{'en': 'Increase muscle mass', 'es': 'Aumentar masa muscular'} Image

Increase muscle mass

fjmg30's profile photo   01/04/2012 11:17 a.m.

Hello good morning.

I need to know how to increase muscle mass in the gym, I am type 1 diabetic, basically I want to know what type of supplement I can take that is allowed for a diabetic.

Thank you very much !!!: MRGREEN :: MRGREEN :: MRGREEN:

fjmg30's profile photo
01/04/2012 11:17 a.m.
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I can only go .... exercise.Outside that, any type of supplement seems to play with health, being diabetic.

Nacho_71's profile photo
01/05/2012 2:17 a.m.
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Encouraging muscle mass to achieve muscle hypertrophy necessarily implies drastically increasing the amount of daily protein in our daily diet.And that, in a diabetic, is an added risk that, the truth, I would not run.

HanSolo's profile photo
01/05/2012 2:54 a.m.

ISCI / debut: 1986 / HbA1c: 5,5%


Thank you very much for your comments: D

fjmg30's profile photo
01/05/2012 3:22 p.m.
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You can perfectly increase muscle mass eating natural protein, making a good exercise routine and resting what is necessary.Start with easy routines with dumbbells of little weight and see weight increasing as you see that your muscles respond.If your glycemia values ​​are correct not HC.Increase protein (egg whites, half -naming milk, meat, blue fish, vegetable protein, etc ...) 5 meals a day.Try it to see what happens and tell me.

DJA's profile photo
06/01/2012 8:54 p.m.
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Keep in mind that the protein is slower and the glycemia rises very late from 4 hours and if it is a lot.When Ceno was and as a lot of protein the basal blood glucose of the next day shoots.The calculation of protein doses is an issue that I think is little, but which is important.Personally driving it by throwing evil.Please tell how the "overdose" of protein is going.All the best.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/25/2012 2:38 a.m.
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I would do hypertrophy with extra carbohydrate diet, first you have to gain clean weight and then transform that weight into muscle, I did it like this and well, I won enough, being diabetic and without taking any supplement that is now so fashionable ...

Yahoo MMCrawler [Bot]'s profile photo
Yahoo MMCrawler [Bot]
08/08/2012 10:27 a.m.
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What do you mean by increasing clean weight, and as you did and how that is transformed into muscle

Thank you..

facunda's profile photo
07/10/2015 6:27 p.m.
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The first thing to be clear about is how much weight you want to win and that it is a background and not in the short term.To gain weight you have to eat more HC but for your glucose not to be affected you must increase or the exercise (calorie burning) or raise the doses.The main thing is to perform hypertrophy routines, at 10 Max repetitions.and increase the weight little by little, be fed at all times (breakfast, mid -morning, food, snack, dinner and before sleep) that HC intake you should try to be HC of low glycemia and rapid absorption to after trainingAnd as clean as possible in fat plus the basic proteins of the egg, fish and meat.Little by little you will see the results

LuVi's profile photo
07/12/2015 5:58 p.m.

DMT1 desde los 12 años (1991)
hbA1c= 5,4

Humalog y Toujeo (mayo 2017)
Humalog y Tresiba (mayo 2016 hasta mayo 2017)
humalog y NPH (desde inicio hasta mayo de 2016)


My opinion according to my experience is that you climb CH since it is the energy you need to take as much weight in the gym and break muscle fibers to create new and larger, that the weight becomes muscle ....... We can suffer kidney damage so do not overload the kidney and trains in repetitions Max 12 min 6.
So you grow yes or yes, I already tell you.When do I refer to CH, do I refer to complexes huh?
That goes well !!

krrs's profile photo
09/29/2015 10:08 a.m.
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As I try to swim whenever I can and I am losing weight (little by little), my endo recommended that to snack (which I did not do) I took a vitalinea pro, it does not contain sugar is all protein.
In my view it is like a fresh strawberry cheese, like a petit suisse, come on, but in larger.
He told me that this amount of protein would help me a lot and especially before going to do sports.
I will tell you.

boucles's profile photo
09/21/2016 8:05 a.m.

diagnostico final: sindrome metabolico.
HG: 5.8 OBJETIVO ALCANZADO Y SIN INSULINA !!!!!!!!!! ahora a intentar mantenerse en estos niveles !!!!!!


What to take protein before doing sports would help you?That?Protein is not a source of energy.Protein reconstructs muscle fibers.Take HC before exercise if it helps you to surrender since it is a source of energy (it would be the gasoline of the car), when exercising consumes energy (gasoline spent and there is mechanical wear) at the end of exercise eating protein and HC is equivalent to (filling thegasoline tank and change the worn parts of the engine for new ones).

LuVi's profile photo
09/21/2016 9:48 a.m.

