Pharmacists will strengthen their figure as health agents in the Comprehensive Diabetes Plan 2014-2018, since they will contribute to detect possible diabetes patients through surveys that will be carried out in the pharmacy offices in the region, and that will help locateto 3 percent of the Extremadura population suffering from this disease and does not know.

The regional director of Planning, Quality and Consumption, Manuel Granado, presented this new plan to the Advisory Council on Diabetes de Extremadura at a meeting in which she has been accompanied by the general director of Public Health of the SES, Mercedes García.

Speaking to journalists, he explained that diabetes is the "paradigm" of chronic diseases and that will be addressed through this multidisciplinary plan that is born from consensus and in which 60 estate technicians such as the University of Extremadura have participated,Diputations, unions and professional associations as detailed, 13 percent of the Extremadura population suffer from diabetes, of which 3 percent are not diagnosed, while the remaining 10 percent do not carry out a "exhaustive" control ofIts own self -care, hence the importance of this plan, which is structured in three large areas of intervention, 12 objectives and 65 lines of action, the regional government reports in a press release.

healthy life, health care and support systems

The promotion of healthy lifestyles and disease prevention;Health assistance to diabetes, and support systems, information and registration are the three areas of action, in the first of which the initiative that will develop the SES is framed in collaboration with the group of pharmacists of Pharmacy OfficesTo "value" their role in this area, since so far they had not participated in a plan of these characteristics in the Autonomous Community.

Specifically, as explained by Granado, these professionals will invite those users who could have risk factors to conduct a survey based on which it will be detected if they can suffer from diabetes, in order to recommend going to their head doctor to continue theirdiagnostic or treatment work.

He has also advanced that work is being done on a platform for supporting diabetological education, through which the insulin -dependent child, his family, the health professional and the teacher of the minor, who will be interconnected throughA research program that has been developed in collaboration with the Carlos III Institute of Health and that will be launched in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.

Regarding the scope of health care, the Director General has announced that a high resolution consultation will be piloted to concentrate on the same day the multiple diagnostic consultations to which a diabetic patient should go so that "he leaves with hisdiagnosis and its control correctly. "

Other lines of action of this new plan will be the psychological support for insulin -dependent children through hospitals psychologists.

alerts in the medical history

Finally, on the plot of information systems, it has advanced that the historic clinic will have a series of alerts "so that the doctor considers when he has to control blood glucose to the diabetic, when he has to do his recognition and that everything isperfectly protocolized. "

The general director stressed that the Comprehensive Diabetes Plan 2014-2018 is an open document because, annually during the five years of its validity, it will be open to the needs that are presented.

He has also insisted on the importance of self -care forPart of the patient, because it can "have a brilliant healthcare, a ratio of endocrine above the national average, the reactive strips of the world, but if the diabetic patient is not responsible for their own self -care, this plan does not goto serve nothing. "