies that cheerfully make us the reviews.

My father is 80 years old, does not hear and carries glasses, because in his card he does not put any restriction in the codes of the reverse.This is how these companies work, 55 EUR and voila.If you have an accident, are you not going to cover you?I doubt it.In fact, the entire car has been covered and painted 3 months ago.

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.

09/06/2023 9:34 a.m.

@rubittha is curiosity ... Doesn't it mark the card?

Silvia (España)
Fiaps + Toujeo.
Díabética desde los 4 años. Ahora tengo 38.
Hbg cambiante.

09/06/2023 10:20 a.m.

Of grief !!Promoting the deception, until the day you run over someone and then we will take our hands to their heads, as moderators cannot be erased or denounced, so we do and induce crime !!And we try to justify it !!

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09/06/2023 1:12 p.m.

In theory, medical data are ultra -confidential.
In case of having an accident caused by hypoglycemia, I do not know how much the insurance company could access that information except in the framework of a judicial process.
I see very difficult for us to get hypoglycemia driving with the means we have to control diabetes.And if we have an accident for any other cause, our medical history is irrelevant.

LADA desde septiembre de 2021
Toujeo y Fiasp

09/06/2023 4:14 p.m.

Well, as I have noticed I am the one who opened the thread that you have helped me a lot. Contesting in general, I live near Ourense and almost "hiberno" in my area when winter arrives (but I have a good time with my hobbies).En verano si hago viajecitos:Santiago,Vigo, a las playas gallegas, y si voy mas lejos (Barcelona o Madrid ver a familiares)utilizo otros medios y no llevo el coche..Logicamente cuando hago algùn viaje por Galicia,(u otros), of course, I have "my things" very complete for eventually if I have problems, but I prefer to have the glucose a high movie in case and, really, I never had problems, and more now with the means we have.
As I said, I am going to say that I am diabetic when the carnè renews (if the time comes and I play wood). As for the insurance, the agent is my friend and I will let it "fall" claiming other people's causes and see if I have ithahaha. Thank you and greeting everyone.

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09/06/2023 8:32 p.m.

Andrespmat said:
of penalty !!Promoting the deception, until the day you run over someone and then we will take our hands to their heads, as moderators cannot be erased or denounced, so we do and induce crime !!And we try to justify it !!

I do not promote deception, I comment what I have done.Everyone is responsible for their actions, which we are not minors.

And yes, I take my hands to the head by the bus driver who gave him a stroke in front of me and killed a co -worker and himself.In addition to hurting several more.

If we were with the poster ahead of the diabetes, in addition to the driver's card, we could not get on a scaffold for occupational risks, lest it give us a hiccThe museum during a hiccup, etc, etc., etc.

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.

09/07/2023 3:36 p.m.

Andrespmat said:
of penalty !!Promoting the deception, until the day you run over someone and then we will take our hands to their heads, as moderators cannot be erased or denounced, so we do and induce crime !!And we try to justify it !!

Lord my, I think that no one is deceived... A diabetic has all its intellect to catch or not a car according to what circumstances. We can anticipate a low glucose drop before taking a car and we can be alert controlling the levels. It does one that does one that is drunk or drugged?(and that these people forgive me because some cannot leave their "hitch" ending in a chronic disease) if previous follow -ups and controls on people who get drunk and drug themselves, possibly a large amount could not give him the carnè.
All the best.

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09/07/2023 4:12 p.m.

The usual @cacharo, the drunk the drug addict, the silly the list, told me there are worse diseases, I am tired of hearing that, let's look at our own navel and fulfill the laws and leave the San believed and the San thoughtThe Holy of Ignorance,
Ah and my best also for you !!

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09/07/2023 7:10 p.m.

@Andrespmat is not about that.
The legislation has not been updated for diabetes patients according to the means of control and monitoring that we have today.
They continue to consider us as in 1950;That at any time gives us something and we are super dangerous to drive, be a member of a State Security Corps, conduct public transport, etc.etcetcAnd as I said, why not to be a mason in high -rise constructions?Or clean crystals in the Skylines?Or chimneys?I see the same risk in case of severe or not so severe hypoglycemia.