DMT1 desde los 12 años (1991)
hbA1c= 5,4

Humalog y Toujeo (mayo 2017)
Humalog y Tresiba (mayo 2016 hasta mayo 2017)
humalog y NPH (desde inicio hasta mayo de 2016)


Maybe I have expressed misluvi,
I did not deserve and told me that I should do it and recommended the pro.
He told me that protein helps burn fat, is not that he was going to have more strength to play sports.
From my experience since I take the pro, that is, merchandise every day, my glucose levels, before dinner, have stabilized.Many times I did sports, without snack and I suppose it had a rare effect, I had to go down and then it was put through the clouds, now this no longer happens

boucles's profile photo
09/21/2016 11:01 a.m.

diagnostico final: sindrome metabolico.
HG: 5.8 OBJETIVO ALCANZADO Y SIN INSULINA !!!!!!!!!! ahora a intentar mantenerse en estos niveles !!!!!!


Hello friend here I leave the supplements for Increase muscle mass that you can use being diabetic
Vitamins of complex B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, magnesium, vanadium sulfate I hope I have helped you

omarbarrosoye's profile photo
03/30/2017 10:14 p.m.
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I arrive a little late, but I will try to contribute my vision about an increase in muscle mass constantly and safely for all those who need it.The first to say that as always, there are no shortcuts, not at least healthy (I will not get into the use of exogenous substances) and that if you want to gain muscle mass you must do it little by little and with constancy.It is not a job of a month or two, it is a job of years.Now, here are my tips not to make the subject very long:

1) A good diet, essential that you propose a diet appropriate to the objective, and if possible if you do not have adequate nutrition knowledge that you get in touch with a professional who takes you.In this case you need a hypercaloric diet, that is, with a calorie balance above those you usually need to maintain your body weight.

2) A planning of exercises appropriate to your goal, determining the workload, volume, intensity and frequency of your training.I do not know what kind of sport but I suppose that if you indicate that you go to the gym will be fitness and work with loads.

3) A good rest and a good recovery, since this is a background race, and the goal as with all sport is to last in the time in a healthy way, since if we get injured we will hardly achieve results.Especially we who are already very limited by diabetes.

4) Write down your weight and your calorie intake, to be able to assess your progress objectively.It is also often used measuring tape to measure muscle groups although I am not very fan of this, I think that in taking a photo every time to see your advances is more than enough.

5)correctly.Knowledge does not take place or hinder in any case: D

and now marked the essential lines, which are really the same as for a weight loss (is to stick to a training and diet plan) some tips for hardgainers:
1) Be sure to consume enough quality proteins in your diet, since they are the raw material with which your muscles will be built and repair, and calm, you will not die or your kidneys will explode for doing so.Simply be sure to distribute the protein shots well during the day, the most important post-sign food being for me.That is not why we must neglect the protein in the pre-factory, since, suppose we train at 7 in the afternoon and we do not have dinner until 10:30.If in the previous food we have not contributed a good amount of protein, we are not doing our muscles a favor.The adequate amount of protein for an athlete ranges between 1.8-2.5g per kg of body weight, compared to 0.8 - 1g of protein recommended by WHO for recommended health.

2) tries not to go hungry, and eye that does not mean to packet, simply not leave a distance between meals greater than 3 or 4 hours, with the exception of night sleep.One of the main enemies for all that person who costs to gain body weight is prolonged fasting.In addition, sufficient consumption of carbohydrates will help you have more energy, not to spend on your muscle reserves so fast and train heavier, but always watching glycemia!

3) trains heavy and hard, always safely, but with an important progression of loads, and if possible with a routine that emphasizes the work of multi -articular exercises such as the bench press, the squat, theDead weight or military press.These exercises are complex and you will require someone whoI can teach you how to do them without injuring you, but they are large builders of muscle mass by involving a global body work.It is logical to verify how an increase in force often entails an increase in muscle mass, although this would be to simplify a very dense and complex theme such as muscle gain.Stay in broad strokes with which there are two types of muscular hypertrophy: Sarcoméricmuscle volume but minor force gains).

4) Train the different muscle movements/groups with a minimum frequency of 2 (that is, two days a week).A frequency 1 is normally insufficient for people who do not gain volume, you have to send a message to the body clear enough to grow tired muscles.This factor is closely related to the intensity and workload that each training session supposes for you, and how many days you can train.

5) drink enough water, since hydration is as important as diet.Not only for gaining weight, but also to maintain health, hydrate the body and eliminate accumulated toxins during exercise.

6) Optimizes your recoveries.Post-exercise protein synthesis can last from 48 to 72 hours.Make sure the muscle is well fed all this time if you want me to grow as much as possible.A good nighttime rest is equally important, since at night we segregate hormones involved in muscle growth that will also help us recover before the workload.

7) Add some supplement in case you need it, and notice that it is the last thing I add to the list because, although there are useful supplements, none will give you or 5% of the resultsObtained with a good diet and a good training.In addition, I cannot recommend any specifically because it depends on each person, but if I have to mention some I will say the branched amino acids (high bioavailability proteins that are absorbed very fast), the serum proteins of well -known milk and creatine to improve recoveryIn strength and be able to move more weight.

Well this is all, I hope it will help you to gain muscle mass and above all remember you always have to have a good plan, and do everything with a head, we have a greater added handicap.All the best.

FernandoGR's profile photo
04/21/2017 7:33 p.m.
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