Prevent and treat diabetes.

Jesus Solis's profile photo   07/17/2008 2:17 p.m.

Hello my name is Jesus Solis, I am a doctor and I set in Mexico.
My ascendants have been type 2 diabetics and 8 years ago I had the beginning of diabetes to control and do not take any medication, I control it with nutritional regime.
For 35 years that I obtained my medical title as a surgeon, I am interested in this subject and those related to metabolic problems.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is 50 % hereditary and 50 % consequence of a "bad food technique."
Inheritance is something that cannot be modified, but the bad food habits yes and it is where I have dedicated myself to research on problems such as diabetes (type 1 and 2), obesity, high cholesterol, etc.
But for now I will talk about diabetes and later there will be time for the other metabolic conditions.
Diabetes 2 has been increasing its appearance and despite the technological advances of the 21st century we know of friends, family, acquaintances, etc.With new cases.
Teconology is for devices, the human being is the same in its functioning from thousands of centuries, so technology does not according to it.
Treatments with medicines come and go but there is no talk of epidemylogic reduction of this condition;Which means that something is wrong with the prophylaxis and therapeutics of this condition.
If you are reading these lines, you must have a person suffering from diabetes 1 or 2 and the problems that it presents because when you go to the medical service they indicate a "diet" based on calories or carbohydrates or fat and in addition to hungerEven more doses of medications.
Appearance of injuries due to the figures to the discharge and low of blood glucose, dizziness and other discomfort caused by instability of blood sugar.
Diabetes 1 requires insulin;2 No (except extreme cases such as burns, severe accidents among others).
2 sometimes of tablets.
But the community denominator is the appropriate feed not diet.
You will have tried many "diets" advised by nurses, nutriologists, medical and other health personnel but always required higher doses of medications and when this happens to take "loads" of glucose to counteract hypoglycemia (sugar casualities).
Well so as not to tire this occasion I invite you to be told about your personal or family or acquaintances about diabetes 1 or 2 and we can have a link so that existing cases can be controlled and those who have family precedes of diabetes,Prveenir the appearance of this condition.
Remember: Diabetes control is fundamental with an adequate nutritional regime.
Greetings for all and united against this condition.

Jesus Solis's profile photo
Jesus Solis
07/17/2008 2:17 p.m.
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Welcome, Jesus.

It is appreciated your contribution, although I think you mix different things.
Type 1 diabetes and type 2 look quite little, except that if they do not take care of high blood glucose levels and little else.

You seem to be against diets, and at the same time you talk about an "adequate nutritional regime" that is a diet, or many diets.

I do not agree that with the diets that the doctor sends, more and more medication is required.I think you are lying a little, despite being a doctor, you say.

What do you understand by adequate food - no diet?A proper diet is a diet, and there are many types.

Anyway, I think you've been a little.Or you try to talk to us about a "great regime you know" am I wrong?


DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/17/2008 6:56 p.m.
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Thanks for your welcome.

I want to comment with all the friends of the forum things that really modify the behavior that should be had with people with diabetes, do not copy and less continue with the mistakes in which we have fallen by doctors, educators in diabetes, nurses, nutriologists, nutritionists and othersHealth personnel.
When a new light must be offered, this must be objective and demonstrable by means as I say objective such as laboratory studies.
In principle I agree with you that diabetes 1 and 2 are of different etiology, but that in both insulin deficiency is the central point with the consequences of damage to the spcially spcially blood vessel structures if the hypo orHyperglycemia.
But but the management of both conditions have a central point that is: the appropriate feeding.
It doesn't matter if type 1 is congenital or caused by diseases such as hashimoto or toxic or viral thyroiditis among many more.
Require to maintain adequate and stable levels of blood glucose.And this is achieved first with an adequate nutritional regime that avoids the peaks and valleys of glycemia figures as well as in type 1 the use of hypoglycemic (lease insulin) that in the 2 must be used (insulin) is only espcify cases such as commentpreviously.

