{'en': "Today I went to the doctor's head ......", 'es': 'Hoy fui al medico cabecera......'} Image

Today I went to the doctor's head ......

02/19/2025 6:15 p.m.


Well, today I went to the header because the endocrine as Contè in another post was discharged and putting insulin and everything .... they kill me if I understand it.

He went to tell him that I expired the driving meat soon and if I had to make a report. He didn't even look at me (this is going to break!) He began to write but finally told me that if he had to carry it.I had hypos and had good control with an active and current medication sheet.People much worse than me and renewed him ....... Let's see when "Go Pallà" ....

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02/20/2025 6:01 p.m.

I don't understand you.

You want a report of how your disease evolves for the card renewal center.

The endocrine looks at your background (hypos, complications, glyd levels that indicate good control, etc).

Why do you want me to explore you on that visit?The sugar you can have at that time does not indicate if you are well controlled.Nor do you have to ask yourself if you are well controlled because they say the computer data, the analytics, the entry or emergency reports etc.The doctor will never make a report of whatever you tell him, he needs objective evidence.

Hijo con 6 años con DM1. Novorrapid, Lantus, FreeStyle.

02/20/2025 7:38 p.m.


I want a report.

But I think I expressed me wrong. I want to say "without even looking at me" but without looking at my face, (although I am ugly they like to look at me when they speak to me hahaha) I did not pretend that I would be able to look at me but that I would look at me.that will explore me because it makes no sense.

You can not put what I tell you (I didn't intend) like what the machine says in history.

He simply attached a sheet with my treatment and history and another saying that: patient blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, yes, in the end he put "good control, no hypoglycemia ect.etc. Well forgive for not expressing me well and greeting.

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