{'en': 'Quick Diabetics Guide ("Easy Chulear") - New Diabetes', 'es': 'Guía rápida para diabéticos ("Chuletario" fácil) - Nuevos con diabetes'} Image

Quick Diabetics Guide ("Easy Chulear") - New Diabetes

DiabetesForo's profile photo   06/22/2010 6:37 a.m.

This man is a mine.
Thank you very much, Seluarca.I send you a little of the northern clouds, to see if the búcaro cools :)) :)) :))


DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/01/2010 3:41 p.m.
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Alea Objective achieved, the Bukaro is frosta hahahaha, the pirula del Nublao has been better to the brine (it is cooling the birra)
Anyway, today the day will be in 40 pa Caló not vary and caloria, we go there.

I think it would be interesting to know how to calculate your body mass index (even the weight of pharmacies calculate it) and that you would like to calculate daily heat needs.I will detail it step by step so as not to put you a lot.

Anyway, since it is a specialized topic, in case of doubts, your endocrine will finally be

We will start with this premise " The diet must adapt to the person and not the person to a standard diet "

Calculation of caloric needs

It is important in the first place to know if we have a normal weight or on the contrary there is overweight or obesity, for this the body mass index (BMI) is calculated

BMI = weight (in kilos) divided by square size (in meters)

Another concept of importance is the acceptable maximum weight
in women: acceptable maximum weight = 25 x square size (in meters)
in man: acceptable maximum weight = 27 x square size (in meters)

Energetic needs are calculated from this acceptable weight in function of physical activity and sex, applying reductions according to age and excess weight.

An example:

64 -year -old woman, housewife, with a size 1.56 meters and 70 kg of weight

1. Calculation of BMI

70 / (1.56) squared = 28.8 (overweight)

2. Calculation of the acceptable weight

25 x (1.56) square = 60, 7 kg

3. Type of activity

60.7 x 36 (housewife according to table below) = 2185 kcal / day

The daily energy needs of the healthy adult varies according to physical activity, according to this there are some tables:

a) Basal metabolism 24 kcal / kg / day

b) bed or minimal activity 30 kcal / kg / day

c) Light activities 42 kcal / kg / day
Woman 36 kcal / kg / day

In light activities we include office workers, professionals, lawyers, teachers ... -Studiants, store dependent, housewives with mechanical devices and without children, retired, unemployed

d) Mid Activities Men 46 Kcal / Kg / DAY
woman 40 kcal / kg / day

In the middle activities we include construction workers, light industry workers, farmers, fishermen, active service soldiers, housewives without mechanical devices with children, warehouse workers - load and download)

e) Intense Activities Man 54 kcal / kg / day
47 kcal / kg / day

In intense activities we include some farmers, forest workers, active soldiers, miners, metallurgical workers, some non -specialized workers, athletes.

f) Exceptionally intense man 62 kcal / kg / day
55 kcal / kg / day

Here we include wooders, blacksmiths, some construction workers, some athletes.

WHO (World Health Organization) recommends according to age apply a reduction on calculated needs:

From 40 to 49 years 5 % reduction

50 to 59 years 10 % reduction

60 to 69 years 20 % reduction

From 70 years, 30 % reduction

4 .Age

A reduction is performed as the WHO tables set

2185 - 20 % (64 years) = 1748 kcal / day

5. overweight

In case of overweight, 10-20 % is subtracted from the calculated kcals and in the obesity a 30-40 %

1748 - 20 % = 1400 kcal /day

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/06/2010 5:18 a.m.
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We go to the calculation of dietary carbohydrates:

From the previous example we can calculate carbohydrates (HC)

Calculation of diet carbohydrates

Once the daily calories are calculated, the HC will have to be contained in the diet:

50 - 60 % of the total daily Kcal in the form of a HC

1 gram of HC contributes 4 kcal
10 grams of HC are 1 ration of HC

From the previous example:

60 % of 1400 = 840 kcal

840 kcal divided by 4 = 210 grams of HC = 21 rations of HC

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/06/2010 5:20 a.m.
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From body mass index :

is obtained from dividing the weight (in kilos) by the size (in meters) squared

So that you do not have to be making accounts, in this link you can calculate it easily:


According to this:


BMI (kg/m2)

Main values
Additional values

& lt; 18.50
& lt; 18.50

severe thinness
& lt; 16.00
& lt; 16.00

Moderate thinness
16.00 - 16.99
16.00 - 16.99

Acceptable thinness
17.00 - 18.49
17.00 - 18.49

18.50 - 24.99
18.50 - 22.99

23.00 - 24.99


25.00 - 29.99
25.00 - 27.49

27.50 - 29.99


Obeso Type I
30.00 - 34-99
30.00 - 32,49

32.50 - 34.99

Type II obese
35.00 - 39.99
35.00 - 37.49

37.50 - 39.99

Type III obese

These values ​​are independent of age and are for both sexes.

An example: size 1.57 and a weight of 47 kg,

BMI = 47 divided by 1.57 squared

1.57 squared = 1.57 by 1.57 = 2.3649

BMI = 47 divided by 2,4649 = 19, 06

BMI is 19, 06 in the table above corresponds to a normal weight

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/06/2010 5:26 a.m.
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If I already knew it, I have plenty of kilos: oops:, but it is not necessary to say so, jopé, that now I am left with conscience :(, that if I do not have to eat the little choricito,:? That the peck is left over: x, that ..... joooo, that you have given me the day, selu: mrgreen:

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/06/2010 8:57 a.m.
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Alea Anda is what you are from a good day, that you kieres go down the street and carry the dogs behind you smelling Guero Jajajajaja.To the peck without conesions and without consumption, according to Averroes hahahaha.
Let's go back to the serious

A purpose of hyperglycemia that is accompanied with ketonuria (acetone in urine demonstrated by reactive strips) or ketonemia (blood acetone), I attach the following (as a complement to which I put and made by a colleague, Felechosa):

As you can try to solve ketonuria/ketonemia at home

I developed this issue for children, but you can also apply it to adults

- rest is fundamental .

- You must hydrate abundantly provided there are no nausea or what is taken is vomited.The most natural thing is to give water, approximately half a liter of water per hour.Frequent sorbit in one hour

- You should not give fat and the diet must be poor in proteins

- A diet rich in slow carbohydrates : for example juices, fruits, cooked potatoes, Maria cookies etc.

-And the fundamental thing is the rapid insulin supplements .

How to apply these rapid insulin supplements

There are multiple ways to contribute extra insulin, that is, to insulin that is usually added, these supplements must be added.
The easiest: this guideline is from the Diabetes Unit of the Virgen del Rocio

Glycemia between 200 - 250 ……………… Increase 2 units
Glycemia between 250 - 300 ……………… Increase 3 units
Glycemia between 300 - 350 ……………… Increase 4 units
Glycemia between 350 - 400 …………….Increase 5 units
Glycemia greater than 400 …………… .. increase 6 units

These supplements will be applied every 4 hours and always reevaluating the situation, performing hair glycemia every 3 - 4 hours
It should not be forgotten that the problem that decompensation has caused, the main cause is usually the infection

Other ways to contribute extra supplements of insulin

Generally dose readjust

To know how many milligrams of glucose of the more the glucose per unit of insulin will descend the following corrections (formulas) can be applied.

When sick you have to inject fast insulin for an increase in recovery, which is calculated based on the total number of fast insulin units that is injected into a normal day.
The dose of increased recovery for these days of disease must be 20 %

To find the number of fast insulin units:

Total number of insulin units
Fast increase dose on a normal day
Of recovery = -------------------------------------------------------------------------

These doses of recovery increase should be injected every 4 hours while glycemia and acetone are still high.

There is another formula that is called sensitivity factor, we have already commented in previous posts

It exists lastly another way to correct and it is because of the number of acetone crossings (this is more to the eye of good bucket)

Si + acetone 2 units of fast insulin
Si ++ of Acetone 4 units of fast insulin
Si +++ of Acetone 6 units of fast insulin
Si ++++ of Acetone 8 units of fast insulin

How to suspect hyperglycemia?