Second, diets by nature are those nutritional regimes lacking certain elements and that from their name start thinking about sacrifice, discomfort, etc.
How many of those of us who have had the nion of carrying a "diet" only with listening to this word we feel annoying.
I ask: how a traditional diet is calculated for the patient with diabetes: first analyzing the amount of calories, second percentage of fat, carbohydrates, sodium, etc.
If the diet is not properly balanced, it is hungry as the majority of patients manifest and if it is in greater quantity, glucose levels are raised by what is required of greater dose of hypoglycemiciants that lead to hpoglycemia and occurs as compensation or aGlucagon or glucagon load to raise the figure of blood glucose by the iatrogenic low.
This is to fall into the "Wheel of Fortune" first goes down and then rises and so on with the risk of high and low blood glucose figures.

I ask you and the forum friends suffering from diabetes 1 0 2: Have you managed to maintain stable glucose figures with a diet and at the same time reduce the need for hypoglycemic medications of any kind and eat satisfactorily?With laboratory results (glycemia, glucosylated hemoglobin, blood fats, adequate hepatic function, etc.) within physiological limits continuously, in addition to objective welfare?
Diet is a reduced nutritional regime in one or more nutrients that has an end and must be temporary, while appropriate nutritiontriglycerides, total lipids] fatty tissue, [obesity] etc.) and that the patient should carry continuously and for an indeterminate time.
Indeed there are many types of diets for diabetic patients, which shows that they are not effective since if one were effective, it would be used throughout the world and unfortunately every day there are more cases of type 2 diabetes and greater number of secondary complications to levels outof physiological range of blood glucose.

I carry out my research focuses on a nutritional regime on which to counting calories, fats, carbohydrates, proteins and other elements is a thing of the past.

To finish because I have commented a lot but the issue deserves it and the benefit to counteract the undesirable effects of diabetes I want to tell you: thenutritional values ​​that are discussed in food labels are those that are obtained in a quantic analysis laboratory of these or that they are "in vitro" and we have forgotten that our body is not a "hollow bag" wherefood enters and stored but we transform them through all biochemical processes and result in the final substances or "in vivo"

Then we will talk about the glycemic index of the food and later of the facin.

Sorry for so many lines but I know that when there is one inside a condition, many mouths open and information comes out that sometimes they are or seem good but in practice they do not give the expected results.Let's look at the official figures of this national and world condition.

That is why you should not go to theory but to demonstrable results.

Greetings for everyone and thanks for being in contact.


Jesus Solis's profile photo
Jesus Solis
07/17/2008 9:23 p.m.
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Hello Jesus:

I understand that type 2 diabetic must follow a diet because insulin resistance is usually caused by obesity and many times with weight loss already disappears, in addition to other pathologies such as high cholesterol, hypertension etc.

Those of us who are type 1 do not follow a diet at all, I never have it for at least I had it, as everything considering carbohydrates to put the proper insulin dose.I have cholesterol very well (the good higher than the bad) and the low voltage.My diet is healthy, such as anyone with or without diabetes, so we don't confuse the terms.


DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/18/2008 4:19 a.m.
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Come, Jesus, let him already and tell us that "wonder" of regime that is not a regime, or diet that is not diet, or whatever, that we are expectant :))


DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/18/2008 7:54 a.m.
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solis said:

For 35 years that I obtained my medical title as a surgeon, I am interested in this subject and those related to metabolic problems.

Diabetes 1 requires insulin;2 No (except extreme cases such as burns, severe accidents among others).
2 sometimes of tablets.
But the community denominator is the appropriate feed not diet.

Only for that paragraph I discard that you are a doctor.
According to your extensive experience, the DM2 only needs insulin when it has severe burns or accidents ...: Shock :: Shock :: Shock:

And the C peptide?We do not take it into account, right? Or do you not contemplate that the pancreas exhausts all its insulin reserves?

I bet you recommend jengribre oil or similar, from a factory from which you are an advisor, casually.

The common denominator of a bad metabolic control is usually associated with a bad health team: misinformed, outdated, selfless and demotivated by a chronic disease, which is not going to be cured, which does not hurt and that is not popular (with which littleReputation gives the doctor who is dedicated to her).

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/18/2008 10:34 a.m.
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Doesn't it smell here with a burned horn?

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/18/2008 4:46 p.m.
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Hi Prado: For what you tell me you have to monitor carbohydrate intake to determine the proper insulin dose.This is a surveillance of what you eat or in other terms a nutritional control.
The result is your cholesterol within normal figures and the T.A.
This is what I try to comment with you: Nutritional surveillance is required not diet.