Of course it is impossible that it is guaranteed that everyone is controlled, but the same thing that cannot be assertIts glasses and spare, headphones who require it, prostheses, etc.
They normally catch them in random controls.

When debuts, you have no limitations in the card until you have to renew, nobody comes to "renew it" with the medical certificate to include you on the reverse the limitation.

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.

09/07/2023 7:57 p.m.

@Ruthbia, I know it !!
But lately the forum is very dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You have to give it a little life, if we all think the same, it gives us the dream, a wapa hug !!

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09/07/2023 8 p.m.

@Ruthbia and what you say about construction and clean crystals, totally agree Imagine 65 years to ten floors in an eaves and diabetic, and it is done, but it is a little risk, take care of yourself Ruthbia

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09/07/2023 8:36 p.m.

Andrespmat said:
the usual @cacharo, the drunklaws and let the San believed and the San thought that this is the saint of ignorance,
Ah and my best also for you !!

Hello .
The drunkards, drugs etc. are part of life very much in spite of everyone and the listings too. Of course my respect for all. I do not know you and I do not know what it is, therefore I will not put myself more toThe height and put an end to the matter.
All the best.

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09/07/2023 10:47 p.m.

I agree on that ... that the legislation is very late with the diabetics, but they are also interested ... because they do not get money with us.

Silvia (España)
Fiaps + Toujeo.
Díabética desde los 4 años. Ahora tengo 38.
Hbg cambiante.

09/10/2023 12:55 p.m.

Hello.Man, declare it is always fine to avoid problems, and I think that because of your age they would no longer have renewed you for 10, but for 5, with what you don't care.

You have to bring a role of your endocrine certifying that you have no hypoglycemia or medical problems that prevent you from driving.

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09/10/2023 3:03 p.m.

Hello, for this, as for everything in life you have to be honest.You have diabetes because you say it, both to renew the driving card and in any recognition.And if instead of 10 years Real 5, it is what there is.All the best

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09/10/2023 6:49 p.m.

ruthbia said:
@joyki I renewed it last year and it was 55 euros everything.
I didn't say any diabetes, nor can it occur to me.The first time they give it to you for 1 year and then every 5 years.

Everything related to diabetes is backward and demagogic according to whom you speak.

There are known diseases that have no limitations and are worse than diabetes that are very controlled with the media that Social Security offers today.
It seems incredible that my father with 70 years, deaf due to auditory nerve wear, renews him for 10 years (now with 80 touches renewal), without observations !!!!And I are diabetic has so many limitations.

Total, I renewed and said nothing.10 years more and point.The insurance is a lie if you have a whole risk.

The important thing about diabetes is that you do not suffer problems that may affect your day to day or driving naturally, that is, if you have any complication you have to declare it (like any person who does not have diabetes logically, vision, nerves, etc. etc) ifYou are well with nothing, you are like a normal person, for physical effects in driving, just like the one who has no diabetes.
In medical recognition to renew the card, it would also have to declare hypertension, some cardiac pathology, etc.
Insurance has nothing to do, since if they give you a blow and it is not your fault no matter what you have declared, if on the contrary it is your fault would have to see the reason, poor condition of the vehicle, recklessness, etc. nothing thatsee with pathologies

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09/10/2023 8:01 p.m.

pot said:

I don't write much but I read you and learn with interest.My case is as follows: I am 68 years old and I have been with diabetes and insulin for more than 40 years, and fortunately I have no sequelae ...... Wood.

I will also take many years with the driving license, (only of cars). Always I renew it I never said anything about diabetes and I never had problems.

The fact is that when I renew it next time I will reach 70 years, (I hope) and I have read there that if it is not declared they can put high fines.

This morning being in a trusted mechanical workshop, I told the boss and told me that I would not have problems, in any case play a role of the doctor, I suppose to say that I can drive.

