Novartis has launched a pioneering training program in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia that will form a total of 160 primary care specialists (AP) in the approach to diabetes.

According to Dr. Antonio Hormigo, from the Puerta Blanca Health Center of Malaga and project coordinator, "it is a diabetes training that tries to address all aspects of the disease from pathophysiology to the latest advances in treatment."In addition, the program, which hosts AP Doctors from the eight Andalusian provinces, has accreditation of 1.98 credits of the Andalusian Health Service (SAS).

For Dr. Antonio J. García-Ruiz, professor of pharmacology and therapeutics at the Faculty of Medicine of Malaga, “the training and information of the AP doctor and patients is key if we want to perform action policies that serve to control andTreat this disease in our patients.Only with a good training of the health professional will control this disease possible in all its areas. ”A pathology that, at present, reaches almost epidemic proportions in most of the world.

It is estimated that there are currently 246 million people affected worldwide, a figure that can reach 380 million in 2025 if the latest forecasts are met2.In Spain, according to data from the study di@bet.es1, the prevalence of diabetes is around 12% and more than 90% has type 2 diabetes. In the case of Andalusia, the figure is higher reaching 14% (13.8%) of the population of which 6% do not know that they suffer from the pathology.

Likewise, the costs derived from the treatment and prevention of diabetes are one of the main budget items that public health should assume.For this reason, Dr. García-Ruiz considers that "knowing the prevalence of type 2 diabetes is of capital importance both to determine the health status of the population and to plan the resources destined for their attention and prevention."

According to a study by the network of diabetes study groups in primary health care (REDGDPS) 3, the patient with type 2 diabetes treated in primary care is that of a person of approximately 68 years, with around8 years of evolution from diagnosis, obese and with an average acceptable glygated hemoglobin.

According to Dr. Hormigo, the challenges for the AP doctor in the management of these patients are: “to make an adequate history, a correct assessment of the patient and carry out an individualization of the treatment according to the characteristics of the same,” for the doctor everythingThis is crucial "to avoid unwanted side effects, pharmacological interactions and influence on weight and possible comorbidities."

The self -control of the disease
Another great challenge for the professional is the lack of adhesion to treatment by patients, being able to reach 50%.In this way, "a good training of AP doctors to detect and alleviate the lack of therapeutic compliance will result in both the patient and the health system because it will be more efficient," said Dr. García-Ruiz.

However, maintaining good disease control would not be enough to conserve an optimal level in the quality of life, as indicated by the same doctor: “Other coexisting risk factors should also be controlled in most type 2 diabetic patients, such asThey are hypertension and, above all, obesity. ”For this reason, it is important that people with diabetes assume the self -control of the disease and integrate it into everyday life.

Thus, the control of the care of people with type 2 diabetes is the task of both the patient and the professionals involved in their follow -up.Dr. García-Ruiz considers that the majority of decisions that affect the results in diabetes occur in the patient's space, but defends that clinical interventions will be more likely to success “if professionals take into account the treatment objectives ofPatients and offer them tools to solve their problems. ”

In relation to the role of AP specialist in patient education, Dr. García-Ruiz has concluded that “the objective of the education of people with diabetes is to improve knowledge and skills, training them to assume control of the diseaseand integrate self -control into your daily life.All this without an active and effective implication of the AP doctor would be almost impossible. "