Hi Alea: The only "wonder" of life is life itself as Prado commented, it is not diet but to know that it is eaten to assess hypoglycemicia, which is the same to carry an adequate nutritional regime.

Hi Owashi:
My interest is to help people suffering from diabetes problems 1 or 2.
I am not going to sell you anything and less Jenbigre oil or work for any company.
As indicated by the P and other functions, they are altered in this condition (type2) the pancreas does not exhaust its insulin reserves simply decreases the production of it or suspends it as with type 1 as mentioned in the cases of viral problemso hashimoto or toxic by safety, etc.
The need to insulin your best that you know is according to the level of postprandial glucose and which can be measured with dynamic insulin.
I do not discuss the outer insulin nance in type 1 but in type 2 (you do not confuse the diabetic adult because it can be 1 or 2) the patient has had proper insulin production until it begins to decrease (it is not completely suspendedBecause then we would talk about type 1) and what oral hypoglycemicia do is to stimulate insulin production to pancreas or make it effective (two theories so far without resolving).
If you decrease the intake of those food that is transformed into glucose and instead consumes those that require less insulin by virtueIt is producing the pancreas.
Minor blood glucose need for insulin.An adequate nutritional regime.
The bad metabolic control is effectively associated with a health team that is not interested in patients with DM.
And I ask you: societies, associations, world diabetes federations as well as hypoglycemic producers want this condition to be controlled?That they are going to live if it is not to uncommon associates or the sale of the products?
I do not know if you know that for several months he is talking at the medical conferences of the laboratories that for the patient 2 the first option is insulin?You think.
That the sale must increase so that they have more income regardless of hypoglycemia and then giving glucose loads;as well as vascular damage with undesirable effects.
It will not be easier and cheaper to educate the diabetic patient 1 or 2 with an adequate nutritional scheme so that it knows which foods are better for maintaining glycemia levels without hiccups or hyper?

What I want to share with you is treatment results to people with the needs of blood glucose figures stable diminating medication requirements.
"Burned horn" would be to see them how structures are especially given vascular when you can guide the neighbor.

To all: I do not want to sell anything, nor take advantage of their condition but on the contrary open their eyes to handle their diabetes according to type 1 or 2 without injuring their organism and that their life is worthy.
The rejection response is common because patients are seen regardless of their condition and especially chronicles as an economic support for the health system and medication manufacturers.
Remember that my idea is to comment on my experiences not to take advantage of you.Postdata: My medical registration number is 38216 with authorization to exercise as a doctor in Mexico and granted by the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Consider me as your friend.

Jesus Solis's profile photo
Jesus Solis
07/18/2008 7:27 p.m.
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The ATKINS diet (practically abandonment of caborates in food) is widely demonstrated its uselessness.If what you propose is that, you have been stagnant (the poor Atkins Palmó Obeso, they count).

Carbohydrates is what increases blood glucose, to remember.

What does carbohydrates with cholesterol and T.A. have to do?:-/

There are type2 diabetics that have not had viral processes, nor anemias of hashimot

Same demonstrated that type 2 patients, with diet restrictions after time they need oral antidiabetics (attached) to regulate their glycemic levels (the pancreas does not give of itself).

It is also demonstrated that type2 with attached, after the time of fulfilling the diet + attached they need insulin because the pancreas does not give them enough insulin.

And what is being raised now, is not a plot of the pharmaceutical laboratories to sell more, but that they are realizing that type 2 pass decades with hemoglobins greater than 7 (demonstrated is how harmful it is thatis).
A type2, at the time of diagnosis, in developed countries, can quietly have 5-10 years with the disease in full development.That is why endocrine are considered insulinizing before as a way of controlling the disease, because most of the type2 do not have their disease controlled.Example: 50% of freshly diagnosed patients in Spain have some type of complications directly related to diabetes (if you put this in the Google, many links will come out).

Anyway, read the serious studies Advance, UKPDS or the DCCT, the therapeutics of the ADA or the European recommendations of the EASD.