In addition to showing it due to high figures in the glucometer, there are symptoms of suspicion, typical of the diabetic debut:

Increase in urine and urine many times (polyuria)

Thirst increase (polydipsia)

Increase in appetite (polyphia) although you can notice lost when acetone appears

Marked tirednessWeight loss

Leg cramps

Abdominal pain

Fruit breath smell, apples

Nausea and vomiting

Dry mouth

Sleep tendency (Always perform blood glucose to rule out hypoglycemia)

Dry and reddish skin

Always in the face of inexplicable hyperglycemia or difficult control, a dietary transgress must be ruled out,

Hormonal changes and emotional stress can also alter glycemia, increasing them.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/12/2010 8:40 a.m.
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The dose of increase in recovery that I see that the formula has gone badly consists of:

Total number of fast insulin units in a normal day divided by 5

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/12/2010 8:41 a.m.
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Something about sweeteners

here you have one:



Sucralosa is a high density sweetener derived from ordinary sugar, but without the calories of it.La Sucralosa was developed through an exclusive license agreement, between McNeil Specialty Products, a Johnson & Amp subsidiary;Johnson, and Tate & AMP;Lyle Speciality Sweeteners in Great Britain.

Relative sweetness

Approximately 600 times sweeter than sugar.


Sucralosa is not broken down by the body after ingestion, but is simply excreted.It has no calories.


It has a high quality sweetness profile.

Sucralosa, which is extremely stable, maintains its sweetness during food processing at high temperatures and for long storage periods, even with a low pH.

Sucralosa is very soluble and easy to manipulate.
It combines synergily with nutritious sweeteners and other non -nutritious sweeteners.
It does not cause decay.


Sucralosa can be used in a wide range of products, which includes:

Table sweeteners
Mixture products
· Pasta to spread for cakes
Non -carbonated drinks
Chewing rubber
· Sauces and dressings
· Refreshing drinks
· Fruit base
· Dairy products
Mix of dry products
· Ice cream desserts
· etc.


Numerous studies have been conducted that support the safety of the sucralose.The results of these studies demonstrate that the sucral is sure for human consumption.

Legal situation

Sucralosa is currently authorized to be used in food in more than 40 countries around the world.In September 1991, the Canadian government authorized the use of the sucral.The corresponding authorization was also granted in Australia and Russia (in 1993), as well as in Mexico, Qatar (Middle East) and Romania (1994).In April 1998, the sale of Sucralosa was allowed in the United States.In August 1999, the United States Administration for Food and Medicines (FDA) published its approval of Sucralosa as a "general food sweetener."This means that sucralose can be used in any food, within the levels accepted according to the rules of the "correct manufacturing practices" (GMP).

In June 1999, the import and sale of Sucralosa in Singapore was allowed.On July 30, 1999, the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare issued an authorization for the use of succrals as a food additive, while, in January 2000, Chile was the country that authorized its use.

Having been approved by the Scientific Committee for Foods of the European Union in September 2000, the Sucralosa is currently part of the amendment proposal to Directive 94/35/EC on edulcorants for food use.The adoption of this amendment by the European council and Parliament is expected to occur throughout 2003.


The permissible daily intake (IDA) of the Sucralosa has been set at 0-15 mg per kilogram of body weight by the JECFA (the Joint Committee of experts on FAO/WHO food additives) and by the scientific feeding committee (Scientific CommitteeON FOOD SCF) IN UNION EUROPE IN SEPTEMBER 2000.

FAO / WHO: United Nations Agriculture and World Health Organization Organization.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/14/2010 8:53 p.m.
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A link to consult basically about sweeteners

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/14/2010 8:56 p.m.
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We continue with the subject

nutritious or heat sweeteners :

- Its caloric value per unit weight is equal to sucrose.

- This group includes fructose or levulosa, corn syrup, dextrose and polyalcohols (sorbitol, manitol, xylitol, lactitol, maltitol).

