The Novartis Pharmaceutical Company has presented a virtual simulator under the title challenges in diabetes, developed to foster the multidisciplinary approach to the diabetic patient, especially in relation to ocular complications, through which the user is facing various situations in which he mustMake a series of decisions, which go from diagnosis to treatment.

The program, presented within the framework of the celebration of the 90th Congress of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology (SEO), is addressed to all health professionals involved in the approach of the diabetic patient but, especially, to the specialists in ophthalmology.

According to the ophthalmology specialist at the University Hospital of the Canary Islands, in Tenerife, Alicia Pareja, the role of the ophthalmologist "is fundamental" because it has been shown that the intraocular treatment of the patient with diabetic macular edema (EMD) is effective although the control of diabetesIt is not optimal, but it is "more effective how better the patient's metabolic control is.""Hence the importance of multidisciplinary approach," he added.

The simulator includes a first theoretical block, focused on aspects such as epidemiology and the economic and social impact of micro and macrovascular complications, the importance of glycemic control and other risk factors in the prevention of chronic complications or the relationship that isestablishes between diabetes and cardiovascular risk.

The interactive phase allows health professionals to approach the practical approach of this type of patients.At the end of each case, the simulator shows a summary with the points obtained, the reasoned failures and the time consumed to perform the activity.

With this initiative, in addition, "it is intended to insist on the importance of early detection."In the most initial states, diabetes -related vision pathologies can be asymptomatic.Therefore, in diabetic patients "it is necessary"Valladolid and project coordinator, Maribel López.

"This means that in the approach of these patients specialties such as cardiology, nephrology, podiatry or ophthalmology have to intervene. That is why the diabetic patient requires a multidisciplinary approach," said the doctor of the endocrinology unit of the endocrinology of the endocrinology of the endocrinology of the endocrinology of the endocrinology of the endocrinology of the endocrinology of the endocrinology ofArnau de Vilanova Hospital in Valencia, Juan Girbés Borrás.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), if diabetic retinopathy and EMD are detected and treated early, "severe vision loss in the patient with diabetes would be reduced by 90 percent," added the doctorCouple.

The coordinators of the initiative have pointed out that the multidisciplinary approach to the diabetic patient also contributes to "improving the efficiency of the health system.""Each diabetic patient has an annual cost of about 1,770 euros."

Despite the advances achieved, there are still "inefficiencies" in coordination between different care levels, which "must be resolved through multidisciplinary approach," Girbés said.

For its part, the head of the Novartis Ophthalmology Area, José Marcilla, has concluded that with this project, the company highlights the "importance of the formation of health specialists to improve the quality of life of the patient and the efficiency of the health system""The increase in chronicity also shows that visual health care is more central than ever."