PS: Have a doctor's title or put any number I don't care.Here we could, among all, a long list of doctors (Spanish, who are the ones we know) who have no idea of ​​diabetes.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/19/2008 3:36 a.m.
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Thursday, May 29, 2008 at the time that the type 2 diabetes rate continuesfor bad eating habits and lack of physical activity.Until now the recipe has been somewhat simple: lose weight if it suffers overweight and exercise more.Easy?Of course not.
According to a note published by The New York Times, experts have not yet found an infallible approach that helps people lose weight, and dietary recommendations to prevent or reduce the effects of diabetes have often been contradictory and confusing.
Almost 30 years after the American Association for Diabetes (ADA) recommended a low fat diet and carbohydrates to control diabetes- contradicting the focus of a high diet in fat and low in carbohydrates of carbohydrates ofPrevious decades- there is still controversy over the quantity and type of carbohydrates that must be consumed.
Much of the debate is focused on the glycemic index (IG), classification that serves to determine how carbohydrate foods affect the blood sugar level and if these effects have an important role in the progress of type diabetes2. It is known that foods with a high glycemic index- such as soft drinks, cake and white rice- raise blood sugar after consumption.On the other hand, foods with a low glycemic index- such as broccoli, lettuce, wild rice and grains- are digested more slowly and, therefore, maintain the most stable sugar level.
However, the ADA decided that patients should not determine the consumption of their food according to the glycemic index."Although it is clear that carbohydrates have different glycemic responses," says their statement, "the information we have does not reveal a clear trend in benefits."
That is a mistake, said Dr. David Ludwig, endocrinologist at Children's Boston Hospital and deputy professor at Harvard Medical School."Foods with a high glycemic index, such as refined grains, increase the level of blood sugar two or three times more than unprocessed foods with a low glycemic index," he said.
"If food is being consumed with a high glycemic index food after food, Botana after Botana, days after day, the system will be affected and will produce insulin," said Dr. Ludwig."If your system already has a genetic predisposition, these blood sugar changes could make a difference between being healthy or developing type 2 diabetes."
Dr. Ludwig cited a study in which he fed rats with food whose glycemic index was high.Rats lost muscle mass, accumulated fat and began to lose the ability to control blood sugar.The doctor suspects that the same happens with people.
However, so far the evidence of studies conducted with humans have been unintentionally.
In a recent study carried out in Canada, no differences in blood sugar control were registered among 162 volunteers who submitted for three different diets for a year: a carbohydrate decline, a carbohydrate high and with food whose indexGlucémica was low, and another with food with a high glycemic index.Fasting glucose- tests widely used to monitor the risk of diabetes- increased in the group of those who consumed food with a low glycemic index.
"The idea that the glycemic index matters makes sense intuitive," said Dr. John M. Miles, an expert in diabetes of the Mayo Clinic."A lotPeople have the impression that it is, but we have no evidence. "
Dr. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, endocrinologist and diabetes expert at St Luke's-Rosevelt hospital in New York, agrees.If we take into account recent findings "It seems to be reckless to advise patients with type 2 diabetes who try to adjust their diet according to the glycemic indexes of food," he wrote in a recent analysis.
However, Dr. Thomas Wolever, a researcher at the University of Toronto who directed the Canadian study, said that those who consumed food with a low glycemic index showed improvement in blood sugar control after their meals, which could be a measureof glucose more important than the fasting glucose test.
They also registered a decrease in the levels of the C -reactive protein, an indication of inflammation that is also related to the risk of diabetes.(Translation: Gabriela Cornejo)


