{'en': 'Very worried, 46 years, am I diabetic or not?', 'es': 'Muy preocupado, 46 años, soy diabético o no?'} Image

Very worried, 46 years, am I diabetic or not?

jonira's profile photo   12/18/2010 7:37 a.m.

Hello, I am 46 years old and my mother is an insulin-dependent diabetic.

About two months ago I did an analytical and the GGT came out in 256. My doctor took me from the alcohol that three months.

The past 12/16/10 I made another analytics on my own and had dropped to 105 but the glucose, which had always had it perfect is in 172.

The next day with my mother's little machine I did the test before lunch and I was in 96. This morning before breakfast in 114. I have noticed that since I do not drink alcohol I really want sweets.

My questions are if it can be for that reason that I am high or that I am becoming diabetic.

I have been taking a new treatment for tension and cholesterol for a month: Olmesartan with hydrocholorotiazide and atorvastatin.

What do you think?

Thanks in advance.

jonira's profile photo
12/18/2010 7:37 a.m.
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When drinking alcohol many calories (empty) are taken that add to the calories of food you eat at meals.

Having the body accustomed to drinking alcohol you also have the body accustomed to ingesting many calories (empty) people who drink do not usually eat much for this, take many of the calories you need from alcohol.

It seems totally normal to me that by reducing the amount of alcohol ingested or directly suppressing the alcohol, more hunger is regardless of whether it is hunger for sweets, the body needs energy that before it took out of alcohol and now not having alcohol has to take energyOn the other hand: you are hungry.

Having sweetness is not a symptom of anything, eating sweets does not cause anything, it seems that there is an urban legend that says that eating sweets causes diabetes, it is totally false.

Of the values ​​that you have said of blood glucose there is only one that is out of normal, the one of 172 mg/dl, but it would be necessary to see at what time of day it was made (fasting, just after breakfast/eating/dinner... etc) to be able to give the alarm.If it can be due to that medication I don't know.

If you are somewhat worried when you have at your disposal a machine to measure blood glucose I in your place as much as you look at the fasting values, just get up, occasionally and if it cannot be with that machine you can also do it in aPharmacy (even if it comes out expensive) or if you go to the health center even if only to prescribe for you or your mother you can comment on the subject and look at you glucose when you go (which is free there and having a family history with diabetes notI think they put any paste).

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/18/2010 9:09 a.m.
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You should worry much more about GGT's anomalous values ​​than glucose ...
Forget about alcohol forever ... Not for 3 months: Shock:
take care and get a complete check at least 2 times a year

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/18/2010 9:39 a.m.
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Thanks to both.I clarify that the result of 172 glucose was in a blood test, with nine hours of fasting.
As for alcohol, when I normalize the GGT I can never take a couple of beers with friends?

jonira's profile photo
12/18/2010 5:36 p.m.
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Well, no idea, I'm not a doctor ...
But the values ​​are high, I don't know if then they will be normalized ...
Better take care of the liver and do not satu

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/19/2010 4:04 a.m.
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Yesterday I made a series (114/101/100) and this morning I have 113. I am eating Christmas sweets, last night before bed I ate three polvorones.What do you think of these parameters, point to something or are totally normal?)

jonira's profile photo
12/19/2010 5:16 a.m.
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The glycemia values ​​that you say seem more or less normal, you lift a high tad (on an empty stomach, it is normal to be between 70 mg/dl and 110 mg/dl although these values ​​can vary a bit depending on the author thatIt is consult) but you have given a lot of cane to the liver, that little deviation could be because of the abuse you give to the liver.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/19/2010 7:24 a.m.
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The liver and muscle tissue are two of the main tissues that respond to insulin (both act as a deposit storing glycogen).Therefore it is not strange to see insulin resistance paintings (such as basal glycemias in normal limits).Leaving alcohol forever is likely.At the genetic level you already know that you have some predisposition, lead a healthy life (fundamental balanced diet and 3 hours /week of aerobic sport) can contain that genetic load.

I would continue to make an annual check with analytics (including thyroid hormones) and electrocardiogram.Your tension figures would try to keep the systolic (maximum) below 130 (you can get it in addition to the treatment not taking salt and exercise).Regarding treatment, Olmesartan is a great antihypertensive drug (belonging to the ARAII group or antagonists of the angiotensia 2 receptor and is especially indicated in diabetics).Regarding hydrochlorotiazide, it is a drug with a lot of use experience and the only caution is to be attentive to the lipid profile, since it can increase cholesterol and triglycerides, although in your case you are covered with the atorvastatin).In general, hydrochlorotiazide and diuretics in general do not like them in diabetics (which is not your case), but they are used a lot and there is no problem if the rest of the metabolic parameters are controlled.

Remember that without exaggerating 70-80% of therapeutic success comes from taking care (lifestyles).