-They must be considered as part of the food for its caloric value.

- They are in the form of table sweeteners (fructose);in food, drinks and drugs (fructose, dextrose, corn syrup) and gum and candy (polyalcohols).

- The increase in postprandial blood glucose after fructose intake is lower than other carbohydrates, however in some studies it has been detected that at high doses it has harmful effects on the lipid profile (increased concentrations of total cholesterol andLDL).

- Polialcohols may not be absorbed and therefore the ingestion of large quantities can cause osmotic diarrhea.

- Its use is exclusively allowed for diabetics that have an ideal body weight and a very good blood glucose control.

Non -nutritious or non -caloric sweeteners

- They are characterized by their intensely sweet flavor.

- Although some provide calories, they are usually used in so small amounts that their contribution to total caloric intake is negligible.

- This group includes saccharin and its sodium and calcium salts (300-400 times sweeter than sugar);The Aspartame (180-200 times sweeter than sugar);Acesulfame K or Acesulfame potassium (200 times sweeter than sugar) and succral (600 times sweeter than sugar).The cyclamate (30-60 times sweeter) was prohibited in 1970 in the US by the FDA, who is studying its reinstatement.

- The recommended security limits are 500 mg/day (children) and 1000 mg/day (adults) for saccharin;50 mg/kg/day for the aspartame and 9 mg/kg/day for the Acesulfame K.

- The use of any artificial sweetener during pregnancy is not regularly recommended, however a maximum of 2-3 products that contain them per day are allowed.

- They do not alter the control of blood glucose or lipid levels.

- Aspartame (Nutrasweet) should be avoided in people with phenylcetonuria.

- The Sucralosa (Splenda) was approved in 1998 by the FDA as the best table sweetener and to be used in baking products, non -alcoholic beverages, gum, frozen desserts, fruit juices and jelly.Sucralosa knows how sugar, because it is made of table sugar, but cannot be digested, which avoids the incorporation of calories.It has great stability and does not degrade when exposed to heat.Many studies have shown that it does not affect blood glucose levels, being an option for diabetics.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/14/2010 8:58 p.m.
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A guide that I have found in attention to schoolchildren with diabetes, oriented for the teacher, so that it is informed of what diabetes is and how to act in the case of the case in the case of

It is a useful guide to leave it in schools/institutes

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/14/2010 9:01 p.m.
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How to read market products
Calculation of carbohydrate rations in commercial products

To know how much product amounts equivalent to a ration of carbohydrates, when it is expressed in grams of carbohydrates per 100 gr.of product is enough to divide 1000 by the amount of carbohydrates and will give us the amount of product equivalent to a ration.

Tag example:
amount per 100 g.H. of C ... 72 g.
If we divide 1000 by 72, it will be the same 13.8
Then 13.8 G.Del product (14 g. To round)
They will correspond to a ration of carbohydrates.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/14/2010 9:03 p.m.
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A subjective test to suspect diabetic neuropathy
08-VII-09.The XIX Congress of the Andalusian Society of Family and Community Medicine has rewarded the El Torrejón Health Center

The four questions included are the following:

Note your numb feet?
Does a tingling note as if an electric current crosses your feet?,
Note on their feet as if they were running insects?


Note on your feet burning feeling?
It is considered that there is an affectation when there is an affirmative response in all of them.

attached the link:

Well the issues are still open in case you want to expand or discuss them, that I see you callad@s

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/14/2010 9:07 p.m.
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And of the so brought and carried honeymoon
The honeymoon phase of type 1 diabetes.

In a roughly, this phase consists of a period that is experienced at the beginning of the diabetic debut in which smaller amounts of insulin are required, because the pancreas still manufactures insulin in adequate quantities.

Easy consists of:

1) The honeymoon phase also called “ partial remission“ or “transient spontaneous remission ”, is an answer that originates the pancreas before the rapid and intensive treatment with insulin in type 1 diabetes.

2) It turns out that at the beginning of the attack of antibodies against beta cells, an inflammatory process (insulinitis) occurs with the consequent loss of insulin secretion.