Hi Owash: Analyze the message posted a few days ago of The New York Times to see the mistakes made by the famous Ada (American Diabetes Association) that for many is the maximum authority in the management of diabetes and for what you tell me toofor you.30 years of error in feeding with adverse effects to patients by inadequate therapeutic guides.If not then because diabetes 2 has not decreased?
Prado wrote to me that she follows a system of surveillance of her carbohydrates by adapting the dose of insulin and also comments that her college and T.A.It has it in normal limits.That is why I mention it and that she does have a nutritional regime.
But we go in parts the ATKINS diet is not useless but is contraindicated for problems such as diabetes because it remembers that it causes metabolical ketosis with the effects I suppose you know;I have never talked about proposing this because you and I know that it is useless as you mention although then you tell me that caborates increase blood glucose;A diet without carbohydrates increase molecular weight for elimination due to protein overload at renal level or not?
If you check on carbohydrate pathophysiology in the face of the decrease or absence of insulin you will see the effect it causes on intravascular cholesterol deposits and as a consequence modifications in T.A.and problem associated with diabetes especially type 2. Or then how does the patient not controlled properly controlled or peripheral vascular insufficiency that lead to gangrene and limb amputations?It is important to avoid vascular damage to the diabetic patient because unfortunately they are irreversible injuries.
From the comment of type 2 you are confused, I tell you that adults can acquire type 1 diabetes that become 2 to 1 but that while without diabetes they can suffer any of those sufferings and without being diabetics 2 as a consequence it acquires type 1 diabetes, notthat pass from 2 to 1.
Indeed, as you tell me the type 2 with diet restrictions (you mention it) you require tares, but explain why.Because having a "diet" are not going to balance its operation and or will present hyperglycemia with the presence of metabolical ketoacidosis.but death by severe hypoglycemia or coma for also severe hyperglycemia.
Indeed in the other paragraph the 2 with a diet and not for what will require insulin but do you know why?Well, by the vascular dam where you mention that cholesterol and T.A.Well, simply the lack of vascularization leads to injuries as you can tell you irreversible and will require insulin;It is not easier to prevent that vascular damage when attending lipid levels with aadequate nutritional regime?
Probably as you told me that I wanted to sell a product of a company that was supposedly associated, it makes me think that you are part of a company that markets insulin because you tell me that laboratories have realized that decades pass with higher hemoglobinsto 7.
And you also comment that a type 2 can arrive 5-10 years with the disease in full development and the endocrine want to "inzulilnzar" to control the enfe himself and that in Spain the newly diagnosed have some type of complication secondary to DM.
This is the only thing that demonstrates - you say it - is the deficiency in the management of the diabetic patient not only in Spain but throughout the world as noted by the report that I did not write it.Ada has failed to handle.So should we continue with errors just because another says?And continue injuring the body of these patients.
It seeks that country or place in the world has decreased the appearance of cases of type 2 despite both studies and your serious flames of Advance or UKPDS, or the one you like and if they work because they have not used them for the benefit of these patients and inPrevent of those who have risk (type2) to reduce the appearance of new cases?

Non -theory results that only keep the patient in the error should be sought by the lack of knowledge or prevension of the condition (type2).

I consider that you see something related not only to the glycemic index but also to the facin for the nutritional management of the diabetic patient and foregoing in those with risk of type 2.

My interest already told them is not commercial but on the contrary help people with this condition, look you can be the leader and help diabetics
If you complain that the Spanish doctors have no idea of ​​the forecast and treatment of diabetes, then because they do not go with the Ministry of Health or with their Fderaction of Diabetes to request medical attention with demonstrable results but do something not only you complain andFollow in the same position waiting for complications or with theories that do not work and if much blah blah blah.
I wrote to them because if I personally worked and my patients also want to share it with those who have this condition without any other interest to demonstrate that a nutritional regime with facin (conversion factor "in vivo: of nutrients) can prevent theType 2 and maintain figures within physiological limits in 1 and 2.
Life is of the results not of complaints or theories.



Jesus Solis's profile photo
Jesus Solis
07/21/2008 2:09 a.m.
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By ada I understand the American Diabetes Society, not the American Society of Dietitians.

For example: Link

30 years ago there was no half of the drugs that are arranged today, only vials for insulin were used (the needles were boiled to sterilize them ...).30 years ago olive oil was bad, nor did it know what the omega3 was ...

If I am sincere I don't understand you anything at all.

Are you telling me that you have to control high glycemic foods? ... Well, what's new .... It only was missing that the type2 had full freedom to swell from cakes, soda with sugar, rice, honey, potatoes or bananas.... but neither type2 nor anyone.In the link that I have put you, it says exactly the same, it is very simple but surely it is worth it.

Does that mean they can't eat them?Of course, they should eat them in moderate quantities (very moderate in some foods) and according to their treatment.

The problem of increasing the incidence of DM2 is communication, to transmit that diabetes is a deadly disease ... society does not have that reality in the head ... "Diabetes is a bit of sugar and that's it."..