Has anyone been in this situation?

What do you think?

Thanks and greetings.

Good afternoon:

Like you do not usually write much but read, to be up to date and see experiences of other people with diabetes;And incidentally learn.

I have been with progress with diabetes for less time since I am 38 years old and since the 18 with a driver's driver ".From the first moment I have admitted that I am diabetic.I know that many people do not, among other things because if you say it and you will have the car insurance in your name, it is very expensive (I put it in capital letters because the amount can be double quietly).In addition, the maximum for what they renew it is 3 years, before they did it every year (when I had 18), it is if at that time they made you pay to renew it 1/10 of it worth it.Now they make it renew every 3 years but they charge you the same as that he renews every 10 years.They usually ask you to take report from your doctor in which I say how these, which in my case is usually good.Not carrying more problems.

If you wonder why I declare it (once declare it they can no longer remove it), having those previous problems that I said, it is because regardless of the fine (which I do not know if they can put it on you, but logical it is, since they would be hiding information to therecognition doctor what is prohibited).Above all, the reason is because in case of having an accident in which the insurance must respond, as long as it realizes that you are diabetic and did not declare it;Automatically throws out, he will not take care of anything, apart from stopping to sign the person as he has hired insurance with irregularities.For now, I have not had any problems, but imagine you have an accident as a cause or as a receiver (because they gave you you) you can be totally unprotected.And to those who I know will say that this is not;I have it more than corroborated with people who have happened to them and with medical personnel who work for insurers who are relatives.In fact it was his advice to do it.Of course, the insurance also warns that what people do is that they have it in the name of another person but they put themselves as usual drivers.

So my advice, always declare it.If you wear controlled sugar you waste time renewing every 3 years, but little else.And if you look at the amount, imagine an accident in which you have to fix without wanting a defense and a car hood (things of the most common; and not being cheap) either yours and that of another person and that you must answerWith your savings or salary (because it will end in trial) instead of doing it insurance.Being that you have been paying the insurance religiously but at the time of having to respond and fulfill its mission, it is exempted for that cause.

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09/10/2023 8:04 p.m.

salad said:
in theory, medical data are ultra -confidential.
In case of having an accident caused by hypoglycemia, I do not know how much the insurance company could access that information except in the framework of a judicial process.
I see very difficult for us to get hypoglycemia driving with the means we have to control diabetes.And if we have an accident for any other cause, our medical history is irrelevant.

In case of having an accident they can investigate and see what caused it.And medical data is "ultra -confidential", but you are forced to communicate your health status to the doctor of recognition.Because otherwise, someone who has taken alcohol can say that if they make a blood analytical, it is a confidential fact.Or if someone has Daltonism, it is a medical fact that they should not say.

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09/10/2023 8:09 p.m.

ruthbia said:
I don't care for insurance, the reality is that it depends on the center you go.In the first renovation 20 years ago, they didn't look at anything, in the second either and now only the tension and view.They did not ask me about diseases and they did not make me audiometry either.
If the BOE is checked, 80% of the tests required.So in case the mutual does not want to cover its own damage to complain with the companies that cheerfully make us the reviews.

My father is 80 years old, does not hear and carries glasses, because in his card he does not put any restriction in the codes of the reverse.This is how these companies work, 55 EUR and voila.If you have an accident, are you not going to cover you?I doubt it.In fact, the entire car has been covered and painted 3 months ago.

I repeat, they should do it, yes.But in the first place it is your word against the signature of the doctor of recognition that has authority.And in addition, the interested party is obliged to communicate any state of health that may affect.Believe me, they with washing your hands and getting into trial and taking care of everything telling compensation, rehabilitation costs, vehicle arrangements and judicial costs (because they are thrown out and communicate it to a judge), because it is worth it.Total already charged you, but of course they say: "We charge for a service but with false premises, since the defendant did not declare .... Therefore, the entire policy is invalidated."And to return the money nothing, because being you who lied, they acted in good faith;Cause that leaves you with "ass in the air" (sorry for expression).

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