I hope it serves you, a greeting and happy year.

pedro jiménez's profile photo
pedro jiménez
01/04/2011 4:13 a.m.
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Thanks from Pedro heart, and thank you very much.Today I have collected the following results and until next week I do not have my doctor.Basal glucose ..... 100 / test or, sullivan 60 '..... 241 / hgb 1ac ....... 5,7 / cholesterol .... 236 / triglic .... 243 / ac.Urico .... 7.6 and creatinine 1.20.This analytics was performed on 12/29/10 and since 12/23 I am taking fluvastatin 40. I am worried that with the atorvastatin 20 the cholesterol had controlled and now not and I do not tell you anything about the sullivan.What do you think?

jonira's profile photo
01/07/2011 11:56 a.m.
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Well, the O´sullivan reflects an insulin state of resistance.That next to high levels of cholesterol and hypertension is included in what is called metabolic syndrome (this denomination is something controversial since its pathophysiopathology is not well defined or what is the same the form/mechanism in which the symptoms are linked).

Metabolic syndrome has been related to the metabolic activity of visceral fat that would have counterinsular functions (that is, it opposes insulin promoting an insulin state of resistance and therefore a "prediabetes" or "situation of more risk of suffering from diabetes").

Metabolic syndrome, as I explained is a situation of insulin resistance, the pancreas, to compensate for this situation, "overdue" secreting more insulin than another person who does not have metabolic syndrome would need.Insulin, in addition to its hypoglycemic action has other effects (for example it influences the maturation of ovarian follicles in women, and increases cholesterol).The presence of high tension figures is also characteristic of this syndrome.

The diagnostic criteria are:

Increased abdominal perimeter (& GT; 102 cm in men and 88 in women)
Triglycerides & GT;150
HDL & LT cholesterol;40 in y & lt; 50 in women
Ta greater than 135/85
Fasting glycemia & GT;110

(Check if you meet the criteria).

As it seems that the main base of the syndrome is the accumulation of visceral fat (which can be "measured" through the abdominal perimeter) and as a consequence of insulin resistance the treatment can be directed to both factors (lifestyles/diet/exerciseto lose weight and reduce abdominal perimeter) and drugs that reduce insulin resistance (basically metformin) in addition to treating each symptom separately (hypertension and hypercholesterolemia).There are other alternatives such as Rimonabant (accompany) but clinical efficacy is doubtful, it is very expensive and the insurance does not happen, and this is important, no therapeutic combination has proven better than physical exercise.

In short, you are in a situation that requires several drugs to preserve your cardiovascular health (namely an insulin resistance reducing agent such as metformin, a hypolipemit, a hypotensor and an antiaggregant as aspirin) but if you manage to reduce abdominal perimeter (assuming it really isgreater than 95-102 cm) it is possible that you can do without any of those pills (which is why I encourage you 3-5 hours of weekly aerobic exercise).

Regarding that your cholesterol is worse controlled with fluvastatin is normal, atorvastatin is more powerful.In this regard, tell you that there are two functional foods (a functional food is one that has some property in addition to the nutritious properly, such as lowering cholesterol).I mean soy lecithin (low cholesterol) and linen (low cholesterol and triglycerides) that you can buy in granulate and add in small quantities to salads or yogurts (1 tablespoon a day of every 1, since they are omega 3 oils and6 And as you know these fats are very beneficial in small quantities but they are still fat (drinking some olive oil per day is good, drinking 1 glass of olive oil per day, drinking 1 small glass of red wine to theday it can be good, take 1L a day not).

Anyway, I hope you serve the information.All the best

pedro jiménez's profile photo
pedro jiménez
01/07/2011 4:57 p.m.
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Thank you Pedro for your help.The truth is that I am quite annoyed.When I consumed alcohol I had the glucose perfectly (0.91 the maximum) and now that I lead a healthier life looks at what happens to me.Whenever I have stopped drinking I have lost weight but this time I have fattened 4 kilos (82 now).My pants size is 44. I don't know what is happening in my body but I know something is.Yesterday and today, without eating in two days nothing of Christmas sweets, with thirteen hours of fast.I will wait for Friday that I have an appointment with my header doctor and I will wrap whether to go to an endocrine.Thank you very much Pedro for your attention

jonira's profile photo
01/09/2011 7:33 a.m.
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On January 24 I went to the endocrine.It was a very fast consultation, it barely let me explain the process, just saw the analytics.I changed the fluvastatin for 20 mgrs of simvastatin and add 1/2 pill in the 850 metformin lunch, in addition to the IXIAS Plus (20 of Olmesartan and 25 of hydrochloritiazide) for hypertension.I have to return on March 1 with basal, glycosylated glucose analytics, lipid profile and transaminases.I will tell you, but I have five days and the glucose is 109 and 110.

jonira's profile photo
01/29/2011 1 p.m.
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