In all the manuals on diabetes that I have read, the main recommendation is to reduce the foods that raise blood blood glucose ...

Turning type2 into type1: shock: ... you must have understood me very badly.
Despite having offers to work with commercial laboratories (luckily or unfortunately, I don't know) work for patients.

Well, we already know that what you propose is the facin, can you explain it more detail?

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/21/2008 3:18 a.m.
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My mother.

For diabetes I don't know, but for mental diarrhea remedy is needed, but already.

I go for an aspirin, or something.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/21/2008 11:17 a.m.
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I erased my message: x: shock: feeeeeeeeeeer

I will not write it again ... that laziness.

The news that you post is a joke .... Any post on diabetes The first thing it does is recommend the moderation or disappearance of ultra -granted absorption carbohydrates ... but let's go if this is the novelty ...

Let's see, explain the facin ...

Do you replace high glycemic foods with others with low glycemic index with the same nutritional contributions?

Of course, as much as you insist, diabetes is not onlyThere are people in the world and nobody gets it ... if pharmaceutics have bought from everyone).

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/21/2008 noon
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What happened to you with the message? How has it been erased? ...

fer's profile photo
07/22/2008 5:35 a.m.

@fer - Diabetes Tipo 1 desde 1.998 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + CamAPS FX | Sin complicaciones. Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro.
Co-Autor de Vivir con Diabetes: El poder de la comunidad online, parte de los ingresos se destinan a financiar el foro de diabetes y mantener la comunidad online activa.


Pos I don't know, I wrote an XXL size message, I sent him, I was published and then he was no longer: (((

Although it was not for Nobel Prize: Twisted:

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/22/2008 8:28 a.m.
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Well, it is weird, Raaaroo, raaaarooo .... as a general recommendation, before giving the send button, I usually make ctrl+a (or ctrl+e), to select the entire text, and then ctrl+c, so that it is copiedIn the Windows clip, I can hit it if I have any problem ...


fer's profile photo
07/23/2008 7:28 a.m.

@fer - Diabetes Tipo 1 desde 1.998 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + CamAPS FX | Sin complicaciones. Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro.
Co-Autor de Vivir con Diabetes: El poder de la comunidad online, parte de los ingresos se destinan a financiar el foro de diabetes y mantener la comunidad online activa.


I believe that the concept we have of the word diet is wrong.Our diet is nothing more than what we eat, it does not have to have any special characteristic as suppressions that make you go hungry.An error of concept induces you to other errors.

The human being tends to look for the complex, the unknown, the miraculous pill, which is expensive, very expensive, in short, the panacea, and often it is all simpler.I do not believe in miraculous special diets, moderate calorie diet and with the proportions of adequate nutrients, more or less, without looking for three feet to the cat, a little interest in your own disease and a little knowledge in food.Then there are days and days, it is obvious that there are low because the human being is that sensitive and the passage of time burns, but that is inevitable.The solution is no special diet, but goes further.


DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/12/2008 9:27 a.m.
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As type 1 diabetic and 13 years with her, I can support certain comments exploited in this post.And it is that insulin dependents we can make a better control of the carbohydrates.If we maintain the rest of the levels (cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.) within normal we will only have to increase or reduce the amount of insulin to adapt the intake.I know that I am a little glutton, but being able to do it without complications, I prefer to enjoy the good table and not take a depression for having to follow a table without variations.

It will not be the first or the last time you eat outside, you know menus and calculate (for this you have to be "trained"), today they touch 2 or 4 more units of rapid.And if with all this I can move about 6% of Hemo, I think that I should not do it.

Like everything, at first it can be convenient to avoid peaks, how many hydrates you need to eat, because nobody knows how to calculate pesos from good to first.But as my endocrine told me, this only at the beginning, because over time you can monitor it with the view.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
01/03/2009 2:39 p.m.
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Well, I agree with you exactly, Carlos.
It is about making a life as normal as possible without discouraging health.
The formula you propose is ideal.The only drawback is that it is not easy to calculate exactly, but it is about trying to know the responses of the organism the insulin needs at all times.

Greetings and welcome.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
01/04/2009 8:12 a.m.
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