3) Sometimes, most of them, when we begin insulin treatment, there is a slight recovery in insulin production, for periods that range from weeks to several years.

4) The honeymoon ends when the antibodies destroy all the Beta cells of insulin producers.This moment in which diabetes treatment is complicated.

5) While this phase lasts, less and more doses of insulin are needed, even minimal doses .It seems as if diabetes were cured and the diagnosis given by the endocrine was wrong.But it is not so, it will only be a matter of time when we need greater doses for the same purpose, control the glycemia

6) This follows that although the doses are very small, in this phase you have never to stop following the insulin .

7) Do not stop administering insulin has its importance: having never abandoned its administration, the anguish that it supposes for the young child or adolescent is avoided and especially for parents, the return to the need for injection.

8) But also if so, the recovery of the pancreatic islets injured by the attack of the antibodies is helped and it is more likely that although insulin is required again and increase the needs of this, the pancreas retains a certain degree of insulin reserve, capable of contributing to better diabetes control in the future.

9) Once this phase ends, no longer is repeated.And we know that it is ending because more and more insulin is needed

10) The insulin reserve can be known by measuring the C peptide

DiabetesForo's profile photo
07/14/2010 9:11 p.m.
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Thanks for the chuleario, very useful.

Carmentxu's profile photo
08/19/2010 7:29 a.m.
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seluarca said:
how to read the labels of market products
Calculation of carbohydrate rations in commercial products

To know how much product amounts equivalent to a ration of carbohydrates, when it is expressed in grams of carbohydrates per 100 gr.of product is enough to divide 1000 by the amount of carbohydrates and will give us the amount of product equivalent to a ration.

Tag example:
amount per 100 g.H. of C ... 72 g.
If we divide 1000 by 72, it will be the same 13.8
Then 13.8 G.Del product (14 g. To round)
They will correspond to a ration of carbohydrates.

Cristinarivera's profile photo
01/07/2017 6:47 a.m.

Pancreatectomía total el 15 de junio 2016.
Novorápid 4/5-2,5/3-0/2 de momento...
Toujeo 23 a las 18,00 (variando continuamente)
calculando raciones a ver si me toca una bomba...


Thank you very much for your information so detailed and so useful.I am new although I follow you since this summer.In June they made me a total pancreatomia and suddenly saw myself in an unknown and very complex world.I am no longer a girl and I find it very difficult to learn all this.Nor do I have too much help from endocrine and educators, at first the only help was my family doctor who behaved wonderfully.
I would like to know how I can do to have all this printed information, I find it much easier to read it on paper.
Thank you very much to everyone is incredible how supportive you are.An example, really.Let's see if I let go with this invention of the tablet and I can follow you better.See you soon

Cristinarivera's profile photo
01/07/2017 7:05 a.m.

Pancreatectomía total el 15 de junio 2016.
Novorápid 4/5-2,5/3-0/2 de momento...
Toujeo 23 a las 18,00 (variando continuamente)
calculando raciones a ver si me toca una bomba...


Cristarivera said:

I would like to know how I can do to have all this printed information, I find it much easier to read it on paper.

@"Cristarivera", there goes a text document in which I have compiled the messages of this thread.You can download it on your computer and print it.
(I have not changed the format, only copy and paste; perhaps a review would be better and order it as you want; but at the moment it could serve you)

Surely little by little you are also driving better, with the tablet and with everything :-)

Good day

imara's profile photo
01/09/2017 9:55 a.m.
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There goes the document that said ...

imara's profile photo
01/09/2017 12:14 p.m.
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Thank you very much Imara, you are a sun.And already put how you put that what you are putting on or the type of diabetes you have ...?(I already said that I am an integral illiterate in computer matters)

Cristinarivera's profile photo
01/10/2017 12:13 a.m.

Pancreatectomía total el 15 de junio 2016.
Novorápid 4/5-2,5/3-0/2 de momento...
Toujeo 23 a las 18,00 (variando continuamente)
calculando raciones a ver si me toca una bomba...


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